Caroline Rose🌹

·October 2009年からファンポップを利用

  • England UK
  • Favorite Musician: Phil Wickham 💓
モザイク 一覧


Dedicated Fan in 23 clubs Dedicated (23) Die-Hard Fan in 39 clubs Die-Hard (39) Fanatic in 16 clubs Fanatic (16) Super Fan in 4 clubs Super (4)


whatsupbugs がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my comments
I appreciate your great, touching friendship. 投稿されました ·5 時間前
whatsupbugs がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my comments
Thank あなた for your wonderful, amazing help. 投稿されました ·12 時間前
whatsupbugs がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my comments
Magenta's helping Periwinkle get over his cold, because she cares about him. Periwinkle feels glad and grateful that his sister, Blue, has a best friend that is there for him. link 投稿されました ·14 時間前