jedigal1990 posted on Oct 13, 2009 at 06:48PM
Okay awsome random fanpop users its been a rough couple of days with a certain user claiming she was the creator of this fabulous spot (ajl) but the truth finally came out and its time to celebrate
This is my way of giving back to all of those who supported me and BellaCullen96 through this whole thing with out you guys we would still be looking for the real creator who by the way is Jonapello23
okay i mentioned a party on my article in the comments but i felt that i would get alot more responses if i posted a forum so
1. post if yu want to attend
2. post what day/time you are available include your timezone
3. I already asked this but do you think i should let ajl come so far people have been saying no so thats what i'm going with right now but i want to here your opinons
4. Party ideas we will probably post a forum or use a chat room if you have any ideas plz let me know (this includes not only where to have it but games and stuff to play to)
5. if you have no idea what any of this is about go here it explains everything
So i will let you all know when the party is going to be let me know your ideas and suggestions thanks guys you rock
last edited on Oct 13, 2009 at 06:49PM

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1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
1. i'll be there
2. i work weekends but i'm usually home at around 9 (eastern i think i live in florida i'm not sure what time zone that is srry) and am busy wed nights from 5-8 other than that i'm good
3. From the responses i got and because ajl continues to ignore my request of her apologizing i don't think we should invite her but i'm open to suggestions
thanks again for all your support (especially BellaCullen96 your amazing and Jefferyw52 and of course the real creator jonapello23 just to name a few) if i didn't name you i'm srry those were just the 3 top ones who supported us there are several more and i appreciate all of you so post here if you want to come thanks again bye for now
1年以上前 princesspinkla said…
big smile
1年以上前 AnimeFan66 said…
And not me??? :( How rude! :'(

But I'll be glade to attend.
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
Thank you!!!!!!!! I can be at the party from 6:20 a.m to 6:45 a.m on Wed. to Fri. Weekends from 6:00 a.m or 7:00 a.m to 11:00 p.m. Weekdays from 3:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m or 10:00 p.m. Sorry I have school and I'm 11 (about to turn 12 on Thurs. Oct. 15!). Ajl can't go to the party unless she and Boltsbiggestfan apologize. Make a chat room on this spot and let everyone who supported this struggle in the room (yes I'm in and try getting your fans to come too!) The time zone is Eastern Standard Time.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
cool srry animefan66 i didn't mean to exclude you i was just really thinking of those who have helped with this whole struggle but now that i think of it you have i mean you listened to me while i complained and cried because some people thought i was being mean and taking it to far you were there for me from the start so i really want to give a shout out to animefan66 for listening to me and supporting me through all of this and i'm glad you can come jefferyw52 thanks for responding its going to be awsome thanks again to all of you guys you totally are the best
1年以上前 BellaCullen96 said…
Aww, thanks for saying I'm amazing jedigal1990! Okay, the time I am good is on the weekends at any time after 10:00 am US Eastern Standard time, except for this Sunday. Let me know what we're doing. We can play word games or something, but it's pretty limited on the Internet. I also agree with jefferyw52 about ajl and Boltsbiggestfan. But this is gonna be the best online party ever!
1年以上前 jacobblackfan23 said…
sundays are good for me like 6-10:00pm
i am busy any other day..
thank you...=)
1年以上前 Twilightluv3r said…
saturdays are the only time i can go.
1年以上前 BellaCullen96 said…
Well, we might have to go with the time a majority of the people are going to be here. We apologize if you can't make it, but we will try to get everybody in if they want to go.
1年以上前 K5-HOWL said…
im not attending s0rry but i wasnt on any1s side in this sorta i was kinda on ajl's side
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
thats your opinion k5-Howl but i don't understand how you can be on her side i mean you know she did lie we have proof the real creator came foward
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
well probably going to have a several day long party so more people can attend like BellaCullen96 said we have to go with the majority but will do our best to get everyone in
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
K5_Howl i though we were friends
1年以上前 the_bunkster said…
okies well
1. i would love to attend!
2. i am available everyday except sunday
3. i don't really mind if ajl attends or not, i'm not involved in it and don't know her at all so i won't say any more on the subject
4. i live in Australia which i'm pretty sure is GMT+10 sooo lol, you's can work that out
5. i'm ready to PARTY!!!!
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
I'm not available at that time on Saturday. 9pm in Florida would be 4pm here, and I have to go to visit familly. :(
Friday and Sunday are the only days suitable for me.
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
Can we party tomorrow? My birthday is tomorrow. I'm turning 12.
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
it is i don't know if we can actually get it togethere that quickly but i'll think of something HAPPY BIRTHDAY
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
okay here is what i was thinking this is completly adjustable like 4pm friday the 23rd till sunday the 25th at 10 pm thats florida time for reference its 11:37am now let me know what you think this is just a suggestion it sounds like if we do it this way everyone can attend at least alittle let me know what you think
1年以上前 rhema said…
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
1年以上前 BellaCullen96 said…
I'll try to come everyday, but I'm having my 13th birthday party on the 24th (4 days before my birthday). I'll be there on Friday night and Saturday morning-afternoon for sure, and maybe Sunday afternoon too.
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
Yay! Hoorah for rational thinking!
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
Yay!!! Today is my birthday! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
sounds great BellaCullen i'll be able to be on friday night all night (pretty much anyway) and saturday night and sunday night i have to work saturaday and sunday so so far sounds good
1年以上前 demon_wolf said…
I will come to party! woot woot!
Avaliable on sat or sun 4:30- to whenever. eastern standard time.
Don't really have an ideas on games but whatever they are I'm sure they will be fun.
I don't think you should invite Ajl or boltsbiggestfan
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
Can someone summarize everything for me? Time zones confuse me so can we pick just one area?
1年以上前 the_bunkster said…
yeah, im in Australia, just tell me from when til when and ill be there!!
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
The area is in the eastern part of the United States.
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
the party is planned for friday the 24th around 4pm eastern time to sunday the 26th some time in the evening this may change but for right now its the plan
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
Okay. Yay! I take it that's eastern as in New York, not Japan.
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
yeah okay so for sure we are having the party friday the 23rd in the afternoon say around 4pm til early morning monday the 26th does this sound good for eveyone?
i have decided not to invite ajl or boltsbiggestfan because most of you responded you didn't think they should come or you didn't care. and they have not apologized or answered my messages so well leave it at that.
One last thing to cover where are we having it. A chatroom sounds great but i don't know how to create one or whatever so if someone can help plz let me know remember to tell your friends the more the merrier. If we can't get a chatroom up i guess we can just post a fourm i would prefer a chatroom though so if anybody knows anything about creating chatrooms plz let me know asap
-thanks everyone hope to see you at the party
1年以上前 lollipopszx3 said…
Well I'm late. But I'll come! I'm not sure how to make a fanpop chat room but we can always use other places like chatzy and websites like that.
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
okay yay we finally found a chatroom srry to say its not on fanpop but lollipopszx was kind enough to make a chat room on the chatzy website here is the link
the password to get in is cheesecake and where it says name/alias plz put your fanpop username so we know who you are
iknow its not on fanpop but it is a chatroom and considering that the party is in like 3 days i think this is our best bet so let me know what you think and i'll try sending all of you a email with the info hope to see you all there its almost party time
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
big smile
Seems cool. Can't wait!
1年以上前 demon_wolf said…
big smile
1年以上前 BellaCullen96 said…
big smile
Yay! Sounds awesome! =]
1年以上前 kayleebabee said…
big smile
I can party at any time cept wednesdays at 5:00 pm (brittish time)
Im scottish
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
big smile
Hey! I just found out that this forum and the article Fanpop deserves more than liars are in the popular content section for this spot on the right.
1年以上前 the_bunkster said…
okay, well since im pretty sure that Australia is a day ahead of America ill go on Saturday afternoon.. i think lol
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
yay today is the day of the party :) the official starting time is is 4pm eastern time but if you want to show up earlier thats okay too i'll try sending you all personal messages hope to see you all there
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
okay i just sent everyone who has posted on this forum so far a message if for some reason you didn't get one or want me to send the information to another fanpop user just let me know if its someone besides yourself please send me a link to their profile page can't wait for tonight at the party hope to see you all there its party time
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
okay so here is the unofficial party list (everyone i sent a personal message to)
if you or someone you know is not on this list and you want to be let me know
- bellacullen96
- jaccobblackfan23
just in case your wondering i messaged everyone who posted on here and everyone who posted on the article FANPOP DESERVES MORE THAN LIARS Can't wait to see you all at the party bye for now
1年以上前 BellaCullen96 said…
Yay! Party! And it's my birthday in 5 days!
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
i just want to inform you that the party is going well. ppl are being random of course. On behalf of myself, jedigal1990, and BellaCullen96 we thank you for all your support to help find the true creator of this spot.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 jedigal1990 said…
big smile
okay well the party is over and it was a huge success thank you for all those who came out and i hope you guys enjoyed it i also wanna thank all of you who were so wonderful in the effort to find the true creator including jefferyw52,BellaCullen96,animefan66 and soo many others this party really brought us together and some of us really enjoyed it so much so that me, jefferyw52 and prettycure decided to make a club dedicated to planning parties for the fanpop community here is the link link
its the random party organizers committee of fanpop (or something close to that) in fact we are planning on having a halloween party saturday the 31st eastern time not yet completly planned it will be at the same place we had this one see the new rpocf for more info. thanks again for your support and for attending the party and helping it become the huge suceess it was
1年以上前 Twilightzook said…
Yay! This makes me awful happy. You may not be able to tell because of the botox... :p
1年以上前 jefferyw52 said…
thanks to this party, it combined me and many other fanpoppers. i may hardly talk to u guys now, but this party made me love fanpop a lot. if only i could chat with u guys :(