FAIRY TAIL(フェアリーテイル) Fairy tail RP anyone? :3

pinkiepie213 posted on Nov 17, 2014 at 02:40AM
Name: Mizu watergate 
Magic ability: Water dragon slayer/ daughter of the sea serpent 
Age: 18 
Crush: Natsu 
BFFs:Erza and Gray ( She smacks him every time he strips ) 
Enemy: Anyone who messes with her or her friends " a friend to the end, I always say! " 
Fav food: Duh, fish! ( Happy: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ) 
Former guild: Striped Tigers 
Present Guild: Fairy Tail 
Nickname: The Serpent 
Personality: Stubborn, Hot headed, plays hard to get, mischievous, loyal, funny, has a great smile, and generous 
Bio: When she was a little girl, A sea dragon took care of her. The sea dragon's name was Sorraa. When Sorraa had vanished one day, Mizu headed for Fairy Tail, the guild that Sorraa had told her about. back when Sorraa had raised Mizu, Mizu would play with Natsu when he and Igneel would come to the shore. When Mizu came to Fairy tail, she met a few people, made new friends, but.... Natsu wasn't there....so she decided to join a different guild, the striped tigers. But when Natsu wasn't there either, she decided to stay there and try to forget about Natsu. But.she just couldnt. She had soon found Surprise, her magical puppy with a spring for a tail. After that, she had decided to return to Fairy Tail, for the people at the striped tigers never really paid any attention to her. Then, she stayed at fairy tail for good!!! :3
What other characters think of her: 
Lucy: She gets along with everyone in the guild! 
Gray: Her? Hah! I HATE her! ( but seriously, She's kinda cute...I would watch your back if I were you )
Natsu: uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh......... What am I supposed to say?
Happy: you're supposed to say what you think of her! 
Natsu: Oh, right! She's AWESOME!!!!! XD 
Happy: She likes fish, just like me!!! X3 
Erza: Me and her make a pretty good team. Every time we go on a quest, she's there to help!
Mira Jane: She's really fun to have around the guild! Good thing she and Erza are here! 
Makarov: She reminds me of Natsu. Mizu prefers taking S class quests. She says, 'I only take these quests to prove my worth. Some say that girls are weak, meak, and can't stand up for themselves. But I beg to differ. I'm here to prove that women are strong and powerful too!!!' She sure is a handful! 
Levy: she's a great person! There's no other way to explain it! 
Wendy: She's pretty cool! I look up to her! ( sometimes, she pulls pranks on Gray, but she's GREAT! ^-^ )

FAIRY TAIL(フェアリーテイル) 1736 返信

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 1736

1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Impossible.... What kind of power?!!!
Zetsu: *He broke through, then hit Ketsu which sent him quite a ways flying back, then he was down, he was panting as the attack took lots of magic energy, he got down as he was tired*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora ran over to Zetsu while Wendy ran over to cheack on Ketsu. "you did awesome!" Sora cheered, throwing her arm around Zetsu's neck.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Thanks.... If you'll let me... I need to rest *He passed out*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora placed Zetsu's head in her lap. "you may be powerful...but you get tired real quick." She teased.

"are you okay Ketsu?" Wendy asked, Asuka comming up behind her.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Yeah.... Hm.... That Zetsu is one respectable guy after all...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Wendy laughed "well he's a darkness Demon slayer so it's expected. and he's has a powerful mage at his side." she tiled her head to sora, who was singing softly. "Sora use's sound magic, and it helps a lot on stealth mission."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Hm.... Then I've still got some training to do... Especially if I'm going to beat him....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"yea, but perhaps before you fight Zetsu..you should challange Natsu..." Lucy spoke walking over to Ketsu and wendy.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Hm.... Sorry princess but dragon slayers aren't my style....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Lucy shook her head "I mean he might be a good training partner, everyone could get stronger.."

Sora sighed as she gently put Zetsu's head on the ground, and made her way over to Ketsu. "you did good...."she spoke, her voice dripping with malice.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Hm.... I can tell you're more in favor of Zetsu.... Besides.... He's practically the first one to break my Susanoo...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora scowled. "i'm also more in favor for him cause 1. he's my fiance and 2...the person who destroyed my whole clan..used a Susanoo.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: What?! Hang on a second..... Was it a blue Susanoo?
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora paused in thought. "yea it was..why?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *He'd clench his fist* I can't believe it...... It had been so long......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"what are you talking about?" Sora asked coldly, putting her hands on her hips and leaning down.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: A blue Susanoo can only have one lead...... His name is-
Zetsu: Madara.....
Ketsu: Kagamine....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora turned "are you okay Zetsu..and who's Madara???"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: He's the holder of the blue Susanoo... He's a very powerful warrior..... I'd even go as far to say..... He's stronger than me......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora blinked. "oh wonderful!" she exclaimed "and i thought Grimore HEart was bad!!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Grimoire Heart is nothing...... And should be nothing..... However.... It's different when dealing with Madara....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"whats next?" Sora sighed "we got 2 ass holes, 2 pretty girls, 2 kick ass girl, and 2 idiots"
"Who are you calling an idiot!" Natsu and Gray demanded.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: ...... Zetsu..... You're wrong..... You're stronger than Madara.....
Zetsu: What do you mean?
Ketsu: You broke through a Susanoo.... And if you can do that.... No doubt you can beat.... And even kill Madara!
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"then i guess we dont have to much t oworry about.." Sora mused, before she froze. "GET DOWN!" she cried, everyone hit the ground and a few secconds later, something crashed into the guild, setting it ablaze. "is anyone in the guild!" Sora exclaimed, getting to her feet. "Carla's still inside!" wendy panicked, making Sora sprint into the burning building.

A voice laughed, and the laugh came from a light-skinned man with spiky, black hair that had a slight blue tint to it, he wore crimson armour with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: .... *His wings grew and her flew into the guild, and he looked around* ......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"carla!" Sora called, looking for the white cat. "Carla!!" she ducked as a flaming beam fell. "Carla!!"

"s-Sora?" a voice replied weakly.

"Carla!" Sora exclaimed finding and picking up the cat. "i'll get you out of here.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: [A presence.... Could it be him? Where is he?!]
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora started making her way to the doors, when the roof colapased in ,crushing her under a beam. it's almost like that mansion..and what would have happened if i didnt get out. Sora thought as Carla tried to get the beam off of Sora.

"i'd be more worried about your girlfriend then me." a voice sounded next to Zetsu's ear.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: [Well well Madara..... It's been a while..... Hm...... We'll be seeing each other.....] *He looked to Sora and rushed to her as he got the beam off of her* There....
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora winced at the burns across her back. "Thanks Zetsu." She looked up and caught a glimpse of Madara, shivering.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He looked up* Hm..... Sora, you get out of here with Carla....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora picked up the cat, who had passed out from the smoke, and made her way out.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He'd grin, as if something very sinister, he'd go to Madara* Madara..... Heh...... I suppose a long time no see is in order..... Tell me...... I remember when we first met..... This mission you gave me....... Hm..... It's all still going according to plan...... Soon you can have your wish of destruction......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
(o.o never thought Zetsu would be the bad guy...)

Madara smirked. "well done..continue your work.. and maybe you will have a nice prize when your finished."

Sora handed Carla to Wendy, who begun healing. "where's Zetsu?" Sora asked, earning a shrug from everyone in the guild.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
(Oh surprise reveal plot twist. It makes things fun ya know. ^_^)
Zetsu: Heh, don't you worry... The new world is at hand.... Soon enough.... *He flew outside of the burning guild*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
(yep,now time to decide...does Sora stay with the evil double agent...or find someone else??)

Madara vanished, as Natsu ate the flames, putting out of guild.

"zetsu!" sora ran over to him. "what were you still doing in the building?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Seeing Madara..... It's just hectic...... My wounds still haven't fully healed yet ya know......
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora's face grew pale "y-you saw M-Madara.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Yeah...... I did......
Ketsu: ....... You didn't try to destroy him?
Zetsu: The guild was already falling apart.... It was either fight Madara and die in the rubble with wounds I already have, or let him escape so I can heal and be ready for our next fight....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Wendy walked over and started healing Zetsu's wounds, making Sora sighed in anger. " wish i could heal to, then i would be more usefull..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He'd touch Sora's face* Don't worry, you'll be fine...
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora leaned into his touch. "i'm more worried about you then myself Zetsu.."
"hmm...if Zetsu tries to turn on me..i can use her to make sure he finishes the job..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Heh... You don't have to worry about me.... You know it....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"i'm going to be your wife soon, i have to worry." Sora giggled, at the thought.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: ..... Of course..... I should've figured as much....
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"alright." she turned to the guild. " Natsu, take Lucy,Gray and Erza and go find out what set the guild on fire, the rest of us should clear out the debris and start rebuilding."

Juvia started crying "oh Gray-Sama!!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: ....... You'll do that...... I've got something I have to do..... *He flew into the air and flew away*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
Sora turned and watched Zetsu fly off. "whats going on in that brain of his..." she remarked quietly.

"no idea Sora-Sama." Juvia spoke comming up to her. "oh Juvia.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *As he flew, he looked back at the guild building* [He did a good job in almost leveling that building. Amazing....] *He flew further, he then landed and met up with Madara*
1年以上前 heart-of_love said…
"what are you going to do Zetsu.." Madara aked, not turning to look at him, but insted, staring down at the guild.

"alright, we need wood beams!" Sora called out. "let's clear out this rubble!'