マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 Mlp: FiM OC RP

Quillabex posted on Jan 20, 2013 at 05:39AM
When you join just put:


AND PLEASE, don't make your pony special or anything! (ex: princess/prince, control an element, alicorn, etc.)
last edited on Jan 26, 2013 at 02:15AM

マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 1381 返信

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Showing Replies 801-850 of 1381

1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Power Play, she has it all wrong! Ah didnt wanted to erase all her memory! Ah just wanted to erase the time ah reminded her of a bad memor for her to forgive me! *runs to the everfree forest*
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play: I don't know, Nikki... an ancient spirit wouldn't lie, unless the spirit was a jokester in a previous life.
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: AH AM NOT LIENG! Ask Zecora if ya dont believe me.
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play: Okay... *starts going to Zecora's hut*
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Ah'll prove it to ya! *kicks Zecora's door down*
Zecora: Ah, I see you have returned, did you do your job? or did you just sobbed?
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play: *at Zecora's* I have a reason for being here, too, Zecora!
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Zecora: Yes dear, Sit down, and I'll hear.
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play; Very well. *sits down* I'm not going to rhyme it; that's your thing, *takes breath* You see, Nikki got an enchanted mirror from you, from what I can understand, and apparently, if you look in the mirror yourself, you suffer memory loss. At least, that's what happened to Nikki when she knocked on Score Heights' door during a Rock Band 3 set list that she, I, Rainbow Dash, and Retro Power were playing through. Concerned for Nikki, we stopped playing and approached her, and sure enough, she had memory loss because she couldn't remember our faces, or anything for that matter. It was only after we exposed Nikki to a shard of that mirror she probably dropped after looking in it, that she and I decided to show up here, and you know the rest.
1年以上前 DisneyFan333 said…
(Hey everypony. Would you mind telling me what just happened since I last replied to this forum? )
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Zecora: You broke the mirror?! Oh dear......
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play: I didn't break the mirror; Nikki did. I didn't even know about it until I saw some shards of glass near Sugarcube Corner.
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: *sigh* Why would she want to take away my memory in the first place?
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Zecora: Nikki, You have disobeyed me, cant you see?
Nikki: Am sorry Zecora.
Zecora: She was suppose to stare at it for 5 seconds, for her bad memories to go away, Didnt I say?
Nikki: Yes, ya did.
Zecora: Now that the mirror is broken, there is lots of stuff that can happen. I have used the mirror for thousands of ponies, for their bad memory to go away from ponyville. *sigh* Now ponyville will be haunted with bad memories. Stuff, will start turning gray, even ponies.
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: I know what will cheer me up! Some traveling with Lyra *walks to Lyra's house*
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Is there anyway we can save Ponyville?
Zecora: There is just one way, I'd say...
Nikki: That is?
Zecora: You have to make 100 ponies smile and laugh, for 24 hours straight. Or else, It'll be too late.
Nikki: *salutes* (Runs back to ponyville) This.is easy, Ah just have to ask Pinkie Pie to- *sees pinkie turning grey* PINKIE! *runs torwards her*
Pinkie: *frowns* What do you want?! A good laugh?!?! *walks away*
Nikki: *gasp*
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Lyra: Score! So glad to see you to join me!
Score: *sigh* Hey Lyra...
Lyra: Why the long face?
Score: It's kind of personal...
Lyra: Oh...okay then! So I've prepared everything for our trip, where are your friends?
Score: Mmm? Oh uh, probably somewhere in Ponyville
Lyra: Didn't you want to bring them?
Score: Yeah, all except one. Let me go get them... *walks out of Lyra's house and sees ponies turning grey* Not this again... *runs to garage and levitates recent invention then runs out, shoots Pinkie Pie with it, making her back to normal* What the buck is going on around here?
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Pinkie: *turns back grey* Stop it! *walks away*
Nikki: *bites lip* UGH! (sees Applejack turning grey) Not ya'll too Applejack!
AJ: *frowns* *whispers* Am sorry mother...
Nikki: *sees Bon Bon turning grey*
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: Okay time to put a nuclear bomb on this baby and will make all ponies go back to normal so I can go on my trip! *attaches nuclear bomb to invention, then launches it, making it go to the sky, forming a rainbow over ponyville, then the rainbow cries tears and lands on each pony that is grey, turning EVERYPONY back to normal* Okay let's go!
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: phew....
*Suddenly rainbow turns grey*
Nikki: Uh-Oh.
*Everypony turns back to grey*
Quillabex commented…
(Cmon really? Let's just cut to the chase we were planning for the human trip!) 1年以上前
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:Gah! How are we supposed to do this??
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Phew... We're safe now.
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
(Ignore last comment xP)
Azura:Now the the chaotic chaos is done we can sit safely..
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: *runs over Score* Adghbhugfjnddadhkjuteecvhhsadhbvcfteevbjjn­cda­avh­sco­re!
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:What is the bad memory anyways?
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikkki: Where she was enchanted by the crazy mare for her to kill us, and ah remembered her that, and now, she is mad at me!
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: Each memory is a treasure, even the bad ones. How would you feel if I took the memories away about your parents?
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Ah would actually feel great. No more pain if that ever does happen. Please Score, am begging ya to forgive me.
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: Wha-?
Score: I will forgive you, but just know this Nikki, that you make one more slip up, I'll make sure your destiny ends, permanently! Now let's go interview some humans *walks to Lyra's house*
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: See for yourself!
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:Are we gonna be humans?
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: Your too nice to do that Score. *follows*
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: Yes, now come on! (I'm going to wait until Edvine2 finally replies before we start the human thingy)
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
(Oh. okay. Why dont ya fill up for him?)
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
(No need, applejackrocks. I was just too busy playing Borderlands 2, after barely making it to the next chapter with my sanity intact.)

Power Play: It'd be nice to see how the evolved half lives. Whenever you're ready, Score.
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: *laughs* Am gonna have thumbs!
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:Were finally gonna be able to walk on 2 legs and hold and grab things!
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: *does RD's awesome face* So AWESOME!
1年以上前 applejackrocks said…
Nikki: *does RD's awesome face* So AWESOME!
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
(Power Play is gonna have to get some serious BL2 time in the next time we have a break in anything that could be considered action; I have 990 more Badass Ranks than my OC. He has 22,064; my total is now 23,054. Wait... I have an idea.)

Power Play: Wait. Let me do one more thing first. *calls Rainbow Dash*
Rainbow Dash: *answers* Hello, Power Play!
Power Play: Hey, Dashie. I have a favor to ask of you.
Rainbow Dash: Name it.
Power Play: Would you mind housesitting for me? I'm gonna go off on some sort of thing with Score, Lyra, and a few of my other friends, and I don't want anypony jacking my shit while I'm away.
Rainbow Dash: No problem. Anything else I could do while I'n there?
Power Play: You could get my Badass Rank up some if you like. 22,064 is good, but it could always be better.
Rainbow Dash: What do I do with any Badass Tokens I get for you?
Power Play: I don't give a buck; it's an improvement for whatever stat you select out of the 5 that come up on the token.
Rainbow Dash: Point taken. I'll be over there in 5 minutes.
Power Play: And feel free to eat whatever you want; I can always buy more.
Rainbow Dash: Okay. Have fun... with whatever the hell you're doing.
Power Play: I will. *ends call* Okay, guys, NOW let's go.
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Score: Ready Lyra?
Lyra: Okay every pony, stand in these tubes
Score: *stands in pony size tube*
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:Buck Yeah! *flies*
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
Power Play: Celestia help me if anything goes wrong...
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
Azura:*Stands in tube* Wonder how we look in the human world...*thinks*
1年以上前 Quillabex said…
Lyra: *sets up code then presses the red button to activate* *runs in tube* Ready? 1 2 3 GO! *machine teleports them to the human world as they transform into humans, they land in a park in Seattle, Washington
Score: Wow... *sees the other humans (ponies) are naked* Um Power Play what is that at your legs?
Lyra: I read about it. Boy humans use it for the bathroom
Score: Oh...
(do you mind if you guys put pictures of your pony in human form? might be easier to picture... and should they be 21 or 18?)
1年以上前 Edvine2 said…
(For the purposes of this rather weird part of the RP, let's say everyone(everypony) is 21. Their real ages will still stand back in Pony country, but here, rules are different.)

Power Play: Speaking of our lack of clothes, is there some way we can get some decent clothes around here? I don't want to get in trouble with the law for public nudity...
1年以上前 NaomiWinx said…
(21 so there at least still more young and a bit adults)
Azura:Whoa....*is really tall and pale and have a high mohawk thats blues with piercing on the nose, ears, and lip and wear a red t-shirt with a brown safari jacket that's sleeveless and has on jeans with black high heels* I feel weird....*has a bit of a russian accent* And funny,no?
last edited 1年以上前
NaomiWinx commented…
Whoops ignore the clothing part of it 1年以上前