Huddy The H-Morning After - A thread for crazy fan-shippers ;D

HuddyBea posted on Sep 20, 2010 at 12:26PM
As we have decided all together, a new fresh page to start screaming and squeaking, and fainting and jumping together holding hands... before and after the unforgettable ep that will be aired tonight ;)

In @PC's honour....the subtitle says it all ;)

Little entertaing article to keep you company with some good memories while you wait for the and that's all!

Have fun! See you later!!!
last edited on Sep 20, 2010 at 12:29PM

Huddy 1448 返信

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1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
seriously I am near the stage where i need a intervention i cant stop voting yes I am that insane
1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…
I have been voting like crazy too. Let's give this to them!!!!!! It's in our power!!!!!

1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…

They are not nominated because they are not married. Well, fuck that. Let's just write it down!
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…

good idea I am off to do that now
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…
Thank you:)

I looked at it carefully - that's the category where they fit best. Let's all do that - if we write Huddy down in different categories, they won't be nominated.
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
yes I know the one you meant ands you right come on people the more you vote the better the chances
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Hey guys just wanted to make know we can choose more than one option but of course the more people we vote the fewer are the chances for them to be among those nominees if someone else beats them, so we should just vote for them in each category we can if we want them to have the highest chances to be nominated. Have you get it?
1年以上前 HLforever said…
If enough people put Huddy in the "other" box, will it become an option? Do we really have that much power? THIS IS EXHILIRATING. For once, something that we can control...*goes off to vote a couple million more times*
1年以上前 anonymously said…
You all make me laugh so much!

Huddy|Huli FTW!
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
OMG New obsession everyone voting like crazy and as anon says

Huddy/huli ftw
1年以上前 KekaMC said…
but can we vote more than once a day?
1年以上前 anonymously said…
I don't have time to watch it all but it looks really nice
1年以上前 Katia1997 said…
@KekaMC, yes

"I believe in following my heart..."
oh my... @Anon, thank you so much!!!!
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 KekaMC said…
@HuddyBea i agree with you.. we should focus on getting them nominated..

@Katia1997 tks!
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Is that amazing? That thing Lisa melted my heart XD
1年以上前 Katia1997 said…
So much Huli things immediately run through my mind when I heard that phrase ^_^
1年以上前 maverickangel35 said…
DUDE. Y'all crashed the PCA site. lmao
1年以上前 Katia1997 said…
damn it XDDD PCA site isn't working. Who crashed it? XDD
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
good question who crsahed the site come on who ever it was fess up lol
1年以上前 mysuspicionis said…
I see you have been busy :) It was sweet that LE got teary eyed talking about her fans in the Kristin interview :)
1年以上前 anonymously said…
LOL the site is fine now (for me anyways) but that's hilarious that it crashed on the first day!

Keep it up laides
1年以上前 hughlisafan said…
Yeah, I've voted too but only a half dozen times because I just got home from work. lol Pretty addictive. I plan on voting everyday for as long as I can. At least a couple of votes a day until they close anyway.

Like Bea I only voted for them, since they take the top 5 votes for the nominees they have a better chance of being nominees if you withhold votes for other people. That's one for them, none for their competitors each time you vote.

45 minutes until House! I can't wait.
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Well guys really a great sweet ep :) I must say I loved it. I am gonna comment tomorrow 'cause I really have to sleep if I want to get up and study but seriously...two pecks, one patty and selma checking out and two bed scenes with the two of them sharing the bed? much in just one ep.

How to make a fangirl Huddy shipper happy with the minimum effort XD

Good night!
1年以上前 HLforever said…
The ep was hilarious! And cute and sweet Huddyness and Hilson and other wonderful amazing things. Unfortunately, this 3 week hiatus is going to be UNBEARABLE. When are we starting the Huddy hiatus thread again?
1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…
Quick reply regarding the voting:

- yes, we can vote as many times as we like, each day - each hour, each minute:)

- i only vote for them in their categories, nobody else; let's do this the right way, to maximize their chances

- we have the power to put them in the Favorite Family category if we vote enough; sadly, no idea how much "enough" means - millions of votes, probably.

So. Vote, vote, vote!!!!!!! They deserve it. We can give it to them.
1年以上前 Belle0308 said…
I loved this episode. I could see my husband NOT telling me something like this about our child so it was a little more real than people would like to admit. It had a little of everything.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 lovelyhuddy said…
Wow the end was amazing!! The look on House's face when Cuddy discovers the dime and when Rachel says "House".lol Love it!
1年以上前 hughlisafan said…
big smile
I loved this episode too. I couldn't help thinking what an ass House was for trying to leave but then I started to feel sorry for him as the dime drama played itself out. All this for Cuddy because you know he's not crazy about the kid.

Plus, the little kisses between House and Cuddy especially the one in his office, the patty and selma scene, and to top it off that final scene was indeed a *family* scene. House and Cuddy in bed together. House turning to her and telling her it was her turn. Ha. Ha. Beautiful.

Rachel ratting House out at the end was just priceless too. The look on House's face. I am so in love with this man, both the character and the man who plays him. It's crazy really. I'v never been so obsessed with a character before.

Wilson was great in this one too. Mommy Wilson. LOL

1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…
I am getting really hooked on hearing Hugh whisper... First in "Now What", then now. His "soothing" voice ("Is it turning you on?", ha ha), the shoosh-ed conversation with Wilson in Rachel's bedroom... I ADORE his whispered voice...

I loved how close they were in both bed scenes. LOBED how he had his arm under her head in the last one.

I liked the pecks and i cannot see how more sexual, deeper kisses would have fitted in this episode. Still... Here's hoping they are coming soon. I don't want them getting too "domestic" so soon.

Lisa looked beautiful in all the scenes. She looked LOVELY in those sexy pijamas:)

All in all, he did fine, poor soul... I mean, it could have been worse... It is so impressive, the lengths he would go to to keep his lady happy and pleased...
After she will have heard the whole story, she has to not only forgive him, but melt down because of how deeply he cares for HER.

On a down note, i didn't like that House was so little involved in the case. This was a very dramatic case, it made me very sad in the end, and i wish he would have been more "present" in it.
I am hoping for an intense episode of a very difficult, dramatic case, i miss seeing House all wrapped up in the case and the drama... And it provides great setting for beautiful Huddy: Cuddy offering her support, being there for him through his doubts and trials, some displays of very impressive tenderness in dark moments... Maybe "A Pox On Our House" is the one...
1年以上前 Delia_Beatrice said…
PS: Wikipedia lists "Massage Therapy" with under 10 million viewers in ratings. But i had understood there were 13,4 millions. I wonder if they got it wrong...

This is upsetting me - under 10 million is a very low number for "House":(
1年以上前 tammyr50 said…
@DB - I don't want them getting too "domestic" so soon.
And it provides great setting for beautiful Huddy: Cuddy offering her support, being there for him through his doubts and trials, some displays of very impressive tenderness in dark moments... Maybe "A Pox On Our House" is the one...

That really sums up how I feel @DB. House definitely seems domestic and I think that the fact they are dealing with all the issues is just setting up for the big things.

I really did love how Huose just seem to blend in with Rachel though. The bonds that are forming now will lead to some great scenes down the road.

The more they get the obstacles out of the way, then even though it looks domestic now it will lead to the greater intimacy later.

The next case looks like it may be on him (with the ducklings being in jail) and it looks a little dangerous so that will be interesting. We should see Cuddy's protective side and that should lead to some great scenes between them.

In our own relationships we have to see that the other person can be there for us in the big things and that leads to a greater and more passionate intimacy.

A couple of more episodes and I think we will see a greater intimacy between them. I also think the leg is something to watch for toward the end of the season. He is having more episodes of rubbing it although he doesn't use the cane at times.
But I believe the pace is close to picking up.

last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 mams said…
Ducklings POTW: 8 day old baby & mom
[H]ouse's POTW: Rachel Cuddy

Lobed it!
1年以上前 anonymously said…
big smile
OMG! I loved this episode so much!!
I'm sorry I don't know why and I don't have time to think about it or read your comments 'cause I really need to study but I loved it.
The medical case I thought was pretty cool, I really enjoyed that. and I laughed so so much at the House-Wilson-Rachel scenes, it was so perfect. Wilson is hilarious I love how he was leaving out the window. And House was actually worried and ahh I loved it.

I actually thought she couldn't have swallowed the dime and when they figured out the extra pancake thing I was like 'of course, they were freaking out for nothing, I saw that coming.' but the she actually had! haha.

I did not see coming that the mom would die, that was sad, but I think it fit in well with the episode ant I like that the big sister decide to take care of the baby.

Overall I thought it was a very well balanced episode. AND there were Huddy kisses, well small pecks, but there were many and I enjoyed them.

There were so many funny quotes that I loved (but can't recall at the moment) and I actually enjoyed Dr. Chang (or Cheng or wtv) I liked her, knowing that she wasn't staying.

I'm so overjoyed at the moment, I wish I could keep talking about it and read your opinions (maybe I'm the only one who liked it, who knows :P) but I seriously have to try to study, midterm tomorrow.

So, you all take care and I'll catch up as soon as I can :D
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 true_love_huddy said…
Oh I just ADORED this episode!!!!!!It would be really hard to enumerate all the scenes and details I was obsessed by, because there was plenty...
This mixture of sweetness, tenderness, drama and humour really melted my heart, and I didn't miss anything. Now I had to pay attention to stay calm and not to laugh out loud, because of those stupid neighbours you know, but I wore a continuous smile during the whole ep!!!!(Although I suppose commercial breaks will kill me once...)
And the fact I didn't have to miss the pecks and intimacy...just perfect for me!!!:)))
It was such a well-made episode on so many levels!!!LOVED and ENJOYED it.
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Just got up. Dont' have time, so quick critical response:

- I would give the Hachel interation an A+. I can't believe how howsome that was. The child was insanely cute and House soothing his voice for her was just plain adorable. Lots of cute moments but always perfectly in character.

- The medical case was interesting, I liked JG as a POTW, although I don't see why she made all those plastic jobs on her....she looks like a totally different person!!!

- Loved the pediatric doctor who was temporary hired by Taub and the way she spoke her mind to him: they always say House is a bastard and a child but really they all are way worse sometimes...

- Wonderful hilarious Hilson moments! No more to add here...just old shool chemistry between those two best friends of a long standing. What can I say? I adore Robert's skills at physical commedy and the way House was yelling at him, keeping his voice down, when he was going out through the window was one of my fav

- I see Mr. Royal Hotness is adquiring even more royalty and getting histerically hotter and hotter as the eps go by. I don't know what to say anymore about this man...when he made that joke about the badge matching the colour of his eyes I was falling off the bed of course XD Hugh's performance IMO was a 5 stars one and as I said the man look in freaking good shape...*drools* Thank you Lisa! Thank you so much!!! XD

- At last, but not for importance....I must have been in Huddy heaven this ep. Ok, it's was a domestic Huddy, but still...two pecks was like WOW....the one in the office almost scared the hell out of me, I was like checking around for them whispering "What about hospital policy? Behave!! They might see you two!!!!" XD I don't know when they started kissing at work but I love it and I agree with you @Delia on the fact that any other kind of physical intimacy wouldn't have fit the ep.
Then there's the patty and selma appearance...and, may I add that when Hugh is forced to performe his duty as an actor, peeping at Lisa's boobs, I find myself in 7th heaven? Ok, now I sound like a perv :P Well and then there are the bed the way he always kept his right arm streached under her head. And she was curling besides him so sweetly...

OK I really gotta go, but all in all, the ep was a great one IMO, perfectly balanced: there was a good case, hilarious moments, no bounds to hotness (even Lisa in her cute was that?), there were kisses, bed scenes, checking out....

Just one little insignificant complaint: how come everything end up being trade for sex? Ok, I get it....together they make fireworks in bed and Cuddy loves sex, as we understand in season 3 (who doesn't?) and House has his mind constantly set on that mode...and ok, sex is the ultimate femenine weapon to get what we want...all true....but I think this comical expedient has been already abused a little too much. Just saying...I am all up for dirty jokes, but please writers change the formula!!! XD
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 true_love_huddy said…
When Cuddy asks him to babysit the second time, and he answers: "I have a life!" Oh and what can he miss? Videogame, eating pencakes and popcorn or watching porno?(wicked I know:))
1年以上前 arasu said…
big smile
Finally got the ep downloaded. This has to be one of my fave House ep EVER. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in one ep.
I laughed non-stop during the whole House "soothing voice" scene. It was cute and creepy at the same time! :))
House and Wilson might be great doctors, but those two makes the worst baby-sitter (but totally hillarious) ever. LOL
I wish they showed Cuddy's next reaction after Rachel totally ratted out on House.
POTW was great too, waaayy better case than last week.

@Bea, "I see Mr. Royal Hotness is adquiring even more royalty and getting histerically hotter and hotter as the eps go by. I don't know what to say anymore about this man..."
Couldn't agree more. Plus, does anyone else thinks House has been wearing tighter shirts this season?Plus plenty of shirtless moments. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. XD XD XD

Overall, I'm totally loving this ep and will most definitely be watching it over and over again.
1年以上前 hippocampus said…
I cant wait to start discussing the new episodes with you! It seems like just yester day we were despairing over the state of Huddy...and now...IT COULDNT BE BETTER!
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 playingcold said…
big smile
Cuddy's reaction after Rachel ratted out House:

"Ok, House. You won't get any for hmm... 3 months?"
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Just stopping by to say hi once again: studying is killing me already...

I need to find @wen...we need HQ screencaps ;)
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
omg how cute was rachel in this ep rachel blabbing to cuddy about the dime was so funny wish i saw cuddy's face oh well now we need to wait 2 weeks for a new ep misterms and baseball i wouldnt rather watch house
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Sorry to crash your hopes honey but it's 3 weeks...8 Nov :(
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
My mate told me two weeks never should listen in the future anyway what I am going to have(hws)house withdrawal sydrome i guess i can watch olds ep but its not the same i dont have enough patience
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Yeah @rrennie we agree on that for sure.

Come on @huddyfantatic, smile...let's hope they feed us with some big promotional stuff in the meanwhile ;)
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
good point still going to have hws though house withdrawal sydrome
1年以上前 anonymously said…
Damn it you all wrote too much. I can't read! after my exam this is the first thing I'm doing.

I read almost all of @Delia's post and I just want to say I agree on many levels. I loved the pecks and don't see how deeper kisses would have worked, I am fully satisfied with them.
Also. how close they were in the bed scenes, it was fantastic.

I was thinking too that it was weird how House wasn't actually really involved in the case. I don't think he ever saw the patients did he?? that was something I thought was many missing or off but I didn't realize it until after, Rachel was more his patient this epi. as it was pointed out about (I think) and it worked well until I realized it hours later.

I'm still in love with this episode. Hats off to the writer!

ok. going back to the books!
1年以上前 HLforever said…
Aahhh...this ep was HILARIOUS. I made a few loud noises while laughing, which was problematic as I should have been studying...oh well. xD The domestic part was just perfect. It was a really balanced blend of Hilson funniness, Hachel cuteness, and Huddy sweetness.

But, I just read Barbara Barnett's not-so-ecstatic review of "Unplanned Parenthood", and I have to agree with her about the POTW storyline. For me, that fell a little flat. For most of the ep, I thought the older daughter had been poisoning her mom and the baby out of jealousy, but then I realized that the suspiciousness that I had detected about her character was simply bad acting. That was disappointing. I didn't see it coming when Jennifer Grey's character died, and I didn't really like it either. But, I think that there's an underlying symbolism of sacrifice and parenting that I don't understand. This is probably because I'm too young: parents probably were able to relate to this ep.

The tone of the episode was also very different, and un-Housian. BB points out that House isn't very involved in the POTW case, which is rare and a little strange. However, I suppose he was a little distracted by the whole babysitting thing. This ep felt more sitcom-y than anything else, and while I still enjoyed it immensely, I didn't enjoy it the way I normally enjoy HOUSE episodes.

That being said, I think this was the writers' way of getting the important and inevitable Hachel conflict over and done with in one episode. Of course, it'll still be there, but it won't be disruptive. A critic pointed out that they did this with Huddy, too, in "Now What". At any rate, I think that things will probably go back to normal in the next ep, which by the way is in 3 WEEKS. I mean, WHY??? TPTB, WHY MUST YOU TORTURE US SOOO....

Oh and @PC hey! We've missed you here. This thread was created in your honor after all...anyways, welcome back!
1年以上前 mmk11 said…
Hi ladies. I hope you don't mind me jumping in here- I found this thread the other day and have absolutely loved reading everyone's thoughts on season 7. Definitely helps to feed my House addiction:)

I loved the episode. Wilson was hilarious! I giggled all through those babysitting scenes. didn't mind at all the trading of sex...I thought it was very in character for House and Cuddy and part of their playful dynamic. Their little pecks and eye contact I adored, and seemed fitting for the situations. Also, House alluding to them having sex in the men's bathroom and saying there is no horrible place for sex- that is so FREAKING hot! I love that man.
1年以上前 huddyfantatic said…
welome to the madhouse lol only joking but welcome last nights ep was so funny and omg I can so see house and cuddy having sex in the mens bathroom this is a good place to discuss eveythng about house
1年以上前 HuddyBea said…
Hi @mmk11 feel free to join us ;) we are probably gonna move to another thread soon enough and post the new link here. I am waiting for someone to volunteering actually :P


"The tone of the episode was also very different, and un-Housian. BB points out that House isn't very involved in the POTW case, which is rare and a little strange. However, I suppose he was a little distracted by the whole babysitting thing. This ep felt more sitcom-y than anything else, and while I still enjoyed it immensely, I didn't enjoy it the way I normally enjoy HOUSE episodes"

I got the very same feeling but it didn't bother me at all. The way I see it, while writers are trying to explore other narrative possibilities renewing the formula from the inside, without shaking it too much, on the other hand the subplot, i.e. House babysitting Rachel, was meant to become the main one since the first moment. I think the whole ep was about an instinct for parenthood we carry inside us especially when the children we are relating to belongs to someone we love. And House found himself more and more involved with the baby until forgetting about his patient. Life works like that too. You develop priorities: at the moment House's prioririty is Cuddy.

Despite the whole sex-trading joke I don't think House's concern for Rachel was just due to his desperate attempts to prevent Cuddy from discovering the truh. I think as Barbara said, well at least the way I read it, the problem with House is that he of very complicated and twisted person...not a big relevation of course, BUT since he detoxed and Cuddy started brightening his days he is also a different one: he is jerk and a bit of coward sometimes, but he luckly has a friend who knows how to deal with it; he is slefish and unselfish at the same time; he wants to do the right thing but not to pay for his mistakes. Basically a good kid. But always a kid that now and then makes some little disaster happen. That being said, I totally agree this ep was more like an ep of an old-style sitcome entitled "Two men and a baby"...not unpleasant. A nice change.

Selifsh remains my favorite though. And Now What follows right after of course ;)