First of all, I really wanna thank あなた guys for letting me be here on fanpop. It's been the greatest 年 ever. To my Yoshi buddies Makintosh and Cassandra Lopez, we Yoshis rule together. To all of my 270 fans, thanks for adding me and making me fit in. I 愛 あなた all. I also dedicate this 記事 to the greatest dinosaur ever Yoshi. Thanks pal あなた rock. I don't care what people say. Yoshi you're the best dinosaur ever. Thanks Yo'ster. Yoshi haters leave me alone. Yoshi is the greatest and he rules. And also to Flana 2 and Aimee147, we ファンポップ girls are the best. Thanks for being there for me and know that I will always be there for you. Just call on me.
I also wanna thank my family and フレンズ to whom without you, none of this is possible. Remember fanpoppers, YOSHI POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!