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I have a confession to make. I must be one of the few viewers of television’s "LOST" who does not dislike the series' lead character, Dr. Jack Shephard. Before anyone makes the assumption that he is a お気に入り character of mine, let me make one thing clear. He is not. But for some strange reason, I do not dislike Jack.

For the past three または four seasons, many "LOST" ファン have ranted consistently against Jack’s faults. Mind you, he is not the only flawed character in the series. In fact, most of the major charactes seemed to possess some very serious flaws. Jack Shephard seemed to be one of very few characters that has drawn a considerable amount of ire from the fans. I do not know why he has been specifically targeted によって these fans. But I cannot help but wonder if the combination of Jack’s role as the series' lead character and his flawed personality has set ファン against him.

Now, someone might claim that my last remark sounds ridiculous. As I had earlier pointed out, most of the major characters are also seriously flawed または have committed some serious crimes. Extremely flawed characters like John Locke, Jin Kwon, Michael Dawson, Kate Austen, Miles Strume, Ana-Lucia Cortez, Charlie Pace, Sayid Jarrah, James "Sawyer" Ford, Sun Kwon, Boone Carlyle, Mr. Eko, Juliet Burke and Shannon Rutherford. Hell, the 一覧 is practically endless. And yet, the only other character who have received as much criticism または hate as Jack is Ana-Lucia Cortez. Why? Well, I have my theories.

Both Jack and Ana-Lucia had assumed leadership among the castaways at one time または the other, due to their personalities, circumstances and professions. Ana-Lucia assumed leadership of the Tail Section passengers that crashed on one side of the island for forty-eight (48) days. Since 日 One of the Oceanic 815 crash, she stepped up and utilized her skills as a police officer to save lives and make decisions when no one else would. Jack, a spinal surgeon, did the same with the surviving passengers from the Fuselage Section on the other side of the island. In one early Season One episode, (1.05) "White Rabbit", he seemed willing to back away from the role of leader, until John Locke convinced him to resume it. Jack remained the leader even after Ana-Lucia and the remaining Tail Section passengers joined the Fuselage camp によって the end of (2.08) "Collision". And it was not until after his departure from the island in the Season Four finale, (4.13/4.14) "There's No Place Like Home, Part II" with Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, Sun Kwon, Sayid Jurrah, Kate Austen and Aaron Littleton that he finally relinquished the position.

Recalling the above made me realize something. Human beings – for some reason または other – expect leaders to know everything and always do the right thing. Always. And without fail. Humans seemed to have little tolerance toward the imperfections of our leaders. This certainly seemed to be the case for fictional characters who are leaders. And many ファン of "LOST" have harbored a deep lack of tolerance toward Jack and Ana-Lucia’s personal failings.

In the case of the former L.A.P.D. police officer, many ファン have complained of Ana-Lucia's aggressive personality. They have also accused her of being a bitch. In other words, being aggressive and hard – traits many have claimed are もっと見る suited for a man - is a sure sign that a woman is a bitch. And unlike other female characters on the series, Ana-Lucia lacked the svelte, feminine looks prevalent in productions such as the 2001-2003 "LORD OF THE RINGS" saga.

Actually, gender politics also seemed to have played a great deal in the fans' opinion of Jack. His main crime seemed to be that he does not fit the image of a heroic leading male character. Physically, he looks the part. Unfortunately for Jack, he failed to live up to those looks. He has made the wrong choices on several occasions – choices that included his decision to continue Daniel Farraday's plan to set off the nuclear bomb Jughead in the Season Five finale, (5.16/5.17) "The Incident". It is interesting that many ファン have dumped most the blame upon Jack’s shoulders regarding that bomb. And he is partially to blame. But these same ファン failed to remember it was Daniel Faraday who had first insisted upon setting off the bomb to reset time back to the 日 of Flight 815’s crash – September 22, 2004. And they also failed to recall that Juliet Burke's decision to set off the bomb for her own reasons was the final action that led to her death.

Many have accused Jack of failing to be a proper parent figure to his nephew, Aaron Littleton, during his three years off the island. And at the same time, many have praised Kate Austen for pretending to be the boy’s mother. I found this rather perverse, considering that Kate had set in motion the lie about her being Aaron’s mother. Jack was guilty of supporting Kate’s lie. But instead of criticizing both for lying about Aaron and keeping him from his Australian family, these ファン have criticized Jack for not being an effective father figure to Aaron and praised a kidnapper like Kate for being a good mother. Ah, the ironies of life.

Many ファン have accused Jack of being emotionally abusive toward Kate. And yes, they would have every reason to criticize his behavior. But Kate had allowed herself to be victimized によって Jack's anger and insecurities. Worse, her own behavior – namely her constant lies and attempts to manipulate him and others – occasionally triggered his temper. If one character is going to be criticized for the situations I have previously described, so should the other character involved in those same situations.

Some of Jack's other mistakes included sanctioning Sayid’s torture of Sawyer, failure to organize a 検索 for the kidnapped Walt Lloyd, instigating that ludicrous 検索 for Michael Dawson and communicating with Martin Keamy and the other hired mercenaries aboard the S.S. Kahana. Yet, he has received もっと見る complaints about his relationship with Kate, along with his tendencies to get emotional and shed tears than for anything else. Once again, many ファン managed to prove that we still live in a patriarchal society. It was okay for female characters to shed tears in very emotional moments, but not male characters. Especially if one male character happens to be the series’ leading character.

Jack's penchant for tears was not the only sign of how some ファン can be hypocritical. I have written 記事 criticizing some of the series' other characters. Most of my 記事 have criticized Kate Austen. I will be honest. I used to dislike Kate very much. However, my dislike of her has finally disappeared. Most of my dislike had stemmed from her past flaky behavior and especially the fans’ tendency to excuse her mistakes and crimes . . . または pretend that she had never done anything wrong. However, Kate is not the only character 与えられた this leeway. James Ford had murdered three people – one in Australia and two on the island - within a 宇宙 of two to three months. Yet, many ファン tend to make excuses for him. I do not dislike James. But I have complained about his flaws, mistakes and crimes. When I do, many ファン tend to pretend that he has not done anything wrong. And I find this frustrating.

Sometime back in Season Two または Season Three, actor Matthew 狐, フォックス and the show’s producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, made it known to the media and viewers that they were doing something different with the Jack Shephard character. They took a superficially heroic type – a brilliant surgeon that assumed leadership of a group of stranded castaways – and deconstructed him. In other words, they slowly but surely exposed his flaws and took the character to what could be viewed as the nadir of his existence. Whether Jack will be able to climb out of that existence remains to be seen. From what ファン on the many "LOST" message boards and フォーラム have expressed . . . this is not a path they wanted Jack to take. Instead, these ファン wanted – または demanded that Jack behave like a conventional hero.

During most of Season Six, Jack managed to avoid indulging in self-destructive behavior. He also refrained from displaying any inclination to pursue a romance with Kate. The worst he has done was engage in a temper tantrum over his discovery that the island’s spiritual "man" Jacob had been observing and possibly interfering in the lives of several castaways. Another personality change I noticed was that he passively allowed others to take the lead without questioning their decisions. I must be honest. I never liked that particular period in Jack's emotional makeup It made him seem like a mindless moron.

Did Jack finally become the hero that so many demanded, when he saved the island before his death? Apparently, those responsible for the Emmy nominations believed he had. Why else would they finally nominate Matthew 狐, フォックス for a Best Actor in a Drama award, after the series' final season. Mind you, 狐, フォックス had been giving outstanding performances since the first season. But when Jack finally became likeable, they deemed 狐, フォックス worthy of an Emmy nomination. Dear God.

Personally, I never did care about Jack's status as a hero. Nor did I really care for his passive behavior in Season Six. But I did hope that he would finally discover some inner peace for himself. And I believe that he did in his final moments, as he laid in the jungle, and watched Kate and the other survivors leave the island for good.
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Source: credit: lost-forum
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Source: credit: lost-forum.com
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