private: uh (wakes up) where are we skippah
pinkie: (pops out of nowhere) hi there my names pinkie
private: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
pinkie: oh i'm sorry
private: skippah skippah where are あなた (wimpers)
pinkie: こんにちは whats wrong
private: (crys) skippah
pinkie: (picks him up and brings him to twilights)
private: where am i (wimpers) skippah please come
twilight: who's skipper
private: skippah's m-my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
fluttershy: aww what a poor thing
meanwhile at the hq
skipper: こんにちは where's private (hears something)
tv: skippah's my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
they travel there
skipper: were here
private: (wimpers and gets taken to canterlot)
to be continued
pinkie: (pops out of nowhere) hi there my names pinkie
private: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
pinkie: oh i'm sorry
private: skippah skippah where are あなた (wimpers)
pinkie: こんにちは whats wrong
private: (crys) skippah
pinkie: (picks him up and brings him to twilights)
private: where am i (wimpers) skippah please come
twilight: who's skipper
private: skippah's m-my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
fluttershy: aww what a poor thing
meanwhile at the hq
skipper: こんにちは where's private (hears something)
tv: skippah's my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
they travel there
skipper: were here
private: (wimpers and gets taken to canterlot)
to be continued
Interview starting in
Me: "So, Private, who do あなた most admire?"
Private: "The Lunacorns, they 表示する あなた the value of friendship."
Me: "Um...OK. What do あなた like to do in your free time?"
Private: "Watch the Lunacorns."
Me: "Uh, right. What are some problems あなた have to deal with on a daily basis?"
Private: "When I'm watching the Lunacorns & the TV stops working, または when the others come & change the channel."
Me: "OK, has always been a dream of yours?"
Private: "I've always wanted to meet a Lunacorn..."
Me: " must reeeealy like Lunacorns, huh?"
Private: "Who wouldn't? Why?"
Me: "No reason.........."
Tip: Do I really need to give あなた a tip on how to keep Private happy?
Me: "So, Private, who do あなた most admire?"
Private: "The Lunacorns, they 表示する あなた the value of friendship."
Me: "Um...OK. What do あなた like to do in your free time?"
Private: "Watch the Lunacorns."
Me: "Uh, right. What are some problems あなた have to deal with on a daily basis?"
Private: "When I'm watching the Lunacorns & the TV stops working, または when the others come & change the channel."
Me: "OK, has always been a dream of yours?"
Private: "I've always wanted to meet a Lunacorn..."
Me: " must reeeealy like Lunacorns, huh?"
Private: "Who wouldn't? Why?"
Me: "No reason.........."
Tip: Do I really need to give あなた a tip on how to keep Private happy?