Criminal Minds ファン Criminal Minds ファン フォーラ

suu posted on Aug 25, 2009 at 03:12PM
This forum is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans!

Feel free to join and talk about..well..everything you want!

List of all the addicted CM fans:
SSA Susana (link)
SSA Colette (link)
SSA Federica (link)
SSA Lina (link)
SSA Sophie (link)
SSA Rachel (link)
SSA Michaela (link)
SSA Simone (link)
SSA Jackie (link)
SSA Kaidi (link)
SSA Dannii (link)
SSA Marie (link)
 This フォーラ is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans! Feel free to 登録する and talk about..w
last edited on Dec 02, 2009 at 09:14PM

Criminal Minds ファン 8084 返信

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 8084

1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Yes, the goth scene is so funny!:D
And Emily is watching to Hotch's Office once, I love that too!!
Oh yes, the Morgan & Garcia scene is great as well. :)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
You're not helping me Lina... mmmhhhh ok, i'm going to watch it :P
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Tadaaaaa, the scene!! :D
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Don't slap me Federica!!!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
I just put on the dvd XD Oh God...i'm messing this show up :P
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
No, i won't slap any of you...i love you all too much :P
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Aaaaw,we love you too!:P
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
I know! Ohhh Emily already had the fringe in this episode!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Yes, she does!:D
I must say, that i'm looking forward to see her new hair look in Season 5. :)
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Hahahaha! Love that scene! Love Emily's hair on that episode and season 4!

Me too! I love you two both! :)

Better get going now, my mom just finished making some chicken because she had to go somewhere and I had to get to the kitchen right away before my little sisters get the good pieces. Oh wait, I just heard their voices from the kitchen. Nooooo!

Chat with you girls soon!
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Maybe in season 5 too!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Ok... now i'll tell hair are like hers in there XD but I swear i didn't make on purpose, i just noticed after I got them :P
By the way I had to shut the episode down... but I'll watch it ladies i'm still all yours!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Bye Lina! If you come here later let me know!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Bye Lina!! *waves* Aaaaw, love you too Lina!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
So you look like Emily!WOOOOW!!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
We all love each other *_* *jumps around happily*
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
You are all "my girls"!:)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Oh Gosh no.. I'm not as pretty as her!
It would be great though....
what about you? how do you look like?
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
I nearly wanted to say, that i'm the mum of you all, but than I would have started very early!! *LOL* :D
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
I'm back for now! I founded out that the chicken wasn't my dinner and had to eat something else for dinner later.

So, Federica, are people are mistaking you for Emily/Paget lately?!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Oh i'm sure you look pretty Federica!:)
Well, i'm not as pretty as Emily either! *LOL* :D
Hmmmmm, i'm about 1.73 (thats like Paget!), have light brown a bit curly hair, not long. They are nearly on my shoulders. And green/blue eyes.
Hmmmm, thats it! :D
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Oh nooo LOL, it's a thing i noticed by myself XD i'm not that pretty (yeah I'm Miss Noself esteem)
Colette trust me, i'm friend with women way too older than you ^_^ But you can be our Bigger sister! *_*
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
I don't know about that. Nobody came up to me and told me something nice about my looks: a young asian-american woman with fine dark wavy hair, dark eyes who wears eye-glasses all the time unless I want to see everything not that clear if that is the question. *LOL kind of*
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Welcome back Lina!:)
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Aaaw Lina, i'm sure you look pretty!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Ok, than i'm your older sister girls, that sounds good!:D
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Asian-american? Ohhh that's nice Lina! No one ever told me something nice either...i'll tell you... My ex boyfriend always said to me that he didn't liked can guess why i broke up with him...
Colette your descriptions tell me you are pretty :P
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
My girls, listen: When a boy tells you that he don't like you, because of your look, than please throw him away! I mean than he's not worth it.
I know you only through the internet, but you girls are very nice, very kind and pretty! Please never listen to those boys!
Thats what an older sister has to say, to her younger sisters. :)
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Oh I wear glasses as well, mostly at home. During the day I wear lenses. ;)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
You are absolutely right!
I'm just sorry i'm not the tough type of girl, i'm very vulnerable actually, and i hate being like that sometimes, people can hurt me easily...and that's why I love Emily, she's tough and strong...
And that's why my nick is Maeve, she was a strong tough redheaded woman and i took her name hoping it will give me some didn't worked out... :(
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
i wear glasses as well...and I should go to ake them...i'm still wearing my lens...and my make up too... :P
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
At your age and younger I wasn't a tough type either.
Now i'm more outgoing and i'm stronger. I had to learn that, and it takes time. But i'm sure you will learn that as well with the time.
I have to say, what helped me was my job, when I was at school I was very shy and as you said vulnerable.
But after when I got my first job at a hotel, when I had my apprentiship, I had to work with guys at the kitchen and at the Restaurant, and they usually made jokes and stupid comments, so I had to be more outgoing, otherwise I couldn't work anymore.
So, I had to say to myself, don't let them beeing mean to you, be strong. And really, that helped. And than they respected me, they stoped with those stupid comments because I talked to them and said what I thought about it.
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Maeve, your ex was an a**hole! He doesn't deserves anybody!

Colette, thanks for those kind words! That's very sweet of you! I am pretty sure that those are the right words a older sister should say to her little ones! Thanks again! :)

Speaking of sisters, do the either of you had any brothers or sisters? Maeve, I know that you had a sister from last night's talk but I want to know more about you girls! :)

1年以上前 Celina79 said…
I just want to say, don't let people hurt you ok?
Tell yourself that you are strong.
And tell them when they hurt you! Talk to them.
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
I have a sister as well. She's 28 years old.
How about you Lina?
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
big smile
I follows those words too when I was not sad about anything but I ended up saying in my mind or when they are trying to hurt that if they do that to me one more time, I'll kick their a**es and that's how I rolls! *LOL*
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Yeah, kicking a**es thats it! ;)
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
I had four. One older brother who's 22 years old and now about to have a baby boy with his girlfriend (I am becoming an Auntie in January!), one older sister who's 21 years old who goes to the same college as me and two younger sisters who are 16 and 14 and the both of them are annoying but still good sisters to me. With all of that, I am the middle child of this bunch of siblings!
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
I have two little monsters... i'm the first one, and after me there's a "boy" and then my sister, My bro's 18 so... you can imagine how rude and undelicate he is also with my parents, but we just ignore him, my sis's 17 and she's in her teen days so she's always moody, and screaming to everyone, but i think she'll be ok as soon as thee teen days will be over.
I'm 22 and I study in another city...actually 800 km far from where i live,I had some problems with my old school I used to study languages in Naples, but i didn't liked the city, it scared me and so i quit, i met a girl from the town where i study one year ago and she told me about her school and i decided to give it a try, i was working in the meanwhile with my dad, but it wasn't a job i liked, so i left my city and i've started a new life, i still don't feel comfortable with my native town...too much painful memories,I broke up with all my friends here, so for me leaving was a brand new beginning...well that's pretty much all my life :P quite tragic and boring... :P
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
oh Colette...Thank you, I know you're right, and i assure you i'm trying hard to be stronger... :***
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Hahahahahhaha! with your brother and sister! Don't worry about them, the both of them will snap out of it pretty soon. Not sure about the brother through.

I still don't like the town I lives in. Sometimes I misses the big cities but I goes back each summer for work for a couple of weeks (last summer - only one week - boo!) Hopefully after I graduates and stays with my sister until I pays my debt, I will start a whole new life :).
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
You're welcome Federica! I know you are a strong kick ass Woman!:D

Wow, thanks for letting us know about your families girls, its very interesting!
You have both many sisters and brothers. :D

I only have one younger sister, we had many fights when we were younger but now we have it great. :)
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Yeah you just have to grow up :P
Eheheh meanwhile i took off my lenses and make up, and put on my Care Bear Pijamas :P
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
I sometimes had fights with my sisters but we always made up because we sees each other every day and hangs out whenever my big sister don't have work expect when my big sister 'mysteriously disappears' every weekend to hang out with her boyfriend for a whole year expect on breaks from school.
1年以上前 Lindy52 said…
Maeve, your pijamas sounded cute!
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Wow, a new life at your age, respect to you Federica. Not many people can do that!

To me, I'm 30 as you know, I live in a City called Zurich, Switzerland. Have a 4 years old daughter and work 3 days in an Office as a secretary (I know boring). ;)
And the other days when I not work, I do things mothers do like, cleaning, cleaning aaaaaand cleaning! *LOL* Oh and shopping of course. :D
And beeing a mum to my daughter.:D Thats the most important thing.:)
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
big smile
Aaaw, care bear pijamas, how cute! My daughter has a Hello Kitty pijama. She desperatley wanted one. :D
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Thank you! i know it's a big thing, but for me it was normal..i had to do it for my own good ^_^
4 years old *_* she must be soooo cuteeeee *_*
My pijama is lovely i bought it yesterday! I'm learing to be a woman :P Yesterday I also bought my first blush and foudation :P and a cream for my face... I want to take more care of make me feel good and all grown up :P
1年以上前 LadyMaeve said…
Can I ask you your daughter's name? *_*
1年以上前 Celina79 said…
Yes, do things for yourself thats good! And if you feel good with make up do it.
I wear make up nearly all the time, sometimes a bit more, sometimes less. And I do it for myself as well. :)

My daughters name is Malena. Her second name is Chiara.;)