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added by deedragongirl
added by deedragongirl
Hi, I've decided to make some 記事 to bring back this spot to life and I really enjoy making analysis, so here is first part of MBTI posts.
Hope that you'll enjoy it :)

- Act before thinking (or do both things at the same time)
- Don't mind ,,shallow'' relationships/talks
- Prefer spending time with others
- Talk もっと見る than listen
- Doesn't have trouble with expressing themselfs
- Confident
- Makes フレンズ easily
- Likes expressing their secrets and feelings to not-very-close people
- Enjoy talks about everything and nothing
- Outgoing and enthusiastic

Snow White actually fits that description...
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posted by -MoonlightBelle
Hi, 次 part of MBTI series :)

- Think before acting
- Prefer ,,deep'' relationships
- Enjoy being alone
- Listen もっと見る than they talk
- Sometimes have trouble with expressing their feelings
- Some of them are shy
- Some of them have trouble with making friends
- Express their secrets and feelings only to family/closest friends
- Don't like talking about eveything and nothing

Cinderella is a great example of introvert - she always thinks before 芝居 (her situation kinda explains this), never
searched for company, listen もっと見る that talk (when she's with Fairy シンデレラ doesn't suggests her...
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added by rakshasa
Source: ディズニー
posted by JefefrsonFan99
Although it is quite true that Maleficent is indeed the Big Bad of Sleeping Beauty, there are hints that another antagonist, not evil villain, people might overlook. His name is King Stefan. Princess Aurora's father who rules France.

He is Responsible for Maleficent's Curse on Aurora:
King Stefan invited all the Ladies, Lords, King Hubert, Prince Phillip and the Three Good 妖精 to Aurora's christening, except for Maleficent without Stefan himself confessing his reason why he didn't invite her. After Maleficent curses Aurora, he shows no remorse for his mistake.

He Poorly Handled the Situation...
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added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney/Pixar


Caricature / Gerald Scarfe

Now granted, Megara is not an official ディズニー Princess but I figure she is a prime example of caricature in a ディズニー film and where that overpowering style took little regard for the time period in which the story takes place. If animators attempted to use the art of caricature in Aladdin the film Hercules took it to the fullest extent.

 Gerald Scarfe
Gerald Scarfe

This time the studio turned to another caricature artist link, brought to prominence for his work designing the Pink...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: ディズニー
I want to make it clear- I 愛 THE MOVIE ALADDIN, I 愛 every character in it- except Aladdin. And finally, i'll tell あなた why.
I didn't really organize this well because I couldn't figure this out.

Main issues- Aladdin's sexist/classicism assumptions, and Jasmine's hypocrisy

Scenario: アラジン sees ジャスミン in the marketplace, falls for her, brings her back to his poor-boy hut, and together they have a ハート, 心 to ハート, 心 about how they feel trapped によって their situations. Although ジャスミン doesn't explicitly state that she is a princess, she does hint that it's not an enjoyable life. "Oh sure,...
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: alafantanzio
added by RionaFury
Source: Disney, Riona Fury
added by JaDangerz
Source: ディズニー
added by JaDangerz
Source: ディズニー
added by peteandco
added by JaDangerz
Source: ディズニー
added by PrincessFairy
Source: ディズニー
 ,,My dream won't be complete without あなた in it''
,,My dream won't be complete without you in it''
Welcome to my 記事 and hope あなた enjoy it.
So, I made a お気に入り princess countdown a while ago, and I decided to post results today.
I choose placements based on fanpopers 投票 on each princess.
Ex. ムーラン 1st place - 5 votes, 3rd place - 7 votes, 5th place - 2 votes.
So average score for ムーラン would be 3.
The princess with biggest average score is last, and lady with lowest - first.

Fanpop least お気に入り princess is:
High rank (1-4)
Medium rank (5-8)
5th - 1 vote
7th - 1 vote
Low rank (9-12)
10th - 1 vote
11th - 6 votes
12th - 7 votes
Average score: 10,75

11th place is taken by:
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