チャームド〜魔女3姉妹〜 チャームド〜魔女3姉妹〜 Chat Room

HaleyDewit posted on Mar 03, 2010 at 11:53AM
Okay,people,in succession of Katerina and Natascha, I'm making this forum topic,where we can chat with each other.You can tell anything you want about yourself or whatever comes up in your mind.But not just that you're a huge Charmed fan.I think we already know that,considering you're on this spot ;)
last edited on Sep 03, 2010 at 10:33PM

チャームド〜魔女3姉妹〜 746 返信

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 746

1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
haha xD
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
season 5 of Charmed is running now,which means my dear Chris will be back soon <3 God,I love him!!
1年以上前 mimialliwell said…
hahaha i just started watching season 6 again so its got Chris and baby Wyatt and i love them both sooo much and its just amazing
1年以上前 natulle said…
I was watching seaosn 4 yesterday on my dvd(;

I looove Chris!
He's my favorite male charachter on Charmed.
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Mine,too!!!!But I think you girls already knew that ;)
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Okay,I just found out that to get a fanatic medal you have to upload basically 2000 000 screencaps within 3 days or upload one screencap and ask 2000 000 people to rate it.This is such a stupid system!Well,rien à faire.
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
LOL wow that is stupid. I figured that you would just have to wait for it like regular medals.. ^

Then again, the regular medal system is pretty stupid as well.
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Yeah,I love Fanpop,I really do,but their medal system is pretty lame.
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Agreed. They really should have a more "secure" type of system, not just random things. It's pretty unfair for some people.
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Yes!Maybe we should hold a petition or something.I could add in a question if fanpop should change their system and than we can collect comments from people who say they should!
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
big smile
That sounds like a pretty cool idea! But how would we send it to them? Or should we make it in article form to explain why it should be changed and ask people to comment on it? You know, if someone does it....
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Yeah,I'll first put it as an answer/question and when we have lots of responds(20 is not enough!)I'll put it in article as a list and I'll list up the comments.Am I making sense to you?
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
big smile
Yes definitely!
Where are you going to post it? =)
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
I suppose it would be best in the Fanpop spot itself and maybe in all the spots that are not about something specific,like the Random Spot or Your Spot.
1年以上前 mimialliwell said…
haha smart idea girls
and I'm sure you'll get your medal soon enough Ellen
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
yeah,but others deserve it,too,like Natascha.
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…

here you can find out everything you need to know about getting medals!
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Today's episode is 'Witches in tights' Be right back! :)
1年以上前 HollyMarie said…
'Witches in tights' I love that epi!!
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Yeah,me too,Sophie :)

My mother bought my brother a teddy bear in Spongebob shape.It's really adorable :)
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Oh,and about the medal thing,I don't mean to get a fanatic here.I wanna get one on the Chris Perry Halliwell spot.I'm gonna freak out when someone else has one before me!
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Haha, Ellen, you are such a ♥Chris♥ fangirl. XD ♥
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Yeah,it's starting to show,isn't it?
I just watched Saw 3.So gross!
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Ugh, I hate the Saw movies. 0_o
How many have they even made?!? Like, 5 right?
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
6 is in production
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
I just watched 'The Eyes Have It' with the one and only Tobin Bell aka Jigsaw
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Everyone who's having exams,GOOD LUCK!
1年以上前 mimialliwell said…
i jut thought i'd inform you all that this is the only good part of my life right now everything else is crap
i have no clarinet teacher and i have like 4 music performances in 2 weeks ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i am sick
and cause i'm sick i haven seen my bffs in 3 days
add to that half yearly and national exams and my life is pretty rotten atm

soooooooo thank you sooo much for all lightening up my day you make it all worth while

xx love you all
p.s. sorry for the rant
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
big smile
that's okay :)
1年以上前 mellyhalliwell said…
Hey everyone! :D

I just saw some picks in the TV Couples' spot and I thought you may like to vote there:

This one is Piper and Leo vs Rory and Jess : link

And this one is Phoebe and Cole vs Serena and Nate : link
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Voted!! :)
1年以上前 House_Anatomy said…
In Summer I saw this thingy on the Supernatural Spot where the fans started the series from the start and they just discussed the episodes. What do you think if we do it too ?
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Sounds like a great idea!
1年以上前 House_Anatomy said…
Just I dunno if people agree to do it
*runs to make a pick*

If they will choose Yes, I will try and make it up =]
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
It's pretty weird,but when I was younger I hated it to be in a picture,but now I totally love it.Am I getting britches? LOL xD
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY,DREW FULLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
Okay,just trying something :)

1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Oh, that's so cool! How do you make a link like that?~?
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
well,I figured it out just myself after trying so long.It's like this:

[ url= this is where you put a link starting with link ] this is where you give the link a name like HaleyDewit [/url(not the link,but actually the word url] but without spaces
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Okay, LOL let me try. Unsure how to do it still, but...



Edit: Well, that completely failed....

So I put the link, but how do I rename it?
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
it's like this:

link but no spaces

Don't worry,it took me quite some time to get it,too :)
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Haha, all right. I'm going to finally get it by next year, LOL.


last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
big smile
Huh? It just brings me to a site that says they can't find the website, Ellen?
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
great!now I have the opposite problem.

You know what? Go the main page of the Charmed spot and check the updates.There's a comment on the question about the Chris Halliwell spot.You should see something starting with [url=...

That's how I did it
1年以上前 House_Anatomy said…
You just put (url = the link put here) the renaming name (/url)
Use [ and ] instead of ( and ) They are important =]
Hope it helped =P
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 HaleyDewit said…
I think that was the problem indeed :)
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…

Er...you know what? I think I'll just look on the updates for what Ellen said, LOL.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
You mean the link
1年以上前 friendsfan101 said…
Oh, okay, I got it! Thanks!

