Sonic ファン Characters Club
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Part Two “Problematic Circumstances”

Talon slowly opened his eyes. He was weary and dizzy. “What… wh-where?” He slowly turned his head and pushed himself upward to get a better look at his surroundings. He was in a metal room… with a locked door… one light… and one bed… a cell? He was in prison?

“How did I get here?!” Talon jerked to his feet and yanked at the door handle; obviously it would not open, but why not try anyway?

“Wait a second…” Nick closed his eyes and concentrated on what happened before this. “There was the… fire… then I was taken によって the cops! Th-then…they were… asking me questions… and one of them drove me… drove me away… w-we… went towards the mountains… and I was… knocked out?”

“GREAT!” Talon fumed. “So I’m trapped in some milita- !...” And then an idea came to Talon. “I-… Is this Arma-9?” There were no signs of any sort inside the cell that indicated it was Arma-9. Maybe it was a simple prison, または an abandoned one even. Talon needed to investigate. But how would he do that while trapped in the room?

He checked his pockets. His phone was gone, but not the metal covering. “I guess now’s as good a time as any.” Nick slowly pulled the metal away, which was no easy task. When he had finished, inside was a finger, coated in the alien-goop. The finger had not rotted yet, most-likely because of the goop. “Okay… now what?”

Meanwhile at Kal’s house…

It was now Four-o-clock. Jesse had been to the police station, where they 発言しました that Nick was transferred, then when that did not work he went to Kal’s house. Jesse had just arrived at Kal’s house and was explaining what he saw just an 時 before. “Then I came here! Any ideas?” Jesse asked stressfully.

Kal did not reply. Instead she rushed over to her computer and started typing. “What are あなた doing?” Jesse questioned.

“I’m going to try and track his phone.” Kal replied quickly.

“Good thinking. How long do あなた think that’ll take?”

“A few 分 max. And I need to concentrate.”

“Right, sorry.” Jesse stood completely still, though he looked as if he was about to burst. His best friend was in trouble, and while the police are meant to protect, Jesse got the feeling that someone was up to something shady. The stress was annoying him so much that his face almost turned red. Thankfully Kal was soon finished tracking.

“He’s in… there’s no info about this location.” Kal pointed to the screen. The dot was at what appeared to be woods, but no other information was given.

“Can あなた get us directions there?” Jesse suggested.

“Maybe… if I type in my ホーム address… there!” The screen zoomed out and made a large line from the wood area straight to Kal’s house. The problem however was that going straight through meant going through buildings, and hills, which Kal and Jesse were not willing to drive または walk over.

“… Maybe あなた could find a nearby road and make a path to that?” Jesse suggested again. Kal looked around and eventually found a road about two miles from the dotted-location. “That’s the best we’ll get.” She said. The feline clicked on the road, and a route appeared.

“I’ll print up the directions.” Kal informed. “Can あなた get my keys?”

“Way ah-“ Jesse stopped as soon as Kal’s father walked up. “H-hey Mr. Siets!” He greeted nervously.

Kal’s father seemed a bit suspicious of their actions. “And what are あなた two up to?”

“Uh… looking for Talon’s phone.” Kal answered. “He ロスト hi- it, and we wanted to help find it again.”

“Alright. Well if you’re going to drive, I could take you.”

“That’s alright, Dad.” Kal pulled out the printed directions, kissed her dad on the cheek then walked out.

“Uh… bye Mr. Siets.” Jesse waved. He chased after Kal, they got the keys, then they drove off.

After around half an 時 of driving in traffic, they made it to the location. Kal parked her コンバーチブル in a sand-lot, and made sure her car was alright before continuing through the woods.

“Come ON!” Jesse yelled, pausing from his run briefly.

“It’s a new car!” Kal yelled back. She gave the wheel-housing a quick check, then followed Jesse into the woods… then ran back and got her bag, and ran to Jesse again.

“Which direction?” Jesse called back. Kal paused for a moment, remembered that she left the map in the car, ran back to the car, grabbed it, ran back to Jesse, and answered plainly “East.”

“Alright.” So they went East. The turns were a bit difficult with the many trees, some of which actually blocked their path, forcing the two mobians to climb over to continue. Thankfully they did not lose their bearings as there was a compos-option on Jesse’s phone.

When they had neared what they assumed was the correct location, Jesse and Kal began to look around for anything that might give off the base’s location. As they searched, Jesse assumed it was as good a time as any to ask “Shouldn’t we tell the cops?”

To this Kal scowled and replied “Why? They’re the ones who did this! あなた saw them take away yourself!”

“Well… okay then shouldn’t we tell his parents?” Jesse rephrased.

“What would they d- wait! I know what they’d do.” Kal walked up a bit closer and continued to say sternly, “They’d tell us to leave it to them, then they’d tell the police to let their son go, and if that didn’t work, they’d try to go to the government, but who took Talon? The police, and I doubt if Arma-9 is involved there’s no chance the government is either. They’d take us, our families, and maybe some friends. Talon got taken because he found something, and we need to get him back.”

“… あなた were waiting to say that all this time, weren’t you?” Jesse guessed, backing away from the flustered female a bit.

“You better believe it, now come on!” Kal ran around the area looking behind any and every tree, while Jesse decided to stand there and look around. As he did he noticed a large hole in one of the lower parts of a specific tree. He walked over and reached through the hole. He could not fine the end. Jesse attempted to stick himself through, but he was too big.

“Hey あなた got a flashlight?” He called over. Kal walked up and shined her phone in the hole. About five feet down was a wooden end to the hole.

“Weird but not an entrance.” She guessed before moving on. Jesse was not convinced. He looked around till he found a rock, then he picked it up and dropped it into the hole. The rock moved through the wooden cover and out of sight. “It’s a hologram…” Jesse wondered if the 木, ツリー could be moved. He crouched down then began to push it as hard as he could. He needed もっと見る pressure.

“HEY! HELP ME 移動する IT!” He strained to yell to Kal.

“Are あなた serio- oh fine.” Kal ran over and helped Jesse to push the 木, ツリー back. Sadly they could not. “It *pant* has a hologram in the hole, making it look like it has an end.” Jesse informed. “There has to be a way into this tree.”

Jesse continued to push, but Kal gave up. Instead she began to dig near the tree, looking for any roots. When she found the roots they looked wooden, but as she pulled them out she found out that they were actually wires. “Cool.” Kal continued to pull out of the “roots” until she could not find anymore. “Alright. 移動する out of the way.” Kal ordered as she backed up from the tree.

“What are あなた going to do? Ram it?” Jesse chuckled a bit as he moved to the side.

“Yes.” 発言しました Kal, blankly and sternly. She dashed across the ground then leaped upward and slammed her entire body-force into the tree. The impact knocked it back a bit, but not enough.

“Let me try.” Jesse took a few もっと見る steps back than Kal did, charged フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして and slammed the 木, ツリー to the ground, revealing a large door.

“Wow…” was Kal’s only syllable. Jesse on the other hand skipped dialogue and decided to open up the door, which was no longer locked due to its wires being pulled out.

As soon as the door was opened, a bright set of bulbs lit up below, revealing a thin elevator. “… Well come on!” Kal ordered as she jumped inside. Jesse followed and soon they were thirty stories down.

Jesse decided once again for another 質問 while still inside the slowly falling container. “So” he began, “you think there’s gonna be a bunch of guards waiting to kill us?”

“Well…” Kal opened her bag and began to 検索 through it.

Jesse scoffed humorously, “What, you’ve got some gun, または saw of some sort in there? Like in the-“

Kal pulled out a pencil-length metallic stick with a circular arch over it, and a sharp end from her bag. To this Jesse went “Wow… didn’t know we were in a spy movie… but seriously Where did あなた get that??”

“Got it from my dad’s workshop.”

“… And it does what?”

“It cuts through metal with a laser-blade.” And with that brief description, Kal began to cut a hole in the roof. Little sparks flew around, some of which hit Jesse in the face, making him go “ouch… ouch… ouc- OW!” for a while, then finally a circular hole, about four feet wide in radius was finished.

“And that accomplished…” Jesse urged, hands circling towards Kal.

“We,” She started, “get up there, THEN, when the guards, または whoever, come to inspect the elevator, we attack them.”

“… We just… attack them… And if they aren’t beaten によって the Element of Surprise?”

“Well it’s not like I could have thought of everything!” Kal crossed her arms with a miffed look. “It’s not every 日 I end up going down secret elevators, risking my life によって breaking into government bases!”

*Ding* The door opened. Two guards, wearing nothing protective aside from shoulder-straps, stood at the sides of the doors, and immediately turned around to look inside the elevator. Jesse and Kal slammed against the walls as not to be seen, even though they were obviously heard, and waited till one of the guards walked inside, gun in hand, before they simultaneously slammed into his side.

Before the guard could react, Kal yanked the gun he held from him, ducked underneath and shot a bullet at the other guard from between the first one’s legs. The bullet missed so Jesse decided to do something; this something was putting his back to the back ウォール of the elevator, and then charging into the first guard, causing that guard to fall on the second, and punching him repeatedly until he was unconscious and then some.

He was only stopped when Kal grabbed him によって the arm and yelled “ALRIGHT! Enough! Don’t break his jaw!” She did not wait for a reply and quickly began running off. Jesse on the other hand decided to hide the guards in the elevator. Kal did not notice this though, and was soon alone.

He noticed the metallic サークル, 円 that was left over from the ceiling of the elevator. “That was a waste.” He scoffed. “Still…” Jesse picked up the metal plate. It was heavy enough, and fairly dense. “Good for protecting.”

Jesse ran in the direction he assumed Kal went, having thought she was with him the entire time, and after much walking found himself inside one of the only unlocked rooms he could find. It appeared to be an office, and an occupied one at that based on the *chk-chk* sound from behind his head.

Jesse did not know how close the gun was, または the person holding it, but assumed they were both close, and decided to パンチ behind him at full speed. The gun fired… and the bullet was punched off of Jesse’s knuckles. A pale blue spark went off from the point of impact, and both the man who fired the gun and Jesse were stunned.

But first thing’s first *sock* *pow* *smash* and the man was knocked out. “And without the metal plate.” Jesse gleefully 発言しました to himself as he admired his bullet-deflecting fist. Jesse eventually stopped gazing at his hand and decided to look through the files in the drawers for any information.

Most of the cabinets were locked unfortunately. The ones that were not were either empty または had a bunch of ランダム numbers that Jesse knew nothing about. “Where’s the key…” Jesse rubbed his hand around the desk, feeling for any false bottom または taped-on key. Nothing. So he checked the knocked out man, who turned out had a key in his pocket.

Jesse was able to open a bit もっと見る of the cabinets. One contained bills, one contained records of various devices that were purchased and/or built, and another contained schematics of the base. “This could be useful.” Jesse looked for the latest recorded 日付 on the schematics, rolled it up, then ran out.


Kal was completely lost. These hallways contained nothing but office-rooms, which she was not interested in. “There has to be another elevator somewhere…” A good ten 分 later she did find an elevator, though Kal did feel a bit confused as to why she had not seen any other guards then those who found her and Jesse. “Probably all in the lower levels… where the good stuff is.”

Kal examined the elevator, and quickly noticed… a keypad. “Great!” She scoffed. “Passwords!” After giving it a good glance she did notice however that it had no enter key. “All I have to do is パンチ at random. It should open eventually.” And so she did.

After eight numbers were pressed, an alarm went off. “Ugh! Stupid!” Kal looked around and pulled out her personal taser in case she was attacked. She did not have to wait long, as seven armed guards appeared from previously hidden elevators. “Oh… not… good.”

Kal did not waste time surrendering, instead she quickly pressed herself to one of the walls of the hallway, then began banking herself from ウォール to ウォール as she dashed towards the guards, hoping to keep them from getting a good shot with their weapons.

*ZZZZZZZZZZZZP-PEW!* bullets knocked off the metal walls at least ten times, terrifying both the guards and Kal. She jumped up to the face of one of the guards, grabbed his head then flipped him over and used him as cover. The other guards shot at her at first, but were stopped when the wild shots hit them instead.

The guard Kal had used as a shield reached behind and grabbed, then twisted, her wrist. Kal was sent into a semi-wail semi-scream of pain from the sudden attack and fell backward, kicking the guard as she went. Thankfully he let go before completely breaking her wrist, but she would not be using it for a good 時 または so.

The guard turned around and aimed his gun at Kal. She did not have time to react, and could almost feel the gunshots penetrating her heart. But then the guard turned upward, and short above her head. “What?” Kal turned around and saw Jesse holding up the metal plate as a shield while running towards the guard, deflecting the incoming bullets.

“GET DOWN!” He yelled. Kal wanted to roll her eyes seeing how she was already down on the ground, but controlled herself, partially because she was a bit preoccupied with the stinging in her arm.

The bullet began bouncing close to Kal, too close. She rolled to the side just as Jesse rammed into the guard, and held him up to the elevator door, where he began to jab him repeatedly in the stomach, then head-butt him with the metal plate till the guard eventually passed out.

Panting a bit, Jesse dropped the guard and turned to Kal. “Are あなた shot?”

“No… got my wrist twisted though.” She replied. Jesse helped her up, and was partially thinking it would be a good time for a romantic-attempt, but Kal did not. She walked past him, giving a brief “Thanks.” And continued to パンチ away at the elevator’s key-pad.

Jesse stood still for a while, tapping his foot impatiently. After a 分 of *beep beep beep-beep, beep-beep* he ran out of patience. She walked over and motioned for Kal to 移動する out of the way. She did reluctantly, then Kal picked up one of the guard’s 銃 and shot the key-pad.

*ding* the elevator opened. Jesse shot Kal a smirk then walked inside.

“Y’know I’m not even surprised.” Kal muttered, following. “So which floor should we start with?”

“Uh…” Jesse pulled out the schematics and looked through the titles of what each floor was classified as. Kal and he scanned through until they found one that 発言しました “Hellborn-3-Containment”

“Oh great! A third degree demon!” Kal groaned.

“Well maybe it’s the alien.” Jesse shrugged.

“And what makes あなた think that? It doesn’t say alien, and nothing about it sounds like how Jesse described he- it”

“Well why not check?”

“Uh, maybe because our best friend is locked up here, and we’ve got maybe three hours till our parents start worrying.” Kal scoffed. “And I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m only here for Talon, not some killer alien.”

“Wait… you’re NOT interested in saving her?”

“No I’m not interested in ‘saving’ IT! I was psyched up at first, sure, but now I’m not. We’re way over our heads. Come to think of it, if we weren’t trying to go save some alien that may または may not kill us seeing how we know NOTHING about it, Talon wouldn’t be kidnapped right now!”

“Fine! Alright.” Jesse flailed his arms a bit trying to express how he wanted the topic to end. “We’ll get Talon and get out of here!”

Kal kept silent and went back to looking through the schematics. “There.” She pointed to a line of rooms under the タイトル “Unclassified containment.”

“Okay, floor… twelve.” Jesse pressed the button for the twelfth floor and they were off.

Meanwhile with Talon…

After about two hours of trying to escape Talon was becoming extremely agitated. Not to mention he was now extremely itchy around his scalp, which he scratched quite often regardless of the goop lingering in his fingerclaw/nails. Thankfully for him, instead of falling into insanity from boredom, he fell into sleep… from boredom. And while he would not figure this out until later, the goop which he got on his head from his fingers was now connecting with his brain. His first dream was a strange one.

As he “dreamed” he was at first simply in darkness, but eventually he began to hear a sort of panting sound… it got louder after a while and appeared to be a girl’s. It sounded stressed as if she was losing air または something. “What IS that?” He questioned.

“What?!” A female voice yelled. This shocked Talon, making him decide to keep quiet for a good 分 till he thought it might be 安全, 安全です to speak again. “Hello?” He asked calmly.

“… Who is talking to me?” The voice asked again. Surprisingly Talon noticed that it sounded exactly like the alien-girl’s… well at least he thought it did. All she 発言しました was “hi” after all. It was not much to go on.

“Are you… the alien person who crash-landed?” Talon questioned.

“… How are あなた talking to me?” She replied, without answering.

“I… don’t know. Could あなた answer the question? I don’t know how I’m talking to you, I fell asleep and this happened.”

“… Yes I am… you’re the hedgehog I met aren’t you?”

“Uh yeah, I am… wait did あなた probe me または so-“

“You’ve seen too many Alien movies.”

“You know what 映画 are?”

“Let’s just say I’m もっと見る of a monster than an alien. Is this planet called ‘Mobius’ によって any chance?”

“… Yes. How did あなた know that?”

“I’ll explain once I’m not getting turned back into black soup… Are あなた near?”

“I think so. I’m stuck in a cell though… with a finger.”

“Oh あなた found it.” Talon could not be sure but it almost sounded as if she chuckled a little at the end there. “Well why not use it to open the door?”

“It’s… not that type of door.” Talon debated waking up and seeing if he could use the finger to unlock the door, but that would risk losing the connection. Probably had to do with how much his brain paid attention to the connection and the real world.

“Then we’re both dead… *sigh* great. I’m finally my own self and this happens… story of my life.”

“This happens?”

“Not your problem, and not saying… mainly for suspense.”

“Are あなた serious?! Suspense?”

“Does it really matter? It doesn’t help to get us out. Do あなた have ANY idea how to get out?”

“Well… I have some フレンズ who might be looking for me.”

“Okay…” She did not sound convinced.

“Can あなた see anything where あなた are to help me find あなた when I DO get out?”

“Uh… I’m in room… fifty-o- wow. That’s a hilarious number if I ever saw one.”

“Tick tock!”

“Right right. Area- I mean ROOM Fifty-one in… Hellborn-3-Containment.”

“What is your… uh… room like?”

“I’m in a capsule, all Shadow-like styl-“

“How do yo-“

The girl cut Talon off “And there’s a bunch of 机, デスク people around. Mr. 狼, オオカミ dude is observing me like a creeper, and it’s dark. The glass seems really strong, so does the door. There’s about seven guards, all armed, and two of them in front of the door.”

“Are there any fire-hazard-sprinklers?”

“Is that really what they’re called?”

“Yes または no!?”

“Uh… Yes there are. Heh. That’s funny.”

“Okay; when I get out I’ll come find you.”

“… Why are あなた doing this exactly? I’m not a good person, I mean, I’m REALLY not a good person. What if I like… chopped your head off once I was free?”

Talon paused; she was right. She might very well be some psychopath. Still though, “You didn’t when we first met.”


“Aside from that we’ll just have to see.”

“… You’re going to risk having me let loose on this planet?”

“Well how powerful are you?”


“And yet あなた still got captured?”

“M-minor setback. Well, I’m waiting Knight-in-shining-armor. And… uh… thanks…”

Talon was going to say something else but he was awoken によって *EREEEEEEEEEO- EREEEEEEEEEEO* an alarm, which was followed によって the door blowing open from gunfire.

Nick jerked back in surprised, and admittedly a bit of fear. He was speechless when he saw Jesse walk inside holding a large high-tech gun.

“Hey.” Jesse waved, maintaining his dramatic composure. Kal however 発言しました forget that. She 鳩 over crushing Nick in a large hug, then immediately checked for any wounds.

“The only part hurting is are the parts your pushing.” Talon informed.

“Right, sorry.” Kal let go. “What happened?”

“I have no idea.” Talon sighed. “Guess they didn’t want us snooping.”

“… Wouldn’t that count as having an idea?” Jesse noted.

“Anyway” Kal ignored, “the guards should be here any second, we’ve gotta go now!” She yanked Nick up and dragged him out of the cell.

“But what about the alien girl?” Talon reminded.

“We’ve gotten in enough trouble!” Kal replied angrily. “And this isn’t our business! C’mon!” She kept tugging at Talon, but he stood firm.

“No,” he 発言しました sternly, “we are going after her. Besides from what I’ve seen she’s powerful, really powerful.”

“All the もっと見る reason to leave her- it-“

“HER!” Jesse overruled,


Both Talon and Jesse stood silent, with Jesse simply holding back a chuckle at how strange the statement sounded.

“Leave her behind! Not actu- She could kill us!” Kal fumed.

“Or get us out.” Talon noted. “Think about it, how are WE going to get out of here alive?”

“… He’s got a poi-“

“Shut it.” Kal hissed. “… Fine! We might have found where they have her-“

“Hellborn-3-Containment, right?” Talon guessed.

“Uh… y-yeah. How do あなた know that?”

“It’s… too complicated. We should get going. Got anything to break the capsule?”

“Well” Kal moved her sleeve a bit revealing a metallic gun-shaped watch on her arm, “I made this back at ホーム with the goop あなた gave me.”

“Looks a lot bigger than what I saw him give you.” Jesse noted.

“It must reproduce または something.” Kal guessed “Anyway, it’s a one shot, but I’m hoping it fires hard enough to destroy the- wait how did あなた know it was a capsule? Let me guess, complicated?”

“Running time!” Jesse grabbed his friend’s arms and dashed through the hallway, with good reason. The guards had arrived and were now chasing them.

The elevator they came in opened up with guards inside, but it was their only option. They fired at the teenage mobians, but were overtaken as soon as the bullets left the mouths of the guns. One managed to graze Kal’s stomach, harming her, but it did not sink in and thankfully left no permanent damage. Regardless, she screamed.

Kicking and bashing (mostly with the metal plate), the guards were quickly taken down. “Everybody alright?” Nick asked.

“Mostly.” Kal winced as she pulled herself up. “The blood’s going to stain my clothes now. Great.”

“Clothes aren’t really that important right now, Kas!” Talon informed, pressing his temples stressfully.

“I was talking about my parents asking how that happened when we get back.”

“If we get back.” Jesse added.

“We’ll be fine.” Talon assured. “Will あなた be okay, Kal?”

“… Yes.” Sighed Kal.

“Good.” Jesse punched in the button for the thirtieth floor and they zoomed downward. It took about a 分 to get down, which nauseated the teens.

“You have to wonder what all those other floors are for.” Jesse joked.

“Let’s hope we don’t find out.” Kal replied.

“Normally I’d disagree,” Talon said, “but it’s not like we could tell anyone if the government runs this.”

“Well… we could tell the Guardien.” Jesse suggested.

“… I doubt it. He’s probably busy already, and would probably just see us as ファン to chase him, または maybe even think we’re making it up. No doubt Arma-9’ll clean up their tracks once this is over.”

The elevator doors opened up to five guards, with all their 銃 aimed at the team of teens. Seeing how they had gotten out of this problem twice already, Jesse started to charge them, but the lead guard kicked him back. “Don’t.” The guard growled lowly.

“Why did あなた kidnap our friend?” Kal hissed.

The guard ignored her. He turned away and started talking into his com-link while the other guards kept their large metal-objects pointed directly at the three mobians. “Sir we have them,” the guard spoke, “D06 is back in custody, yes. orders?... Are あなた su-… very well, sir.” He turned back to Talon and company. “This way.”

The guards dragged the teenagers through the hallway till they came to the room containing the alien girl. The 狼, オオカミ mobian, Commander Rovor, turned around to face them. “Three of あなた got in here. Impressive. Then again this is an old base, and well… one of あなた was a prisoner. D06, it’s been a long time.”

“… Which one of us are あなた talking about?” Jesse asked.

“The other boy.” Rovor pointed to Talon. “But now that I think about it… あなた must be… H02… and the girl is… S4-T3.”

“Uh no. No way is this happening!” Kal fumed.

“What?” asked Talon.

“They’ve been watching us this whole time…” She groaned. “All these years.”

“Actually we weren’t.” Rovor corrected. “However we do know quite about you. But now that that’s over, time to go back into containment. Take a good look at the capsule in front of あなた before あなた leave. You’ll be in one as well.”

Talon had forgotten about the capsule due to the dialogue. When he looked over he saw gasses still pouring into the capsule around a pile of goop. They… turned her back into goop? He looked up at the 上, ページのトップへ of the capsule and noticed a somewhat thin tube holding it up.

“Kal!” He whispered. “Shoot at the very 上, ページのトップへ of the capsule.”

“… Why not just the capsule?” She asked.

“It probably won’t break glass that hard, and we only have one sho-“

“IF you’re quite through scheming…” Rovor motioned for the guards to lead them out. A guard jerked Kal back, but she shoves him back and quickly drew out her watch-gun. She then aimed at the tube and fired.

The small metal bullet scraped the tube, but it did not destroy it. However when it stopped, it landed deeply in one of the sprinklers, which soon began to shoot water everywhere. The computers activated a shield over their keypads and screens, some of the screens landing on the worker’s fingers, and the entire room went into chaos.

Jesse grabbed one of the guards and used him as a hammer-like weapon against the others. Kal helped brace him and made an opening for Talon to get to the capsule. The only thing in his way… was Rovor.

Rovor was not going to allow Nick to pass. Before Talon could even attempt a jump または dash, the commander pinned him to the ground and pulled out a syringe, most-likely to put him to sleep.

“GET BACK!” Talon extended his unnatural claws even longer than normal and scraped the side of Rovor’s arm, making him loosen. Talon then rolled him over and slammed his hand on Rovor’s making the commander inject himself with the syringe. However the commander quickly yanked it out, and slashed the side of Nick’s cheek with the tip before passing out.

Talon was not tired yet, so there was time. He ran over to the capsule and lunged into it with all his strength, snapping the tube off, and making the glass container fall to the ground. It shattered.

For a moment Talon cringed, thinking the alien girl inside would instantly wake up, and destroy everything, but nothing happened. “CRUD!” He had to think fast before the syringe-fluid kicked in. He yanked the base of the capsule up, feeling a bit confused as to how he was able to do so, then scooped the goop inside it. He got as much as he could, then dashed out of the room.

After a while of running Nick saw Jesse and Kal following. They met up in the middle of the hallway only to have two giant doors slam down, closing them in. Jesse decided to do something manly, and attempted to ram one of the walls… he bounced off and landed on his back.

“Our hero.” Kal rolled her eyes.

“It worked the other times.” Jesse teased. Kal was surprised at how calm he was acting, then again she herself did not feel too scared… for some reason.

Not that anyone noticed really, but if they did they would see that the goop was beginning to spark a bit.

“Wait… Do it again!” Talon ordered as he set the container down.

“… What?” Jesse asked weakly.

“Do it again!” Talon repeatedly angrily.

“… Okay.” Jesse rammed into the wall, which again knocked him back, but when he did Talon noticed that the ウォール was hiding something… a security-lock, on the right side. And he knew how to open it. Without explaining, Nick pulled out the finger and pressed it to where the lock was. It sent an electrical shock at him, but he kept pressing. Eventually, the walls shut down, and moved up and out of site. Talon wondered how they would fit in the first place, but もっと見る important matters waited for him.

Every single guard in the building was around them, all armed, all ticked, and all looking for an excuse to pull the triggers. “This is getting redundant.” Jesse noted as he got back up, rubbing his poor damaged backside. “Uh… we… surrender?”

“Stop talking!” One guard ordered. For some reason this triggered something in Talon’s head. “Talking…” he murmured. He looked over at the alien-goop then his hands. “… This better work.”

Talon sat down in a sort of meditating position, closing his eyes, and concentrated on communicating with the alien girl. “C’mon… say something! DO SOMETHING!” He screamed in his head. Nothing.

Talon felt himself being dragged away but kept trying to reach the girl again. If he could get a connection she might be able to come back again. “PLEASE!” He screamed allowed. Still nothing.

All of the sudden however, Talon felt the guard drop him. His eyes flashed open and he quickly braced his fall. Looking up, he saw that all the guards were backing up, and while their faces were masked they looked a bit scared. It worked.

Talon looked behind and saw the female figure that he had met at the crash-site. She gave a slight chuckle, with her blue eyes turning into a devious yellow. “Hello boys.” She grinned.

The guards blasted away, but they could do nothing now. The only guards with the 銃 used to take her down the first time were knocked out in the containment room, and the 銃 themselves were in storage and prep rooms, which they were not near… well near enough.

The girl transformed on hand into a dome-like shield, and covered the teenagers, then with the other hand she created a giant wall, which she used to push the guards on side away, then did the same for the others. The alien-girl (Yes I know we established she’s really called an identity) looked over and saw that the attackers were beginning to break through the shield. She walked over and removed the shield, huddled the group together and 発言しました “Bye now.” Before teleporting the three teenagers outside of the base, while she stayed behind.

*WOMPH!* They landed hard on the dirt floor, with Talon getting a mouthful of dirt. “GAH!” He practically vomited the contents out, and wiped his tongue for a while till he could speak again. “SO DISGUSTING!”

“I’ve had worse.” Jesse noted as he and Kal got up. None of them 発言しました anything for a few seconds, as they were still taking in the event.

Finally Jesse began to say “So do あなた thi-“ *BOOM* The entire base below and in front of them, a red glowing energy shooting high into the sky. The impact was blinding and lasted for at least a minute. When it subsided, a giant crater was left in the ground.

The three allies were on the verge of passing out from the impact of the show, and the fluid was now beginning to tire Talon a bit. Still though he was alright for the moment.

Before anyone else, Nick ran down the side of the crater to the middle where he saw the alien girl crouching on the ground. He dared not get too close in case she wanted to hurt him now. But apparently she knew he was there already.

“So,” She began as she slowly got up. Her black-skin feathered up a bit till it looked like silky black fur; a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark grey hoodie grew around her body, with red flame-like collars at the ends of her hands and feet. Her feet materialized to two claws, with red ends, and long red claws. She grew short dark red hair, with semi-long bangs, and pulled her フード over. “How do I look?” She finished.

Talon… had no idea what to say. Not that he was awe-struck によって how cool または uncool she looked, but もっと見る so he was simply still taking in the events. The girl noticed this, and her eyes turned into a turquoise color, which was followed によって some laughter. “You okay?” She asked, humored with Talon’s reaction.

“… Y-… y-yeah…” Nick stammered, still not moving. The girl walked over in front of him, paused a bit, then gave him a large hug. He would have hugged back if he wasn’t near fainting… then he fainted.

When Talon awoke again, he was on his ベッド in his room. He slowly looked around, with a massive headache clambering up the sides of his skull. “Ugh…” He rubbed his head then got out of ベッド and opened his bedroom door. He was greeted によって the alien girl, who had made herself to look like a black mobian cat, most likely to keep Talon’s parents from asking questions.

“Imma kitty!” She 発言しました with a smile, which sent Talon falling backwards in surprise. “Ups.” She pulled him up, “You okay? あなた guys fall a lot.”

“Yeah… it happens.” Talon sighed. “Uh… are the… others here?”

“Yeah there in your living room.” She replied before running out.

Talon took a moment to get his mind back together then slowly walked out. “Must be a Monday.” Actually it was Sunday morning, but Talon did not care.

In the living room Talon saw Jesse and Kal in the opposite mood. Jesse was staring at the alien-cat-girl with interest and a little bit of How-you-doin-look, while Kal was starring from a distance with untrusting eyes.

“Are… my parents home?” Talon asked.

“Over here!” Talon’s mom called from the kitchen. He walked over to her and was immediately consumed によって a giant hug.

“Kal and Jesse 発言しました あなた were knocked out によって the crash! Are あなた alright?” His mom questioned in worry.

“Yeah Mom… wait crash?” Talon looked over and saw Jesse give him the go-along-with-it-stare. “I… guess I can’t remember. What happened exactly?”

“Your フレンズ were looking for you, and when they found あなた in the abandoned police car, they drove あなた back here.”

“Oh… right.”

“What happened with the police?!”

“I… was walking によって a house, and it caught fire. I was talking to the owner a few 分 before it started about stuff like ‘Hi, how are you, that’s nice, g’bye’, but then the cops showed up and thought I had started it.”

“That’s what they told us…” His father added. “We took care of the problem, but are あなた sure that’s all that happened?”

“Y-yes! I was just walking around!” Talon rose his voice defensively.

“Alright…” Then his mother noticed the alien-girl, “Oh and who’s the friend?”

“Huh?” Talon realized they who they were talking about and looked over to the girl for some help.

“Oh…” the girl began, “I’m…”

“Rin.” Talon blurted out.

The girl gave him a confused stare. “Rin?”


“… Okay. I’m Rin.”

“For the fourth time.” Jesse teased.

“All…. right…” Mrs. Falon blankly replied. “Are あなた a relative of Kal’s?”

When Kal heard this her face shot up with a deadly glare at the newly-named Rin and Talon, who both gave her a pleading stare. With a large sigh she answered “Y-… yes.” The grumbled to herself from her seat.

“Anyway my フレンズ and I wanted to talk about something.” Talon said. “Could we go to my bedroom?”

“Eat first.” His father ordered. “It’s almost noon and あなた didn’t have Dinner. I’m surprised you’re not starving right now.”

Talon would have argued but when the word “starving” came into play he started feeling VERY starving. Five パンケーキ were consumed that 日 によって Nick. Afterwards they went to his bedroom.

“Okay so what are we REALLY going to do about… her?” Kal asked sternly.

“Love あなた too.” Rin replied with purple-irritated eyes. “A little gratitude for saving your rear?”

“Fine, thanks, now What are we REALLY going to do about… her?”

“That’s simple.” Nick laid back on a chair. “She stays with you.”

“WHAT?! But- I can’t- my parents can’t-“

“You’re the only cat here, and she made herself look like a cat. I doubt my parents wouldn’t notice her changing into something else.”

“Gr… FINE! But you’re coming up with the story about how get her to stay! It’s not like parents will jus-“

Skipping to a few hours later…

“-t let… her… stay…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!!!!” Kal screamed after her parents easily allowed their “niece” to stay at their ホーム for the time being.

“COUS!” Rin yelled chipperly, giving Kal a large hug.

“I’m going to dread this for the rest of my life.”

Meanwhile at the destroyed base…

Rovor was alive, just to get that out of the way. He pushed his way out of the wreckage and activated a small wrist-communicator. “Base Fifty-One is destroyed.” He spoke. “The Identity has escaped… what should I do?”

For a while there was silence, but then a voice replied “Observe and report. I doubt it was a coincidence we found all three hybrids in the same place.”

“Understood.” END OF CHAPTER ONE
posted by kittiez12
First Off, This Is A Romance-ish Story...Just A Warning. Ok, Let The Story Begin!

A Path Of Petals Was All I Could Make Out, The Darkness Was Making Everything Fade. I Followed The Petals, And The Trail Ended After A Few 分 And A Few Meters In Front Of Me Was The 愛 Of My Life...His Figure Was Only A Silhouette, Somewhat A Dark Red, As If He Was Stained With Blood, And The Dark Made The Color Look Darker, The Petals Which Were A Rosy ピンク Turned A Dark Crimson. The Darkness Got Stronger, The Figure Faded Even More, Disappearing. I Ran, To Get A Glimpse Of Him, I Hadn't Met Him, Not That...
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(WOAH WAT. :U Yes i'm bored. So all the smart peeps in TGOL get a story. TAKE THAT BROTHER.)

Conner's POV:

I've never liked stories, much less one's like this.

People look down at me, but what they see is so little. I

may be eleven, but I know もっと見る then you'll ever

understand. But before I tell あなた my tell, listen close, and

take my アドバイス によって heart. Don't trust him. Don't trust


It all started one hot day, my father had come

back from the bank. But I felt something wrong. Very

wrong. My father was always a calm guy, but today,

he had the most worried face I've ever seen.

"Hey, dad....what's...
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Chapter Three:

“Talon? Alloooooooooooooooooo?” Rin called out. She was walking through the city ジャンク Yard. Some employees were about and heard her. She quickly turned around a bit so that she could change her face to her cat-apparel, then looked back at the worker.

“You’re looking for someone?” The worker asked with a slightly worn out sigh.

“Um yeah,” Rin answered, “a friend of mine wanted to meet me here… is it okay if I look around? I- I won’t touch anything!”

“Um... well alright,” によって the quick reply, Rin guessed the man was busy and eager to finish up, “just make...
continue reading...
Name: Genie 'Monette'
Nicknames: Gen
Age: 24
DOB: March 5th
Gender: Female
Species: Hedgehog
Sexuality: Straight
Material Status: Single

Height: 2'10
Weight: 29 lbs
Eye Color: Misty Green
Fur Color:
(Base): Light yellow (Creamy)
Secondary): Darker bleak gold
Main Features: Multiple scars covering her body. From Surgery and from family. (Read History)
Tail: Short hedgehog tail


Main Personality traits:
Very Quiet, patient, observant, skittish, envious, blunt, logical, cautious, compassionate, discreet, emotional, open-minded, affectionate, timid, night-owl, anxious.

Likes: Children,...
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Over the years I’ve had my character involved with those of other people, and vice versa. This has turned into a connection of fan-universes, the SFC-Multiverse. However any SFC-Multiverse, または universe, can be full of paradoxes, plotholes, and simple things that just don’t add up.

For instance, years 前 there was the user Ultrax911 had the idea to make it so his ancient-one-types, his mega-race, were the rulers and overseers over all dimensions, and had it as 大砲, キャノン that all, evil または good, were ruled によって them.

Obviously this upset people as many of us did not want to have that forced on us,...
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“The birds kept chirping and changi-“

“If they couldn’t have a whole man they’d each take a piece. All that was-“

“He 発言しました in a raspy voice ‘No もっと見る millionaires’ and imploded ri-“
“You’re the one who broke the tapes-““Maybe Ia-““Shereachedinthebagandthesnaketh-“


He always woke up in tears. Every single story brought him to tears. Seventeen stories replayed over and over in his head when he slept. The medication the doctors gave him never seemed to work. He was not at peace....
continue reading...
Ashton: everyone ready?
Dash: cute your going as Tails.
Ashton: Alec helped me decide.
Alec: no problem.
NIC: why do we have to go again?
Ashton: because あなた needed to make up with Sonic and Sally plus I promised Shadow we come.
Volt: あなた didn't say NIC and I had to come.
Ashton: please!!!!!! *stareds to howl*
NIC: we'll come if あなた stop the howling
Tiber:*hits Ashton with a frying pan* there she stopped.
Ashton:*holding head* OW! Tiber that hurt.
Tiber: I know.
Alec: okay so when we leave what are あなた going as?
NIC: I think I'm a rabbit
Ashton: he's a white wolf.
Ferrari: I'm rockstar.
Four 分 later......
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posted by scougesgirl
Ashton:*running around with Sonic*
Sonic: ash. Ash!
Ashton: * runs in to an other wolf* ow!
Volt: あなた okay?
Ashton: do I look okay?
Volt: yeah.
Ashton: than I am* gets up*
NIC:*appears out of no where* Volt whose the other wolf?
Sonic: Hi, NIC.
NIC: Hmpht.
Ashton: hi, I'm Ashton Jade moon.
Volt: hi. I'm Volt that's NIC.
Ashton: I know him. Sally talks about him.
Sonic: he's a glitch.
Ashton: I'm a glitch too then
Sonic: okay. Bye * runs off*
Ashton: got to dash. * runs after sonic*
So nothing really to say except that I’d like to start up a birthday system. People don’t usually tell others when they’re birthday is for varying reasons but I’d like to make it so that everyone knows when the birthdays of club-members are.

I’ll be adding each birthday to a file and try to make so there’s a notification each time the birthday is near. This way I can announce the birthday to everyone if they want to draw something for that person.

Normally this would be considered spam but unlike most unrelated posts this actually helps strengthen the community. I feel it will show...
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posted by scougesgirl
I'd like to thank sonicfan67 for letting me use his amazing sonic character in my stories. I'll try my hardest to make them better but I'm kind of insane so it may fail. To the story.

Ferrari sat on the ソファー, ソファ while Ashton flipped through the channels. "There's nothing on and I'm not watching Sonic X." Ashton yelled and throw the remote at the tv.
"No need to throw the remote unless your trying to kill the tv." Tiber yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah right. The acs out and it's like 5,000 degrees in here." Ashton said.
" I have a boat. あなた two up for the lake?" Ferrari asked Ashton and Tiber.
"I'm up...
continue reading...
posted by scougesgirl
Ashton walked around the small apartment she shared with two other people. She was having a nervous breakdown, shadow hadn't texted her in five hours. She took a deep breath, then she sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.
One of her room mates walked in. She was a brown and green bob cat named Tiber. She was skilled with a sword and fast not as fast as Ashton with a pair of hover skates on, but fast. The cat walked over to the 狼, オオカミ on the couch. "Hey, Ashton あなた okay?" Tiber asked the blue wolf.
"Okay, what's for dinner?" Tiber sat down 次 to her friend.
"What ever, Ferrari makes...
continue reading...
posted by MoonSpirit863
Name: Hanzo light

Species: Dog

Personality: he is caring and kind- hearted and funny guy. He hates when he gets mad (which rare) cause he starts to cuss a lot (which he tries to avoid doing).

Likes: Swords, sweets(he really likes carrot cake with creme chesse and daifuku (rice cakes with sweet red 豆 paste filling) ),
video games, and hiking

Dislikes: Demons, peas, string beans, rude people

Weapons/powers: he has no powers well besides his right eye that can detect demons または evil spirits if that counts as a power. He has a metal ネックレス of a クロス that can turn into a exorcist sword at will....
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*in a British accent* T'was the middle of July, and all throughout the house, I could not find the TV remote. So, unfortunately, I was stuck watching the My Little ポニー Mega Mare-a-Thon. Then, soon I ended up having an MLP related iPhone lock screen wallpaper. あなた cannot even tell that's what it is, as it's a backwards 音楽 note and blue and purple splotches of paint.
*normal voice* Then I told my friend and he and I were now both bronies. Then I told him I'd only watched 15 episodes, and thus I was dubbed a bro-meh. THE END.
(okay, so....thought i had one もっと見る 日 of school to play with あなた guys, but evidently not. -.-* someone always has to ruin my plans..... unbelievable....anyways, awhile back i 投稿されました a mystery person picture. I 投稿されました the coloured ID verson of him, so now here's the bio that goes with him. He's my newest, and I'm actually really happy to how he turned out. He's gonna be really useful in the Parue/Kayverian war.)

Tryvor's Character Bio:
Name: Tryvor Jallen

Age: 18

Birthday: December 18th

Species: Kayverian.

Height: 3'5.7"

Weight: 119lbs

Powers/Abilities: Originating from the crescent moon, Tryvor's...
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posted by NintendoFan364
Character bio

Name: Jason Gearsmo

Age: Eighteen(18)

Gender: Male

Species: Negative Nanite being(Usually takes to form of a lynx)

Height: 4'0"

Weight: 125ibs

Personality traits: Spiteful and short-tempered, Jason is labeled insane with multiple personality disorder as he is defected nanite being. He speaks in a very cold tone and he stares his enemies with a soulless glaze.

Siblings: Melvin Gearsmo(His younger "brother"), Pomu Gearsmo(His younger "sister")


~As a negative Nanite being, Jason has quite possibly the most deadly kind of nanites out of the three: Nanites infused with negative...
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posted by NintendoFan364
Character bio

Name: Pomu Gearsmo

Age: Thirteen(13)

Gender: Female

Species: Yellow Nanite being(Usually takes the form of a lynx)

Height: 3'0"

Weight: 112ibs

Personality traits: Very intelligent and kind, Pomu is very mature and emotionally strong for her age. Much like her older brothers, she has surpassed the three laws of robotics and has a free will to do as she pleases.

Siblings: Melvin Gearsmo(Her older "brother"), Jason Gearsmo(Her other older "brother")


~As a yellow Nanite being, Pomu's nanites have magnetic properties to them. Allowing her to draw and push away metallic objects and...
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posted by unknown99
Syke the Hedgehog, a hedgehog born in the City of Sand. He is a child born in harsh situations. But with his great sand techniques, he was able to defend the city. He was sent to the Andromedian Pyrokinetic Academy along with 14 other people from many different country. They joined in that academy for the first time then. Syke was assigned to a dormitory with Skye, Jack and Amethyst. Syke did well in the academy. he followed the lessons seriously (unlike Nico who's pranking always upset the teacher). Syke did well, until the final test. The field is scarce on sand which caused him to lose against Joey. The night after the battle, Syke rested on his ベッド unaware of the black hole approaching. When the alarm was triggered, he got off his ベッド and onto the assembly area. He was led to a black room almost the same as the one in the dorm. He was then launched to outer space, leaving him only the doom of his planet.
posted by Dragonfruit44
"Ok, so here's the plan." Bard 発言しました to everyone in the den," Tonight is that special 仮面舞踏会 Ball thingy. Since its being held at a huge mansion, there will be big loot. We can go as anything we want, we just have to have a mask. We'll walk in and once the party starts to end, we'll hide. Then the loot will be ours. Any questions?" Bard asked and it looked as if no one was paying attention," HEY! Are あなた idiots even listening?!" " We're listening!," Selena yelled,"How are we suppose to get out once we got the loot?" Selena asked. " I thought you've been pretty steamed lately, so I thought...
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The ベッド wheels squeaked on the floor. Was windy awake? She couldn't be sure. Oh god... was she dying? NO. She couldn't give up now. not with so much on the line. The wheels seemed to squeak even louder, ringing and ringing, until she could hear nothing but the bells of hevean in front of her face. This was the end, wasn't it?
Suddenly, spike appeared in front of her, and splashed a bit of water on her face.
"You okay?" he asked.
" what's going on?"
Spike gave no answer. He nodded at kitty to signal for her to leave and get to the escape route.
"We're only trying to help, Windy."
He picked her up from the ベッド and sped off into the distance. The other three were waiting outside as they placed her in a van. After that, everything went black.
posted by TakTheFox
Tear flavored rain drops
Falling from a cloudy sky

Lying on my death ベッド
Begging “Please don’t let me die!”

Wishing I was stronger back then
~Wishing I could fight

Wishing I had made a difference
On the side of light…


But mi-^ine was known to be just darkness
Mine was not the light

A darkened world of shadowed hiding
Was how they survived…
They My Kind


Guit sprinkled 草 dew
Wiping off the blades I pass

Walking through this grave-yard
Seeing lives dead in the past

Crying for the ones who died so
~Others could survive

All For a cause that was folly
A folly peaceful life…...
continue reading...