Jace Wayland Club
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added by YALitLover
Source: the-mortalinstruments.com
added by EllieLupin91
Source: http://fearlessherondale.tumblr.com/
added by YALitLover
Source: pandemonium-spain.net
ファン video によって AlecSassy
jace wayland
jace herondale
dominic sherwood
ファン video
tomorrow we fight
added by lilyZ
Source: lilyZ
added by Anichu90v2
Source: photomaniper @ tumblr
 At leas, as he seems to like little redheads, he may be able to pull off the attraction.
At leas, as he seems to like little redheads, he may be able to pull off the attraction.
Wow, I never would have chosen this man. Not. Ever. Admittedly, this is mostly due to his physical appearance. Generally, I do not have a problem with his character. One large – no pun intended – problem I have with him is his forehead. It is huge. I ALWAYS notice foreheads and his is particularly distracting. Although I never supported Alex Pettyfer because I simply do not find him attractive – he’s too boring looking – I can at the very least say that he has a nice forehead.

The man’s nose is not perfect and his smile is handsome enough, so I do not find that too terrible. Were it not for his forehead in combination with his slanting eyes, he might not look like an Alien to me.

I hope that the filmmakers comb his hair, cut it, and give him some forehead coverage (some sort of fringe) and that he pulls it off. If not, I will have to look フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to their rendition of Clockwork エンジェル and hope that they do a better job casting.
 Mr. Jamie Campbell Bower.
Mr. Jamie Campbell Bower.
added by YALitLover
Source: twitter.com/TheRealReisz
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: idris.com.br
added by YALitLover
Source: pandemonium-spain.net
added by YALitLover
Source: pandemonium-spain.net