デイモン・サルバトーレ Club
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added by Centenbakje
added by katewolf22158
added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
Klaus was running through the woods, trying to catch Tyler’s scent, when suddenly his ハート, 心 ached. He gasped and grabbed for his chest, while falling on his knees. It felt as if someone was cutting out his heart.
“Tyler” he swallowed. He scribbled up as he heard sobbing and scraping. He ran in the direction of the sound and ended up at the cemetery. Caroline was standing a few yards away, a shovel in her hands. Even in the distance Klaus could see she was crying. Keeping in mind there was a スーパーナチュラル hating army on the loose, he walked towards her as slowly as possible.
When he stood...
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Caroline was 表示中 the new moves to the cheerleaders, when she saw Tyler heading her way from the corner of her eye. “Okay, practice is over. Nelly, you’re going to have to practice that spin” she said, before quickly walking away.
“Caroline!” Tyler shouted. He knew she was walking away because of him. “Caroline!” he shouted a bit harder, but Caroline just continued ignoring him. “I didn’t see あなた last night at Homecoming”
Caroline stopped, but didn’t bother turning around. “That’s because your eyes were glued onto Virginia” she 発言しました snarky.
“Veronica” Tyler...
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added by ForeverEternity
Source: damon-gifs.tumblr.com
added by WonderlandKills
added by CharmedFan4eva_
Source: Tumblr
added by Heidihi2
added by klausyxcarebear
added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
added by baryton
added by ForeverEternity
Source: damon-gifs.tumblr.com
Damon and Elena were in the kitchen, both sitting on the dresser. Elena pulled on a hole in her jeans, making it bigger.
“The fashion trend where people wear worn off jeans has passed a long time ago, Elena” Damon smirked.
“I’m sorry’ Elena mumbled.
“It’s okay…But if あなた want to make もっと見る holes I can help you” Damon winked.
“That’s not what I’m talking about” Elena shook her head. “I’m sorry about the bracelet. Amber broke it. I know how much it means to あなた and giving it to me was a really nice offer and now it’s broken and I can’t fix it”
Damon shrugged....
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