Harry Potter ファン Club
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added by ayseblack
added by Bia_GodLover
Source: Beatriz 愛 My ジーザス
added by sini12
Source: sini
added by Bia_GodLover
Source: Beatriz 愛 My ジーザス
posted by june13
We all knowed how Harry Potter is since we picked up the book または seen a movie. Harry was the greatst hero of all time. we 愛 him since 日 one.We wachted him grow up and lern that he has something to do. He know freinds were import to him and to them to and they would rick any thinng to save one in other even if it meant to lose there own lifes. That is why harry is the best and フレッド and groge there good to. Harry define his フレンズ when they was in toudle and could not get out.

That is why Harry is the best
Harry Potter 4 ever
added by ayseblack
The cast of the Harry Potter films – including Daniel Radcliffe – were always generous in helping our organization grant wishes to young ファン and in celebration of today’s new release, we would like to tell あなた about them.

In 2004 Kids Wish Network granted the wish of Alexandra, a Harry Potter ファン suffering from spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when a portion of the spinal column fails to develop and close properly, and hydrocephalus is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the skull. She has endured many surgeries and relies...
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posted by dragonsmemory
Those few simple words touched us all. I'm here to tell my story. Yours will be different in some small way, yet still the same at heart.
I learned to read at age two. It was my kindergarten teacher who first introduced me to Harry. I was five at that time.
I had a bit of trouble with the longer words, so my mom made it into my bedtime story. I remember sitting up in bed, listening to her read, visions of what was happening forming in my mind.
Every time my birthday came around, I'd get the 次 book available. My ハロウィン costume for at least one 年 was Harry. I even had a Harry Potter-themed...
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added by Epetrus
Source: Deviant art
posted by dragonsmemory
These are some of my own 名言・格言 about the series. Feel free to add your own.

How can Harry Potter not be real? After all, reality is made up of what あなた believe in.

Words have great power. If two words can kill a person, I'd hate to see what a sentence can do.

Which is safer: Quidditch または football? Me, I'd say Quidditch. あなた can't break an ankle while on a broom.

Wave a stick around. It looks like magic.

Well of course Muggles can't see dementors! No one can see despair until it's right on 上, ページのトップへ of them.

There's a spell for that.

Who'd be dumb enought to eat whatever フレッド and George offer? Oh, wait, I can't say it's rhetorical. Crabbe and Goyle are that dumb.

If あなた stand up for what あなた believe in, someone in this world is going to call あなた crazy.

If あなた go to Hogwarts, saying school is boring is an outright lie.
added by ayseblack