Sonic ファン Characters (recolors are allowed) Club
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added by amy_rose12
Source: metalpandora and me
added by amy_rose12
Source: jazzybreal recolor me
added by Jordan-TheFox
added by TheTaiowerFan17
added by Animelover99100
Source: Sega
added by sonichanzblaze
added by amy_rose12
Source: pic: someone on da recolor: me
added by Viola1and1Sonic
added by shadowwilfre
Source: Me
added by shadowwilfre
Source: Me
added by poperthefox
Source: satam,picnik,
Micks- あなた know what bothers me the most? Facebook...You never know what the fuck is going on! Its like one of your フレンズ go, "Oh, I had a terrible day." And あなた wanna put "I had a worst day!" And you're're afraid that they might say, "Well, what happened?" あなた might freeze. あなた don't want to get into a フェイスブック fight. Why? They're dangerous. 'Cause if あなた see that friend the 次 day, you're both like, "Oh fuck, there they are!" あなた quickly hide your face. Trying not to look at them. But they wanna talk. They always wanna talk about it. Mostly the フレンズ who are girls, guys...
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added by blazeandarose
Source: original pic によって someone on deviantART
The is Tri the hedgehog and Tesia the cat's theme, it sounds pretty good :D
added by rosetta13322
Source: sega
added by lilythewolf15
Source: lily
added by wallydolly
posted by chrisblass
Flame was just a baby when eggman started to take over mobius.His parents had to give him away before eggman found out along with his sister blitz and his brother burst they were seperated.One 日 when Flame was 5 his foster parents 発言しました :flame u have to use your power and burst out of here as fast as u can.But no but flame we 愛 u now go don't look back but they thought he left but he hid in the bushes as,egman robot came they took the parents and burn down his home.Flame cried and left as fast as he can.An 時 later he bump into someone,it was sonic then they dicided to work together to stop eggman then they told they both relatives.5 years leter they took down eggman and save everyone in mobius but only Flame no もっと見る of his story

The End?
 lil sis kelly
lil sis kelly
When Krisha was born a curse was put upon her and her 2 bros sonic and JoJo all of there family would die
by the time they were 5 there parents got murdered によって a mysious hedgehog tht looked like shadow but wasnt excaly him ..
then when they all turn 8 half of there family were dead . then によって the time she and her brothers were 10 , there 4 remaining sisters and 3 remainin bros were dead ...
Kelly ,krisha's lil sister , was the youngest of them all she luved her big sister and bros but krisha was forced to put kelly into adoption so she too couldnt die

James , there cousin was also cursed and...
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