ペンギンズ FROM マダガスカル Club
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Operation: Good Deed - After seeing a kid perform a good deed (and preaching about it to an annoyed Alice), the Penguins are inspired to do good deeds themselves with the other zoo animals. In order to do that good deed, they must take part in a series of trades with the zoo animals, thanks to King Julien. Even if they are successful, does that mean that they are done performing good deeds for the day?

When the Chips Are Down - Mort wants his Cheesy-Bits! Even if it means trapping Private in the vending machine with him. After an almost-thorough 検索 of the zoo turns up nothing, King Julien...
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posted by midnightangel88
private: uh (wakes up) where are we skippah
pinkie: (pops out of nowhere) hi there my names pinkie
private: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
pinkie: oh i'm sorry
private: skippah skippah where are あなた (wimpers)
pinkie: こんにちは whats wrong
private: (crys) skippah
pinkie: (picks him up and brings him to twilights)
private: where am i (wimpers) skippah please come
twilight: who's skipper
private: skippah's m-my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
fluttershy: aww what a poor thing
meanwhile at the hq
skipper: こんにちは where's private (hears something)
tv: skippah's my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
they travel there
skipper: were here
private: (wimpers and gets taken to canterlot)
to be continued

Transmission #44-21-2. Designate : IPI
Penguin Habitat,Central Park Zoo
1832 hours, July 13, 2009. New York City
Maj. Skipper

It had been few years (yea… 10 years???), we started to remember what we should forget... and we started to forget... what we should remember. Aagghh, Master Bean… who’s cares about the past? I had found my 愛 with an… super-duper amazing super woman ... her shiny wings just like an bright fokker plane... her beak just like Spanish Tercio Halberd... her feather was as soft as Gloomy Sunday music...
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posted by peacebaby7
Note to reader: I decided to start doing my 記事 in もっと見る of a story form instead of a script-like form...It's much easier to work in details. Those who have read my 前 記事 know me to do my 記事 that way. Anyway, please enjoy the 次 chapter of Madagascar Epilogue.


Three Months Into Construction...

The past 3 months of construction has been very progressing for the animals. The platform is now nearly completed, & the penguins were now getting ready to bring down the plane after careful analysis of the plane's engine state.

The four mischievous penguins were now...
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posted by NoShameHere
This is the Sequel to "The Clipboard Theory". It's being rewritten. If あなた have trouble finding the first story, just ask.

Kowalski stood outside his home, chest puffed out proudly, feathers ruffled, a rather goofy grin on his face, as he stared at what was before him.

"Is it good, Dad? Did I do a good job?" Kowalski looked down at his son, a young ペンギン with tiny tuffs of down feathers clinging to his new, slick ones, much like Kowalski's own memories, both quickly fading reminders of their past. Kowalski notes how long it had taken Kona to lose his feathers; a 年 longer than normal, but...
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posted by stlouisfan
Private woke up with bags in his eyes and he carfully climbed out of bed. He looked up and noticed that the other guys weren't in bed. Private just yawned and walked over to the ladder that led to the platform above. He opened the hatch and saw that the guys were already up and training. Private yawned one もっと見る time and climbed up onto the platform.

Skipper looked at Private and said, "Finally up Private?"

Private nodded and said, "Why didn't あなた guys wake me?"

Kowalski looked at Private and said, "Well it looked like あなた could use the sleep. あなた have another sleepless night Private?"

Private nodded...
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posted by skipperfan5431
As soon as Lilly dozed off, the guys came back from their late-night recon duty. " HELLO SKIPPA!" Private Yells jollyly (is that a word? oh well, it is now). Kowalski, seeing that Lilly was asleep, smacked Private up-side his little head. " Skipper, are あなた okay? あなた don't look very well." Private asked, rubbing the back of his head which was now very soar. " Boys, get to bed. I need some quiet time." Skipper 発言しました softly. The boys didn't move. " That's an ORDER!" Skipper commanded, and with that, the boys jumped into their beds and automatically knocked out! Skipper sat in the scilence...thinking....
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posted by JediPenguin16
Chapter two: Transfer

Nitra's Journal (a/n she can read and write because of her grandmother taught her)

"Nitra's log

Writing "dear diary" is too cliche for me. A log sounds less mushy. Anyway, you'll never guess where I am. I'm in a crate. Yep. A large wooden crate, full of 干し草, 乾草 that's making me sneeze. They took me last night right after we found out about the transfer. Mom was very upset, but she told me that my dad lives at the new zoo I am going to. I am very happy to meet him! Grandma 発言しました he is a "complete psychopath". Of course, she thinks that's a bad thing. Mom says he's part of some...
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Here's a characterization sheet I wrote the other 日 after seeing the movie. It's helpful for any fanfiction writers who want to use the North Wind in any of their stories.


Name: Classified
Species: Wolf
Expertise: Leader, Mission maker, Boss
Traits: Loyal; Scaredy-cat; Quick to change emotions; Convincing
Other: Doesn't really want to work with the penguins
Wear: Belt


Name: Eva
Species: Snowy Owl
Expertise: Intelligence; Computer Expert
Traits: Doesn't take sarcasm; Serious about job; Loves to fly
Other: Not a scientist; 愛 interest: Kowalski
Wear: Headset

 Short Fuse
Short Fuse

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'Julien's 音楽 player'

Private - O jejku jej!

Kowalski - Nie patrz tam!

Rico - Hej, zarościk mam!

King Julien - Pudełko me nagle rozrosło się
i unosi się hen to straszne wiem.

Mort - Król jakoś dziwnie nasz gada,
mam lęk, że to może być wada.

King Julien - Mam wielką chętkę によって tak wam

Mort - To jest straszne, brzydkie i złe.

King Julien - Co ja zrobić mam?
Śpiewać się chce!

'I wanna control you'

Blowhole - Tylko ja doskonale wiem
jak ujarzmić bestię tę.
Czy wysłuchasz mego kojącego solo?
Wokół nas głupków gęsty tłum,
nie każdy ma mózg lub też inaczej...
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posted by skipperluvs
Chapter Two

“Rico. Rico. Rico, wake up.” Rico heard his name being called repeatedly and fluttered his eyes open. The voice was so rich and sweet, he hoped it was who he thought it was.

“Marlene???” Rico whispered. His eyes were blurry and then they got into focus, making the shape of an angry ペンギン and a slightly younger one to his side.

“RICO! Where are my magazines?” Skipper demanded. He didn’t hear Rico say Marlene at first.

“Marlene.” Rico sat up and wiped his eyes with his flippers. He looked around and found his doll. Her arm had came off when he had thrown her aside...
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posted by peacebaby7
Author’s Note: This is my sixth installment of skits. My first was regular everyday scenarios (link), then Skilene-themed skits (link), then a set for the villains (link), then a set starring the lemurs (link), then a humanized set (link), and lastly, Dorski-themed skits (link). I now present to my readers, Dave Skits! I had loads of fun with this one and I hope あなた all enjoy them. によって the way, I certainly did not do this as an excuse to make celebrity puns. I’m not sure why あなた would think that . . .

61) Time is Money [XXVIII]

“I want to thank あなた for meeting with me, Mr. Miyoshi. Your...
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posted by queenpalm
Another short part, sorry. But it my お気に入り part, and Ivy finally reveals her biggest secret.

After about 30 minutes, Ru came back up. Kowalski, Skipper, and Johnson were playing a game at the table. Private was still 空想 in his bunk. Rico and Rica were talking together, and Rica had finally started to understand her father's gibberish. 
"Ivy would like あなた all to come down. She has a surprise, but あなた have probably already guessed," Ru urged them into the elevator. 
They didn't need to be asked twice! All of the team crammed into the elevator at the same time.
They got off on the fourth...
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I am dunked carelessly into the bone-chilling water. Kicking my legs, I try to make it to the surface. Then, I remember everything over the past few days. I am a disgrace in my father's eyes. I always will be, until I restore my honor.
Accomplishing this will be a small step, but it seems like a good start. I vow, to avenge my place. When I'm ready and properly trained, I will kill a シール and bring it to father.
I look around to check if it's 安全, 安全です to touch the bottom yet. Nothing out of the ordinary swims in my vicinity. Just some 魚 and a shark. A shark?!
I tug on the rope as a sign for help....
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posted by peacebaby7
Interview starting in




Me: "So, Private, who do あなた most admire?"

Private: "The Lunacorns, they 表示する あなた the value of friendship."

Me: "Um...OK. What do あなた like to do in your free time?"

Private: "Watch the Lunacorns."

Me: "Uh, right. What are some problems あなた have to deal with on a daily basis?"

Private: "When I'm watching the Lunacorns & the TV stops working, または when the others come & change the channel."

Me: "OK, then...um...what has always been a dream of yours?"

Private: "I've always wanted to meet a Lunacorn..."

Me: "Um...you must reeeealy like Lunacorns, huh?"

Private: "Who wouldn't? Why?"

Me: "No reason.........."

Tip: Do I really need to give あなた a tip on how to keep Private happy?
Sugar High: Take 1

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I 愛 sugar & I'm the blestrecker, bleh! Sorry, mouth got dry."

Sugar High: Take 2

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I 愛 sugar & I'm the best reckon man ever! I see a 火災, 火 truck!...Or is it engine? Script!"

Sugar High: Take 3

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I 愛 sugar & I'm the best reckon man ever! I see a 火災, 火 engine! WEEWOOWEEWOO! Arrg, I'm a pirate! Wow! A caterpillar! My name backwards is...Wait, what is my name backwards?"

Sugar High:...
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*The following 記事 is going to be my longest chapter so far.*

Skipper drew out a small oval locket made of ゴールド and showed it to the stranger. It was also hanging from a fine silver chain, and small words were etched on it's surface: Skipper, leader.
His attacker was shocked. After all these years, she finally found a member of her family, of which she recently started to believe was ロスト forever. She lowered her bow and arrow. "Skipper?" she asked, unable to believe it. "Yes Melody. It's me." Skipper answered. Now that she wasn't attacking him anymore, Skipper wondered why he hadn't realized...
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*Kowalski's PoV*


Blowhole's base explodes in a firey ball of toxic gasses and total destruction. We feel the heat, depsite the fact we're at a reasonably 安全, 安全です distance. No-one could survive THAT explosion.

Even Rico seems too upset to enjoy the, usually, delightful sensation an explosion gives him. I can't say I blame him. His leader and フレンズ are in there.

WERE in there.

Now, they were probably with Manfreedi and Johnson, where ever THEY are. They've most likely gone to a better place. I've never known Skipper to be religous, though there is a lot I don't know about him....
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posted by Saracuda
"Skipper!" Liberty gasped. She picked up the limp ペンギン によって his scruff and carried him into the cave. She lay him down on her ベッド of leaves and trotted to the other end of the cave to start a warm 火災, 火 in the fireplace. Skipper didn't stir.
"Don't worry Libby. He's just exhausted."
she told herself.
A bright blaze roared to life and warmed the now bright cave. Suddenly Skipper's foot twitched and he rolled over, mumbling something inaudible.
Liberty stepped closer to try to hear it.
She realized he was talking in his sleep.
"Libby..Libby, where are you? What were あなた doing there? Where's the key.."...
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posted by thecrazygeinus
The penguins headed back to the zoo through the New York Sewers. Once they were under the park, Kowalski remembered something.

“The meteor シャワー is tonight!”

“Right! I almost forgot.” E remembered, “Can we go watch?” E asked Skipper. She had been counting down for weeks.

“Fine. Go stare at the stars. Private, your on recon duty.” Skipper decided.

“What? But, they will already be watching the skies.”Private answered, confused.

“Yes, but they won’t be able to focus.”Skipper responded, giving E a knowing look.

“Now that that matter has been settled, the シャワー should begin...
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