アニメ Hanging down at the ビーチ Rp

AmyRose11 posted on Jun 05, 2014 at 09:22PM
So, wanna have fun, or maybe work a beach job?! Come down to the beach and hang!! Your own story can develop, you can be a beach shack manager, lifeguard, or just a visitor to the beach on a regular basis!! You choose! :) Have fun, and If you've seen any of my other Rp's u know the rules lol I was lazy and didn't want to type it all X3
 So, wanna have fun, または maybe work a ビーチ job?! Come down to the ビーチ and hang!! Your own story can

アニメ 515 返信

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1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"Yeah I'm at the beach! Takura and Maka are playing in the waves like they used too! haha"Sazumy texted back before looking at them playing in the waves like little children
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He smiled at her enthusiasm and texted back*

Text: Cool! Is Izumi here too? Or is she still being a stick in the mud? By the way, are any of your hungry? I was gonna grab lunch in a bit, if you guys want We can all go together.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"yeah he's here laughing his ass off, Maka accidentally tripped pulling Takura down in the water, crap nearly your bikini top got pulled off >_> also yeah pretty much we're hungry :P "Sazumy texted taking a picture of the scene of Maka and Takura
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *His face became flushed when he saw the wardrobe malfunction and he texted back*

Text: O-Oi! That's dangerous what if one of the girls see you texting this to me?! Do you know how much trouble I'd be in if Maka or Takura found out?! >///< Anyway... I'll be at the hotel in about fifteen minutes, how about you guys meet me there and we'll all head out together?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"yeah cya, also they'll be fine, Maka will probably laugh if Takura knows blushing that much she'll look like a tomato x3"Sazumy texted back
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He sighed and texted her back*

Text: Alright, see you then.

Yusuke: *He began walking back to the hotel, when he arrived he went to the room, the girls had already left, they left their stuff so they probably would be back before the end of the day, they most likely went down to the beach or the indoor pool to compete again* Well at least those two aren't being Zombies all day today. *He walked down to the lobby waiting for the others to arrive*
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
Takura, Sazumy, Maka and Izumi walks to the hotel lobby , "we're here!"Sazumy said clapping her hands, Maka looks down at Sazumy a bit, "whats with you today though?...you've been acting plain weird then normal"Maka said
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He stood up and waved* Yo. Shall we get going?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"yeah!"Sazumy yelled a bit
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Oi, oi. Keep your voice down, alright? *He chuckled nervously*
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"sorry"Sazumy said
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: No problem. *He patted her head* So, are we all ready?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"yeah we are" Takura said looking at Yusuke smiling like she used to, " mhm!" Maka nodded before randomly tickling Takura's waist, " MAKA! HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU ** snicker" Takura kind yells but about to laugh since she is really ticklish, "Also Yusuke (( since wind isn't in this rp I'm just going to ship two of my characters, Maka and Izumi )) Maka and Izume are dating ^^" Sazumy said as Takura bursts out laughing since Maka kept on tickling her waist
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He laughed at the girls fooling around* This brings me back! Just like how we all used to be all those years ago! *He smiled widely, genuinely having fun* This is why I love you guys, it never is boring with you all!
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" So I'm hungry! can we get going!" Takura said happily before Maka tickles for waist again and she starts snickering, " Maka, S-stop! " Takura said before laughing again.
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Okay okay Maka, it's time to cool your jets. *He laughed a bit pulling her off of Takura* Oi, Sazu, Izumi, control her more, not doing anything only encourages her you know! *He patted Maka's head then Takura's head* Haha, looks like I'm still ahead in height though. But Izumi's totally got me beat now huh...? *He sweat dropped seeing how much taller Izumi had gotten over the past three years* You just don't stop growin' do ya man? And to think you used to be the SHORTEST out of all of us. *He chuckled* Anyway, let's go grab some grub eh? *He smiled and walked out towards the nearby sea-side shopping center* The resturaunts here are supposed to be pretty good even though they're relatively cheap, at least compared to the food in the city.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" oh also Yusuke! you know the latest magazines coming out, Takura become one of the main models for them, so many boys asked her out already, she rejected them all , saying " I may have my heart set on someone else" so yeah" Sazumy said to Yusuke calmly
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Oh? A model? Wow! But wait, the juicy bit is the "I may have my heart set on someone else" part. Now isn't it? *He gazed at her with a curious face, as if to tease her* That's cute, but now that the gang is back together, we're getting that info out of you one way or another so you should just spill Takura. *He looked at her confidently* Right, Sazu? *He leaned his arm on Sazumy's shoulder, as if they were partners-in-crime at a point*
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
Takura pouts in a cutish way, " I'm not spilling anything out this time! but Sazumy has a boyfriend -3- * kissy face *" Takura said as well doing a kissy face, " Taku-Chan stop with the face!" Sazumy yelled squishing Takura's cheeks, " no leave her, She's a fishy!" Maka yelled quietly, as she started going the kissy/fish face, " no one changed since the past 3 years, thank god..." Izumi said
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He walked up beside Izumi* Haha, right? It feels like I'm back in high school. *He smiled* Hey! *He clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention* It's time we got to choosing a place to eat!
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" ..." Izumi stayed silent but he wasn't upset or pissed just normal
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: You feeling alright man? *He looked at Izumi* You're kinda quiet, even for your usual self.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"I'm fine"Izumi said, "Taku-Chan don't be a fishy!"Sazumy yells but not that loud, "But I wanna be one!"Takura also yells but not that loud either, Maka flaps her arms up and down, "Stahp!"Maka yelled but a quietish yell
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He chuckled sheepishly at the strange scene unfolding before him* Erm... Right... *He walked over to them and moves them away from each other* Okay okay, we can play down at the Beach after we eat, okay?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"Okay!" Maka said, " we better hurry, before them three go berserk again" Izumi said
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: You said it man. C'mon! *He lead the girls towards the food court which had a ton of different kinds of restaurants he looked around* So, where do you lot wanna eat?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"we usually go to the sushi train, but you can choose where we can go"Takura said before smiling
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Haha, Nah, I've eaten everywhere here, I'll give you guys choice, I'm good for anything! *He posed confidently but stupidly so that it was comical, he laughed at himself* So, seriously, what do you guys feel like eating?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" um, maybe the japanese place, okami noodles" Takura said (( ik a fake place, but idgaf ))
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Okami it is. They're famous for their Kitsune Udon, which is kinda coincidental huh?
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" yeah" Takura said smiling slightly
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Good choice. *He smiled at her and pet her head with a small chuckle* Let's go.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"okay"Takura said still smiling
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He walked in* Huh, it's been a while since I last came here. They've redecorated. Anyway, let's sit down for now.
1年以上前 MiyuFan said…
((... A lot's happened since I've been gone. I am so lost right now.))
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
(( yep ))
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
(Hey, Miyu you're back. Well to sum it up Yusuke is hanging with Erza's characters and your Character (Kasumi) is asleep in the room.)
1年以上前 MiyuFan said…
((Yeah, saw that Erza had a few new characters now. I may bring in an extra character sometime))

Kasumi yawned as consciousness finally returned to her after her extended nap. "Guess that dive exhausted me more than I thought." She smiled as she flicked some hair in her face away. What time was it, anyway? Because of how long she'd been out, she was a little disoriented.
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *After they ate and left the restaurant* Let's go back to the beach, the waves are probably really good, make's me wanna get into the water!
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"I feel like...you never changed at all!" Takura said to Yusuke smiling ever so cheerfully
1年以上前 MiyuFan said…
Kasumi walked outside, seeing that she was still at the beach. When Yusuke returned, she was quick to notice him and smiled, waving. "Oh, hey Yusuke!" There was a girl with him as well, but much to her surprise it wasn't Hara. In fact, she'd never seen this girl before. "Who's your friend?"
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *He laughed* Really? Aw shucks! And I even got a new hairstyle and everything! *He chuckled jokingly, he heard Kasumi and turned, he smiled and waved a bit* Oh, Kasumi, these are my friends from school. This is Takura *He pointed to Takura*, that's Maka, the one there is Sazumy, and the tall guy is Izumi. I ran into them earlier so we hung out since you and Hara were completely out of it. You two really exhausted yourselves yesterday with all that swimming and rowing the canoe.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
Maka looked at Kasumi, "who's this Yusuke-Kun?"Maka asked looking at Yusuke, "I guess it's a friend of his"Izumi said
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Yeah, we met a couple of days ago. We've become pretty good friends. It's weird, considering how awkward I was back in high school. Y'know? *he laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head* Everyone, this is Kasumi. We've got another friend probably still dead to the world at the hotel. Who knows how long THAT one will be out cold so it's probably a safe assumption that she won't be joining us today.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
" Yusuke, that reminded me of something, dat Takura is a official Japanese singer and dancer :D " Sazumy said clapping her hands
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: *His attention immediately turned to Takura* Really?! Oh, awesome! *He took Takura's hands in his own, a twinkle in his eye* Actually, that said I'm a published Manga Author! And some animation companies are thinking of my editors pitch to turn it into an Anime! Maybe you could do the Opening and ending covers for a small sample of it?! *He was extremely excited, he was practically bouncing* Well, only if you're free and would like to that is.
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"I wouldn't mind at all!"Takura said quite excited, which is now quite rare, "but, if I do, what genre is it?"Takura asked with a bit of a sparkle in her eyes
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: Well, there are actually two possibilities in circulation but the one in the lead is about two young girls who happen to share the same name and likeness, they're names are Mayumi Sakurako, one is tired of living the easy rich life and the other is tired of the struggles of poverty, so they decide to switch lives, keeping their doppelganger secret between them and one other friend. However, they're not supposed to actually be related. It's not completely original but it's my story nonetheless! It's too cool to know it might be made into an actual Anime that'll be Aired in Tokyo and surrounding cities!
1年以上前 ErzaScarletXX said…
"if it will get adapted to a anime, I'll do the opening and ending songs! i can ask Marine to ask my cousin Niya( new character I'll add later ), since she can sing herself"Takura said
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 anifanfreak said…
Yusuke: That'd be amazing! Thanks!