FAIRY TAIL(フェアリーテイル) Fairy tail RP anyone? :3

pinkiepie213 posted on Nov 17, 2014 at 02:40AM
Name: Mizu watergate 
Magic ability: Water dragon slayer/ daughter of the sea serpent 
Age: 18 
Crush: Natsu 
BFFs:Erza and Gray ( She smacks him every time he strips ) 
Enemy: Anyone who messes with her or her friends " a friend to the end, I always say! " 
Fav food: Duh, fish! ( Happy: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ) 
Former guild: Striped Tigers 
Present Guild: Fairy Tail 
Nickname: The Serpent 
Personality: Stubborn, Hot headed, plays hard to get, mischievous, loyal, funny, has a great smile, and generous 
Bio: When she was a little girl, A sea dragon took care of her. The sea dragon's name was Sorraa. When Sorraa had vanished one day, Mizu headed for Fairy Tail, the guild that Sorraa had told her about. back when Sorraa had raised Mizu, Mizu would play with Natsu when he and Igneel would come to the shore. When Mizu came to Fairy tail, she met a few people, made new friends, but.... Natsu wasn't there....so she decided to join a different guild, the striped tigers. But when Natsu wasn't there either, she decided to stay there and try to forget about Natsu. But.she just couldnt. She had soon found Surprise, her magical puppy with a spring for a tail. After that, she had decided to return to Fairy Tail, for the people at the striped tigers never really paid any attention to her. Then, she stayed at fairy tail for good!!! :3
What other characters think of her: 
Lucy: She gets along with everyone in the guild! 
Gray: Her? Hah! I HATE her! ( but seriously, She's kinda cute...I would watch your back if I were you )
Natsu: uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh......... What am I supposed to say?
Happy: you're supposed to say what you think of her! 
Natsu: Oh, right! She's AWESOME!!!!! XD 
Happy: She likes fish, just like me!!! X3 
Erza: Me and her make a pretty good team. Every time we go on a quest, she's there to help!
Mira Jane: She's really fun to have around the guild! Good thing she and Erza are here! 
Makarov: She reminds me of Natsu. Mizu prefers taking S class quests. She says, 'I only take these quests to prove my worth. Some say that girls are weak, meak, and can't stand up for themselves. But I beg to differ. I'm here to prove that women are strong and powerful too!!!' She sure is a handful! 
Levy: she's a great person! There's no other way to explain it! 
Wendy: She's pretty cool! I look up to her! ( sometimes, she pulls pranks on Gray, but she's GREAT! ^-^ )

FAIRY TAIL(フェアリーテイル) 1736 返信

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 1736

1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Kazuto: So they've run..... Oh well.... Guess we didn't get as much as we wished.... I guess it was just Zancrow and Rustyrose after all....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora was growing angry "will someone tell me what the hell is going on!!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Kazuto: It was thought to be that more of Grimoire Heart here..... But they're not..... Looks like we'll be gone as well.... *He stood up* Come on,
*The 5 headed for their ship*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"Zestu, wake up!" Jayden demanded "or i'll take your fiancee, who by the way is knocked out." Before Sora could repy that she was fine Jayden's fist collided with her head knocking her out.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He'd snap awake* Don't you dare take Sora!!!!
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Jayden had the unconscious Sora over his shoulder. "darn, thought you would sleep longer." Jayden laughed, dropping her onto Zetsu's lap. "now let's go."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Sora.... Thank goodness, she's alive.... Hey.... Wait.... Wasn't Kazuto here? I thought I sensed him....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Jayden gestured to the boat's which were visable from where they were standing "He was, went back to the boat."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Hm.... Well then..... Perhaps we should be getting back as well....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"as long as you finished what yo came here for." Jayden replied calmly, brushing white hair out of his face.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: .... Yeah...... All is good and done.... Let's head back. *He'd head back to the ship while carrying Sora*
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
When they got to the ship sora woke up. "Jayden is so dead!" she exclaimed from Zetsu's arms.
"what did i do?" Jayden remarked calmly.
"you knocked me out!"
"i'm about to do it again." he muttered under his breath.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: If you dare touch Sora, I'll make sure your body is never found when you die....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Both Sora and Jayden sweat dropped. "are you okay Zetsu?' Sora asked
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Oh, did I seem unusual?
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"just a little." Sora replied, swinging her legs around. "can you put me down now?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He'd put Sora down gently* There you go...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
As soon as her feet touched the ground she launched herself at Jayden, who turned and haluled butt. "you are so DEAD! you knocked me out! you A$$ Hole!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Hm..... [Guess he's getting what's coming....]
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"Jayden!" Sora had slammed into his back because he had stopped suddenly."look" he jerked with his head at the sky, above them flying, was something large and massive. By this point the boat was a good 10 miles away from Tenrou Islind. "Zetsu..what is it?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: That's......... No way........ I can't believe she's still alive..... Nizora!!!! *He waved his arms* It's mother's...... I didn't think I'd see her again.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"whos Nizora?" Jayden remarked "better yet... whats Nizora" Sora corrected.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Nizora..... Is a dragon of darkness..... Mother took care of her ever since she was a child..... After mother died.... Nizora left and flew off..... She must know that this is her burial ground....
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"ooh.."Sora ran a hand through her short cropped hair before pulling some bobby pins and a knife out of her pocket, which she fixed.

"so your mother had a dragon and it left when she died." jayden mused
 "ooh.."Sora ran a hand through her short cropped hair before pulling some bobby pins and a ナイフ out
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: It learned to survive on its own....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"that's pretty amazing." Sora remarked putting the knife away. "your amazing." Jayden replied.
"because your the only girl i know who would have super long hair, have it cut off in battle, and barely bat an eyelash as you cut it with a knife and fixed it."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: It is pretty amazing..... Knowing that fact...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora threw her arms around Zetsu's neck. " i never saw a dragon before, how about you-" she looked around, Jayden was gone.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Wonder what happened to him...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"no idea..but i think we'll see him again." Sora replied tucking the short hair behind her ear.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: So.... This is your first time seeing a dragon huh.... I can still remember when she was kind of small...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"really?" Sora exclaimed "all the dragons in the world vanished a few year's ago..i still reamber Nats utelling me about how all the dragons vanished from the world at the same time.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Well, this one's back..... That's for sure....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"the big question is why..." Sora added
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: No doubt.... It's something to do with the Kagamine family.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora was Silent for a moment "arnt you the last Kagamine though..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Yeah.... But that's not what I'm talking about.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"then what are you talking about?" sora questioned.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: It's time for me to finally bear the responsibility..... My responsibility from the other dimension.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora pulled away from him "other dimension? what are you talking about? Zetsu..your scaring me.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: There was more to my family than just us demon slayers...... In a separate dimension..... We keep the world in balance....... And when one person from this dimension dies, they die in the other dimension..... So since I'm alive..... I have to be responsible for the dimension now....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora's eyes were wide. "w-what.." she shook her head and took a step back. she bowed her head " that really sucks..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Unless however........ I can find another strong warrior to take my place.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"but who would be willing to take your place Zetsu.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Whoever's willing to step up......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"good luck with that, the only person who would likely do it would be Natsu, and he's to stupid to not distroy everything!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Who said they had to be from here....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora blinked "so you plan to go to another deminsion to find....you mean your other self.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: I'll have to see.....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"would it be bad if i went?" Sora asked.