Sonic ファン Characters Club
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This… is going to be a short one. That’s because the series hasn’t even been introduced, only planned and somewhat worked on. Luna_acres (I don’t think I spelled that right so I’ll just call her Luna) asked about… THREE years 前 if anyone wanted to be in her comic. I got some characters in it, and soon after suggested to help with the 書く since she was doing the drawing and organizing.

Basically the plot starts right before The Conflicts Arcane ends. A lone Mobian watches while her planet is destroyed によって a strange silver storm of energy. It disappears and she’s left alone,...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
In a dark, damp cell, there was the shouting of trapped mobians, all of which have done wrong. However, there was one 意地の悪い女, ヴィクセン teenager that was very quiet. Almost too quiet. Thinking, glaring at her punishment and world. The heroes, trapping her here, forcing her to remain here for as long as it takes. I'll 表示する them...I'll get out of here...
"Hey, kid, what あなた doing?!" An older feminine voice yelled.
The 意地の悪い女, ヴィクセン looked up. The young woman, a cross-bred lynx and hedgehog. The 意地の悪い女, ヴィクセン glared at her. "Don't look at me like that, for goodness sake. We're all in the same damn boat." She frowned. She stuck...
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(Why am I posting this here あなた may ask,the wall's "500" letter is a pain in the ass)

Ok,I'm back,I know I dropped off for a few days,but my laptop is doing the whole "OH,WELL GEE,IMMA GOING TO FREEZE UP WHEN MATT IS IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING,YAY FOR PAINFUL,SOUL-CRUSHING DELAYS!" sorta for the boredom finegold movie,I'm working on it.I plan on making it last 5-10 minutes.(since I don't know where youtube's is at).

but I guess I can fool around here,I feel the club's atmosphere is too "OMG,LOOK AT THIS IDENTITY CONTEST THINGY"...because that all I been 読書 for the last...
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(This is when Scarlet was still 4)
Scarlet: *looks out window* Mommy! I wanna play with JD!
Velvet: Okay. But be careful.
So Scarlet went outside to see JD moving a rock with his powers.
Scarlet: JD! JD! Let's play!
JD: *drops the rock* Okay. But..... what do are we gonna play?
Scarlet: Hide and seek! あなた count to ten!
JD: Okay. *covers eyes* One.... two....
Scarlet: Heehee! *hides*
JD: Five..... six......
Just then, they both hear a hovering sound. JD uncovers his eyes and looks up to see a giant ship. Scarlet came out of her hiding place and ran up to JD.
Scarlet: What is it?
JD: I dunno.
It landed on...
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Noijam had never been abducted before, but he decided that it was different than how he would have done it.
His captors (apparently they had no name, または no-one planned to tell him it until they actually got to the dungeon または wherever he was going).
Noijam looked at their uniforms. They bared the mark of some state called Oxvelt. He guessed it was one of those experimental states that Nimea had to conquer after they got those silly ideas, such as liberty and independece from the Motherland. They were always like that.
In any case, even if it wasn't how he'd abduct someone, it was rather pleasant...
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posted by TakTheFox
Guardian Angel

“So much has happened. Such… terrible things. First Commander St. John… betrayed the Freedom Fighters, and helped Ixis Naugus take control, AS KING! How could everyone be so gullible? Did they forget all the terrible things that Naugus had done before? I haven’t. I just came back from seeing Commander D’coolette. He’s… very hurt. I only got a glimpse, because the nurse 発言しました that she didn’t want any もっと見る people crashing their heads into his bed… which was kind of weird. The time-traveling hedgehog was here a little bit ago. Silver is what I think they called him....
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He was suddenly transported. He still had his cool clothes on, though. He was walking. It was pitch black. "That could've been cool." He 発言しました to himself. "NESS.... NEEESSSSSS.......NNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....... Oh, wait, I be doin' it wrong. ZIM....ZIMMMM.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMM....." He heard. It was echoey. It sounded like Gir. He started to hear strange music, no, not the giygas theme. Instead he heard "Levan Polka." He suddenly saw a red mist swirling all around him. He saw a slightly blurred Gir's face in it. "Gir?" He said. "I AM GIRGAS!! Girgas.... feels........
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posted by ameliarose2002
Bean: I went to bar at Eg-
Amelia: When did あなた go to a bar?
Bean: SHUT UP! Let me Finnish! I went to the bar at Eggman conference. Where all the people that have worked for Eggman can g-
Amelia: When did あなた work for Eggman?
Bean: SHU-
Amelia: NO! あなた are going to sit in the naughty corner Mr!

I hope あなた like the sneak peek.
added by Taylortails
posted by NoctusLynx
Okay, so I found this template ( または set of guidelines if あなた will) and wanted to share it with あなた guys. Also, each guideline will carry a 説明 of what it's really asking.

The Fancharacter Guide

Is this character based on Sonic Team's または Archie's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog? This is pretty self-explanatory. Is your character based on Sonic Team's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog または Archie's? If your character is Archie-inspired, the guidelines are much もっと見る loose since Archie has done a whole lot もっと見る with their characters and has jumped many boundaries unheard of in the game continuity....
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added by Jahrome141
added by kumik0
posted by SalemParker
I have to use a フレンズ computer to type this because my other one if filled with viruses....I wont be continuing the Virus9073-AD story until it's fix または I get a loner laptop from the library. So if あなた are 読書 it please forgive me for not sending chapter two yet. Also, I also curse writers block for getting me stuck on one particular part of the story so If I do get a loner, it may take me a little while to figure out something to write. I guess it's just school that stresses me out. Haha!
posted by TakTheFox
Chapter one
(Sept 6th Sunday)

Dear parent(s) または guardian(s), your child has been accepted to the high learnings of “Mobius Academy”, a wonderful educational landscape, funded によって the Zone Police Corp, and located in an endless pocket-dimension far from all distractions. We are linked to over seven-thousand Mobius Zones, and constantly increase in the amount of students who attend our campus. We provide millions of topics both mandatory, free-pursuit, and supernatural, for any and all students to learn about and pursue if they wish. Please fill out the sign-up sheet on the 次 page and send...
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added by ShadowWolf337
Source: The 狼, オオカミ of Shadows~
added by Silvaze_4_life
Source: Silvaze_4_life, Sumopaint
The Dark 馬 leader walked up and down the hallways of the Dark 馬 HQ, searching for a certain member in his group. He had gotten back from the Rasoul Dimension after capturing the Rasoul Seeker, and he had an idea in his mind for what he could do with the Seeker, but first he wanted to find and talk to the smartest member in the Dark 馬 group to see if he had any suggestions himself; Vice was looking for Azarika.

Upon getting back from the Rasoul Dimension, Vice had put the still knocked out Seeker in a very large cell, which was quite strong and would most likely hold the Seeker...
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The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 17 (Part 1)

Kyle walked back outside, releasing a sigh as he closed the backdoor behind himself; he was hoping that Damien really would go easy on Ruby and I2. Trenton and Mancer both noticed the sigh that Kyle released before they decided to walk over and ask the hedgehog what was wrong.

“Is something the matter?” Mancer asked the yellow hedgehog as he walked up and stopped beside him; Kyle shook his head at what Mancer had said. “Then why the sigh? Also, who was at the door?”

“The sigh was just from a thought, and someone I met before came to see Ruby and...
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posted by NoctusLynx
I am 書く this because my 時 has nearly come. I don't know how much longer I have until my insanity drills itself into my head again. I don't know if it might even kill me. Will it? Can it? With the blood I have? Pitch black. I can't go on like this, can I? I can't keep my thoughts straight...

I'm sane again, but I don't know when it'll attack me again. Before it does, let me explain myself. I was born to kill. It's what I was made for. I kill not because I want to, but because I have to... it scratches at my ハート, 心 when I don't. It feels like I can't go on living... like I have a short...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Danyel Lorre King
Reason または meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Kori
Reason for nickname: It goes with his powers
Birth date: September 12th 2000
Powers: It used to be water, but her personality grew "colder"--more evil-like. So due to this, her power switched to ice and has stayed that way.
Theme: Unstoppable によって China Ann McClain

Physical appearance
Age: 13
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 45 pounds
Height: 3ft
Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Green
Glasses または contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)...
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