Chuck What do あなた think is Sarah's first name?

Dark_Silence posted on Oct 22, 2007 at 08:03PM
As far as we know, Sarah is not her real name because she is a spy and she is not supposed to reval any personal information. In the last episode shown on October 15, 2007 she said her second name was Lisa. I do not know or guess what is her first name.

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1年以上前 Mr_Muggles said…
I have not clue. Maybe it's Mona. :P :^D I think Sarah fits her well...she'll always be Sarah to me.
1年以上前 Dark_Silence said…
Maybe Sarah's real first name is Marie.
1年以上前 maybeastarbucks said…
I bet it's Sarah...

Also, I was wondering why Chuck doesn't "flash" every time he sees Casey and Sarah. They must have tons of government background that he would flash on.
1年以上前 Councilman said…
In Chuck Vs the Cougers this season we find that Sarah was Jinny Burton in high school, Katie O'Connell in Wisconson, Rebecca Franko in Cleveland. CIA Director Graham gives her the name Sarah Walker. The curious thing is that in the episode "Chuck Vs the Delorean", General Diane Beckman reffers to her father as Jack Burton. You would think the General would know and use his real name. But don't count on it. When Chuck flashes on Jack Burton none of the booking photos has a name on it, just location and booking numbers. We may never know her real name. Jennifer Lisa? I don't think so.