Criminal Minds ファン Criminal Minds ファン フォーラ

suu posted on Aug 25, 2009 at 03:12PM
This forum is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans!

Feel free to join and talk about..well..everything you want!

List of all the addicted CM fans:
SSA Susana (link)
SSA Colette (link)
SSA Federica (link)
SSA Lina (link)
SSA Sophie (link)
SSA Rachel (link)
SSA Michaela (link)
SSA Simone (link)
SSA Jackie (link)
SSA Kaidi (link)
SSA Dannii (link)
SSA Marie (link)
 This フォーラ is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans! Feel free to 登録する and talk about..w
last edited on Dec 02, 2009 at 09:14PM

Criminal Minds ファン 8084 返信

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Showing Replies 851-900 of 8084

1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
(Oh shit, I had forgotten about Reid!! I better get typing!)

*Reid walked into there because Lina told him to meet them there and saw Hotch, Lina, Federica, and a girl he didn't seen before until now. When he saw Hotch picks the new girl up and sits her on his legs, Reid never knew that Hotch get this much fangirls before. This is very odd to Reid when he saw that but when he saw Federica watching that, Reid almost got nervous because he is worrying about his fainting yesterday will happen to him again but Morgan taught him some 'moves' and so, to do that, Reid walked over to them to do his first move.*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
big smile
And we just made through 900 replies!! WOOOOOOOOO!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Hotch: *To Reid* Oh..see who's come! *to Susana* Susana, do you know Dr. Speencer Reid? i guess so..but he doesn't know who you are yet, so... Reid, meet Susana! she's one of "OUR" (well..more mine I guess :P) Amazing Fangirls! and we're celebrating her today 'cause she got into the college she wanted to!!! *To Lina* Lina Dear, why don't you sit closer to us? *smiles warmly to Lina*
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! we're going to reach 1000 soon!!!!
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
(Whoa, I am not that shy! I better correct that with this.)

*To Hotch with a warm smile that rivals Hotch's*

Lina: Sure, Hotch

*She sat closer to Hotch and once she got to him, Hotch put his arm around her shoulder and Lina cuddle with him while putting his other around Federica or Susana (which one of you sitting with Hotch and me??) at the same time.*


*Watching Hotch smiling at him with his arms around two girls, Reid had no idea that Hotch could be a Ladies' man but seconds later, he was trying to be cool about it when he saw Susana getting up and walking over to him with an extended arm for a handshake while saying to him with a warm smile on her beautiful face.*

Susana: Hello, Reid. I'm Susana.

Not knowing that he is starting to blush right now, Reid just..

Reid: Hello, Susana. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid.

Realizing of what he is saying to her, Reid think that he just said something wrong to her. Reid was halfway to fainting when he cools down and said to Susana.

*with a warm but nervous smile on his face* Reid: But you can call me Reid or Spencer if you want.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
big smile
Maybe this weekend, we might get to the big 1000!!!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Hotch: *shakes his head to Reid who's still on the way to faint* They're not harming you, Kid!

*Federica stays back waiting for Reid to feel comfortable, she doesn't want to scare him away*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
*But Reid stopped his way of fainting for now and instead of that, Reid smiled at her and shook Susana's nice and smooth hand with him while staring at Susana's eyes while saying to her*

Reid: Susana, do you know that there are 206 bones in a full human body? (Some random fact that I just thought!)

*Watching that, Lina put her free hand to her forehead for reilef that Reid didn't fainted on this round.*

Lina: Oh thank God that he didn't faint but he manages to do it with a stat!
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Hotch:*laugh* He's getting better! He just needs time!Ehy Reid...Lina and Susana're mine tonight...ok? *smiles hiding a laugh*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
big smile
*With enough confidence to last at least one date with any pretty girl, Reid turned to Hotch after watching Susana walking to Hotch and the girls and answered Hotch's answer by saying to him with the same smile on his face*

Reid: Yes, Hotch. I'm ok with that.

*Then, Reid turns to Federica who was smiling sweetly at him instead of what she did to him yesterday and smiling at her*

Reid: Hey, Federica. Want to have something to drink with me?
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Hotch: *Taking Lina and Susana back into his arms* Finally my two Ladies all for me! *kisses first Susana and then Lina*

Federica: *smiles brightly* Of course...but I don't drink alcoholics :)
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
*Reid went all blushing when he heard that but seeing that bright smile of Federica, he stopped blushing a bit before saying with a sweet smile on his face*

Reid: I'm okay with that but how about a cup of coffee instead? I know this great place near here that serves the best coffee around.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Federica: *blushes to his smile* Ok... i'll follow you! *smiles back and waits for him to guide her*

Hotch: *smiles at the two leaving for a coffee* And what about you? Do you want something to drink? *looks at Lina and Susana*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
(oooooh, a toughie!)

*after thinking about it for a few seconds now, Lina looks at Hotch and with a smile on her face, she said to him*

Lina: Yes, Hotch. You got any soda around here?

*after saying that to him, Hotch smiles at her*

Hotch: Sure, I might had some cans of cola in my office.

*Hotch turns to Susana and asks her*

Hotch: You want the same, Susana?

*Knowing what she wants, Susana smiles at him while saying*

Susana: Sure, I want the same thing.

*After hearing that, Hotch smiles at the girls again before heading off to his office for the cans of soda*

Hotch: Better make that two then!

(A bit boring, I know.)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
But you made Hotch!!! :P Now what Am I suppose to be? :P LOL
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
big smile
I don't know!!!! Sorry about that!!! You should be Hotch now!!!! I won't do that again!!! LOL

But did I made a pretty good Hotch, through? :)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Yes! You did it right, but do Reid form's sad flirting on my onwn :P

Hotch: here you are *gives the cans to his ladies* Hope it's ok, they're not so little fridge doesn't work fine.
*smiles at them*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
(hahahahahaha. I'll do Reid for you. Probably tomorrow if we actually do this more because I had to get to bed right away because my work starts at ten in the morning and doesn't want to be late!!So there is maybe the last one for the night.)

*Grabbing one of the cans off of Hotch's hand, Lina smiles sweetly at him for it*

Lina: Thanks, Hotch. I don't mind that at all.

*And kisses him on the cheek*
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
^_^ that was sweet!!! I'll go too here is 4 A.M in the morning!!!
I'll talk to you tomorrow as soon as I get online!
Sweet dreams and have a nice day!!!
it was you know where Susana is? I hope she didn't get bored... we can do this on another forum if she doesn't want to... we're just playing a bit... :( *now i'm worried*
Well, i'll ask her tomorrow...
Goodnight again! Thanks for the fun!!! Love you!!!
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Yeah, that was sweet! Anyway, talk to you tomorrow too! Have a good nap and day!! This was fun!! :)
1年以上前 suu said…
big smile
Sorry girls! Yesterday my internet connection decided to not work! And since it was late I decided to go to bed!

Of course you can keep doing this in this forum! It's so much fun! :)
1年以上前 suu said…
Anyone here?
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
I'm hereeeeee Hello Sweetheart!!!! How are you? ^_^
1年以上前 suu said…
Hey there!

I'm fine. Just ate lunch. How about you?
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
I just came here at my friend's grandmother's place (she still doesn't have the internet at her own place) and I didn't had lunch at all :P we woke up soo late... (yesterday went to bed at half past five :P ) and i'm checking e-mails and forums ^_^
everything's fine ^_^
1年以上前 suu said…
I also went to bed late in the night but not at half past five! You don't really like to sleep, do you? ;)

*Hotch sneaks in*

Hotch: Don't worry Federica, I don't reallu like to sleep either! Maybe we could do know? *winks*
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
*smiles* ooohhhh i'd be honoured to do something with you... *flaps* You have something in mind, SSA hotchner? *grins*
1年以上前 suu said…
Hotch: Well, I have a few ideas but I don't want them to be public.

Federica: Oh, come on! At least tell me something!

*Federica uses her power of persuasion*

*Hotch isn't able to resist to Federica's puppy dog eyes*

Hotch: Okay, okay! I'll only say that it involve a pair of handcuffs and lots of chocolate.
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
O_O know that your idea will kill me, do you? but ehm...well... your place or my place? :D
1年以上前 suu said…
Hotch: You know, I always wanted to go to Italy..
1年以上前 suu said…
Federica, I have to leave for a couple of hours.
I'll be back later
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Ok! I'll be here til 5:30, so i'll wait til I can ^_^
Bye bye Lil'one!!! :*******
1年以上前 suu said…
I'm back. I was supposed to go with mum somewhere but she decided to leave it for tomorrow. LOL
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Ohhhh hello again!!! ^_^
1年以上前 suu said…
I hope Colette will come here today. And Lina, of course :)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Yeah haven't talked to Colette here for a while... i have to leave soon, but i hope i'll find them tonight... we have to go to a friend's niece is one year old... and that's why I can't stay longer...but tonight is saturday and I hope they will be here til late, so we can talk...i've already told you, but i'll repeat it one should get in instant messenger like skype or msn...i would be sooooo fun!! *_*
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
I know a bit of spanish, but I know it's different from the portuguese :P
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Yes it is!!! ^_^ I'm really happy i joined fanpop! I'm having a lot of fun with you girlss!!! *_* I love you! :***
1年以上前 suu said…
We're pretty great, aren't we? I beat Hotch agrees with me!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Of course we are, and of course he agrees...but i'll tell you something more... i'm sure ALL the BAU members agree with us! We're the best they could wish for! ^_^
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Ehy Sweetie...I have to go now... see you tonight!!!
Take care!
Love you!
1年以上前 suu said…
See you later Federica!
1年以上前 suu said…
Well, it seems like I'm the only one here at the moment!

We need to reach 1000 replies today! :D
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Hello!!! I'm back!!! :D
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Hey!!!!! :D
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Hello Lina!! How are you???? *_*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Just fine! You? :)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Fine too... it was a quite hard afternoon, but it's everything ok now ^_^
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
I hope it is..... so what you want to do right now?
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
mmmhhhh I dunno... have any ideas? Actually i'm trying to make some Icons on Emily...i'll show you as soon as i'm done :P