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Total Drama Action
Chris: How is Duncan cheating? Does he have X-Ray vision?
Don: Duncan, I did some investigation. あなた actually cheated. So, あなた are penalized.

Total Drama World Tour
Chris: (allows Sierra to make the final four, despite her stalker status.)
Don: (gets annoyed with Sierra and sends her to jail.)

Chris: (Lets his interns get eaten によって scarabs.)
Don: (never uses his interns as objects または footstools.)

Chris: (lets everyone freeze their butts off.)
Don: (pack your snowgear for cold adventures.)

Chris: (drinks the water, leaving little to none for Bridgette.)
Don: (offers Bridgette some of...
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Heather Goes to the lunch line. "EWWWW! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS SLOP!?" "Fish Soup... NEXT!" "Umm.... Mr. McGreen, im allergic to Fish..." "THAN EAT BEEF ロブスター NOODLE BEEF SOUP...TASTE LIKE SNOT!" "Umm... Nevermind." "NEXT!!" Courtney goes sit down によって Bridgette and Lindsay. "So guys I-"
"No Duncey your my smoopie smooch!" "No Anitta, Your my Smoopie Smooch!" "Blech!" "MATH TIME" Everyone:" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
"Ooh a note, its from..Duncan!?"
Dear Courtney, will あなた be my... TO BE CONTINUED

-The evil plot-

It took Ally about a week to get over the debate. If Tiffany actually won, she'd never hear the end of it! Ally had to try her hardest! She worked 日 and night working on her dress and waltz. She'd never stop until she beat Tiff. As the same with Mike. He had been planing for ages! He really didn't want to lose to Scott either. It was Finally two weeks before the dance, and Ally and Mike were nervous wrecks! They were always on the edge and you'd never know when they were gonna snap and let their meanest personalities out. They didn't even get to talk to their friends....
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ya know what i am going to say...here is the link
link and again if a i say anything negitve または bad about h]jake または something goes rong in our relationship in these articals its not true, we are veary much together, pla....

I was so woried about duncan, but when the girls came out with that bandage and alcohole i feilised he probably just gopt the wind nocked out of him and a bumb on the head. He was peobaly fine. And as i suspected he got up and wanted to try again but i had a better plan. "Hey yuri, can あなた help duncan inside, and make sure he is taken care of?" a bit of light lit up in her...
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posted by TDIlover226
possy:JG's possy
Phrase: huh?

John is the oldest person in TDA, being 22, just 2 years older than Chris. He is known not to say much. He is in JG's possy, having the job of driving the possy's red pickup truck (even though Seiamica can drive perfectly). He has a goth appearence and long hair. JG jokes around with him, saying he looks like a chick, he replys によって sayig "Thank you" as a joke that never gets old. It was never really known how a 22 年 old would become フレンズ with a couple of 14 and 15 年 olds, but the best conclusion is that John is just like a big kid. John is...
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Hi! Again I'm doing 上, ページのトップへ ten total drama characters.For this 一覧 I'm counting even the miner characters like Chris, Chef and Mr cocanut So lets start!

10. Noah
He's truly a funny character. Even through a lot of the people on this 一覧 are. His voice and scarseam (sorry if i didn't spell that right) a lot of the time what make him funny and enjoyable character.

9. Gwen
She's been compared with Courtney many times.Sometimes with ships like with Duncan. And which one is better but who really cares. I like both i like Gwen cause she's loyal and nice.She seems to be smart too!

8. Dj
Ok maybe he...
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All it had taken was a single glance into his strikingly mournful eyes and her resolve shattered like a window in a cheap Hollywood movie. She had been holding up so well since her return! Hadn't let anyone take advantage of her, hadn't let her inexplicable feelings for the tattooed ruffian get in the way of her primary goal (…to WIN!) But the look on Duncan's face was just so helpless.

Sure, last season Courtney had 与えられた in to the idea of making at least some semblance of a good impression. It had all been according to plan; she would be polite and helpful where she could be and despite...
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Chris: Ok there's only 8 horse hair tonight.
Jamie: Horse hair?
Chris: Yep. Thease people has no vote........ Bridgette!
Bridgette: YES!
Chris: Jordan.
Jordan: Really??? alsome!
Chris: 線, レイ and Noah.
Ray: Yes!
Noah: BO YA!
Ray: wanna make out?
Noah: Sure *Ray and Noah make out*
Chris: and........................ Less!
Less: I thought i had a vote.
Chris: Ok thease people had 1 vote....... Jamie!
Jamie: Yay! Wait I had a vote? How?
Chris: Can't tell you.
Jamie: At least i get to stay longer.
Chris: and the finle person with no vote is.......................... Rayven!
Rayven: I wonder who votted for me. But who...
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posted by superDUNCANfan
 This is me.
This is me.
OMG!!! Cody kissed me! Then Bubba(Trent) saw and he had a seisure! Haha! But it sucks that Mom and dad are living in France, So now i am grounded for 3 months! I mean Cody's only a 年 older than me...GOD! こんにちは Brooke what does Spikes look like?(gasp) Cody, what are あなた doing here?! Bubba will kill you! *I just wanted to see you* Awwwwww! *I..I..L-* Bubba!!! *Cody get away from amber(Loads gun)* *(Gwen)I've never seen Trent like this before*Bubba don't please! *I guess i have to jump off this..two..story..building, but hey, i jumped off a 1,000 ft cliff(jumps)* Cooddyyy!!!!! (looks out window)Your okay *Lukily this matress broke my fall*(Gun shot) Bubba! GOD DAMN YOU! I HATE YOU!

Gotta go!
*blows kiss*Stay Stylish!
 This is me and Cody kissing!
This is me and Cody kissing!
Is The Camera On? 発言しました Trixie As She Fix The Camera's Crookedness. Yea. Were Ready. 発言しました Her Cameraman She Hired On Her Web 表示する On YouTube. Okay. Welcome To Total Drama Craziness! Here We Are Having 18 Campers Staying Here In A Boring Camp In Canada. Where They Will Be Forced To Do A Challenges For Day. If They Loses The Will Be Forced To Ride The ボート Of Shame によって The Docks and Will Be Sent To A Nice Spa. Where They Can Be Treated For Anything They Caught In Total Drama Craziness または If They Win They Will Get $5,00000 Big Ones. Now Here Is Total Drama Craziness. *Does Theme Song* The Theme Song Is The Fame によって Lady Gaga. How Was That For The First Part. Tell Me Was It Good.
posted by codythemaster
"hey cody あなた will never ever find love,said tyler.""yes I will tyler I will find 愛 and あなた can't stop me!,said cody.""hey gwen would あなた like to go out with me?,said cody.""cody! I am dating trent!,said gwen.""oh ya I forgot I guess I got to go to the park,said cody.""ya cody that's right あなた can find very hot girls in the park!,said tyler.""hey tyler arent あなた dating lindsay?,said cody.""oh ya thats right,please don't tell her that I 発言しました that,said tyler.""your secret is all 安全, 安全です with me tyler!,said cody.""(At the park)"oh こんにちは cutie,whats your name?,said katrina.""my name is cody whats...
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Courtney was feeling down on herself after almost being kicked off
again. She was still sitting によって the campfire pit and it was beginning
to get dark outside. ‘How could I be so pathetic?’ She walked over to
the dock of shame and sat at the end of the dock. “I should’ve been
walking own this thing today.” She heard the boards of the dock
creak. “Whoever is thee just leave me alone!” she shouted.

“Hey princess, why so glum?” She’s recognize that voice. Duncan…
what does he want? He came to bother her...
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The first 14 Applications will be on my new 表示する Total Drama Daring Island! Once I get fourteen I start. Please fill in the information below in a comment.



Hero または Villain:





And that's it. I hope あなた sign up because the もっと見る apps the sooner I'll start posting. I'll post one episode a day. So remember the fist fourteen will be in it. So the 表示する is moved to Boney Island. Yes the spooky place. And there is TWO invincibility statue's. I'll make a contest for that later. So I hope to see some Apps! Thanks-Jcbob12345
So after finishing Total Drama All-Stars I started watching Total Drama Revenge of the Island, and I realized something... Scott and Lightning are always with each other.

I don't think it's something the writers did on purpose but whenever the teams are out, their always standing 次 to each other, when one of them gives an idea, the other almost always supports it (and is normally the first to do so), and they normally agree with each other. They also get along pretty well, while most of the other team mates just fight.

Lightning has actually 発言しました (in one of the first episodes), that Scott...
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posted by codyfan77
OK, I have this ファン character, some of あなた may know her as Anna-Lee. Now, I have grown particularly fond of her, and I think she deserves a fanart of her own with Noah. I don't have the equipment to do it, and I am crappy with paint, so I will reward with props, Anna-Lees and my respect (by Anna-Lees respect, I mean she'll be BFFs with your OC, if あなた have one)
Here is a strong verbal description, as I can't send my image of her here (stupid computer)
Fluffy light brown 80s curly hair
Blue eyes
189 cm tall approx.
An オレンジ tee シャツ with the ヘタリア katakana written on it
Simple blue jeans
Red console sneakers
Slightly pudgy and curvy
She and Noah are in a relationship, and I want to see that. Please do this for me....
Chris: last time Total Drama Around the World! Australia! Also known as Down under! There the contestants had to catch a カンガルー and ride it to the finish line. Oh and I forgot to mention our new contestant Amber! Anyways, in the team Italy ロスト sending Geoff out the plane to see Bridgette again. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will want to kill me after this episode but can't because I have better lawyer?! Find out all this and もっと見る on this episode of Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(Mess hall)
Chef: (putting some type of スープ in the bowls for Team Italy) Eat up Losers!
Annie: I...
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Super sorry that it took my so long to make this :/ I'm afraid it make take me as long to write the 秒 part due to our school exams coming up. I really hope あなた guys like it, I promise, もっと見る interaction and speaking in the 秒 part. Feel free to leave suggestions, comments, confessionals for characters, etc in the comments!
“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama: 日付 Night!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a dark blue dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore eyeshadow and blue high-heels....
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posted by Pinkkatluv32
Twany: threw at joanna
Roxie: あなた did it vinny runs to to him
Kat: erika あなた あなた 雌犬 あなた made him bleed
Erika: im im cries
Twany: erika あなた ok
Erika: yeah

Next day
Carry: time to fly to different places
Everyone in airplane
Star: buckles seatbelt
Roxie: cody oh cody I 愛 your eide golden eyes
Cody: ummm thanks
rikki: don I like you
Don: me to
Corey: mellissa if this plane kills あなた im suing it
Mellissa: oh corey kisses his cheek
Jory: こんにちは cassidy umm hey
Aliicia: awwww it's so sweet
Timmy: this sucks huh
Alcia: im bored
cassidy: well if weren't goth あなた would not be deppressed
Alcia: sigh
When they landed...
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I've been meaning to make this 一覧 for a while now. My opinion has changed quite a bit, PLEASE don't bash my opinion, but don't just make コメント like, "good job", and stuff like that. Also, I just wanna say that I don't think ANY of the girls are ugly, they are passable at worst. And I think ALL of the girls on this 一覧 are BEAUTIFUL. Okay! Here we go!
10. Izzy This girl is an underrated beauty. First of all I 愛 her long curly red hair, she has the best hair out of ANY of the TD girls! I also 愛 her green eyes, if I didn't have blue eyes, I would want green eyes. Her smile is pretty...
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