Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2075 返信

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 2075

1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded, as they headed to buy their clothing, then heading out* Alright then! So, we went out and increased our wardrobe a bit! What's next on our little escapade? Or perhaps we should head back?
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Hmm, I don't mind staying out for a little longer, but I'm not really sure what we could do... We could head back if you want!" Kairi replied.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Hmm...... Maybe we should head home.... Think the others will be ready to see their new favorite couple... *He said half jokingly* Perhaps another time... Then it'll be like a real date.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Kairi blushed a bit as Katsuki said that, "A real date.... Who knows, maybe it'll give me the chance to wear one of those dresses, hm?~" She then began to walk in the direction of HQ, "But, let's go! Let's not keep the others waiting on this, hehe."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded as he began to walk alongside her. He hesitated again, but this time he took action by having his arm around her as they walked together* You know.... I haven't been able to feel this warm around someone in a long time...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Katsu.." Kairi smiled softly and gently leaned her head on him as he put his arm around her. "For me, my sister used to talk to me often about romance and such.. I never really knew what she meant until I started being around you more often.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Truth be told, I never knew much about it... I've never had anyone to fall back on in terms of learning romance.... At least, not that I can really remember... But, just doing what's natural.... I think just doing that is what helped me through learning..
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Ah, really? I really only had my sister and I guess Noah? He seemed to like me but, I never really felt anything towards him.." Kairi sweatdropped, "Now I question whether his feelings were genuine.... But, besides that! We'll find things out together and that's what matters!"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* As long as you can bear with me and Aoi Hono.... Then we'll get through this. We'll find out more about this romance thing together. [Still.... Thinking about it though.... Noah........ What if things were different? If I didn't have this chance with her and it was him....... How would things be?]
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Mhm! If anything, I want to be able to help you with Aoi Hono as much as I can... So, I can promise you that that won't be a problem for me.." Kairi looked up to Katsuki and smiled, "Besides, I did tell you that I'd always be by your side, didn't I?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: You did... [I guess that whole thing with Enzo..... It's made me feel surprised that there's still good people in this world.... At least, good people that'll actually stay by me.... A promise to be a father.... A promise gone, just that fast.]
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
As they spoke to each other they soon arrived back to the HQ. "Exactly.. And I'm not the type who likes backing down from my word, I always try my best to keep it. So, a promise that I make.. it's a promise that'll truly stay. Alright?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: [I can feel so comfortable around her..... But.... Why? What am I feeling? It's not the same when I kissed her.... It's almost like part of me is..... Scared? I need to shut those feelings away.... Right now, I need to keep myself going and my flame alight!] *He nodded* Alright, got it... We won't waiver, not even a little.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Not even a little.. Hm..." Kairi walked a bit ahead of him and then turned to face him. "Everything's ok.. Right, Katsu?"
"Something is... off.. I can almost feel it from him.... Is it fear? Or maybe it's something else... Maybe it's just in my head.."
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah...... Though... I just.... I'm not sure what this feeling is... [Aoi Hono.... Keeping it in full control... I'm scared of... Myself... Scared I could be the one to hurt them...]
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Hm.." Kairi frowned, "It's almost like something's bothering you, Katsu.. Here, let's go inside." They went into HQ as she then brought Katsuki into the kitchen. She quickly prepared some tea, serving it to him. "Here, drink this to calm down. Get your thoughts straight a little bit.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ... *He sat down and began to drink the tea, beginning to calm down* Sorry..... I guess... I know you said you'd help me... But there's still a bit of me that fears it.... I still don't even fully remember how I came into this power.... Aoi Hono, there's still part of me that fears that it'll lose control and hurt those around me... Especially you Kairi.....
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Katsu..." Kairi got some tea for herself and sat across Katsuki. She sighed, "This fear.. This fear of yours is what's going to cause you to lose control. Fear, anger, any of that, it'll make you vulnerable and you have to be cautious.. So... Don't worry about me, ok? Or the others, or anyone around you.. If... If the time were to come where you lose control, I'll do everything to protect them and.. I'll help to get you back, Katsu. Alright?"
"Really this is just my emotions talking.. Truly, I don't even know if I'd be capable... I know Aoi Hono is dangerous, but how dangerous..? If he loses control, how much would I really be able to do...? Not only that but.. how would I even go about helping Katsu afterwards..?" Kairi looked down at her tea, "No.. Regardless I'll find a way somehow no matter what it takes.... I need him to trust me to ease his mind, even just a little bit.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I'm sorry..... *He then drank a bit more tea, before taking a deep breath* [She's right though... Although it's that bond that makes me worry... The fact that they're my friends..... The fact that Kairi is more than that......A family...] My emotions are my enemy unfortunately.... There are some scenarios I may not be able to help it....... But I can keep it at bay for as long as I need to, in order to ensure that you won't get hurt. I'm gonna do all I can to protect my bonds...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"I understand, it would honestly be impossible if you were to try to neglect those emotions completely, it gets the best of us at times.." Kairi took his hands in hers, "I know you'll try your best because your heart has always been in the right place. You just have to trust me as well, ok?
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* I'm gonna trust you... I'm gonna keep trying my hardest, that I can promise you for sure...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled, "Good.. Now about about you take a small nap? You've been stressed about Aoi Hono practically all day and we don't know when our next mission would be.. I don't want you wearing yourself out."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded as he finished up his tea, them heading to his room and laying on his bed* .... *As he laid there, he began to close his eyes* I'm not going to let it win... *After enough time, he fell asleep. Beginning to fall into his nap*
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Kairi sighed as Katsuki left, looking down at her cup of tea again. "Funny that I tell him not to worry, but... that seems like the only thing I can do now.."
Moments later, Najenda entered the kitchen, "Kairi? You two returned?"
Kairi looked up at her, "Oh, Boss. Right... We came back last night but I guess we forgot to report.... Katsu's resting currently."
"Ah, alright." Najenda sat across from her. "How did it go?"
"Hm... It was interesting to say the least.. It was just more Empire lackeys behind the problem... Apparently they were using an Imperial Arm to attract those beasts there. But, we managed to collect it with no problem." Kairi explained.
"An Imperial Arm that attracts beasts? That's interesting to say the least... Do you have it?" Najenda asked.
Kairi nodded, "I'll go and get it for you." She then stood up and headed to her room, walking past Katsuki's. She collected the Imperial Arm and later left. While she walked past Katsuki's door again, her footsteps slowed down this time before stopping beside his door completely. She sighed as she leaned against the wall, "..I need to stop, he'll be perfectly fine... I mean, there has to be some way we find out more about Aoi Hono right..?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
*As he slept, he began to dream. As he woke up in his dream, he saw a forest*
Katsuki: Where... Where is this? *He looked around* Hello? *He then looked and saw no maek on his right hand* Aoi Hono? It's not there?! *He continued into the forest*
???: I bet you can't help but wonder.... What actually is Aoi Hono? Right?
Katsuki: *He looked around, trying to find the voice* Who are you?! Where?!!
???: Aoi Hono isn't just some imperial Arms you know?
Katsuki: ...... Then what?! Why?!!!
???: Let me tell you something.... Do you think you stumbled upon such power by coincidence?
Katsuki: ....... What the hell is it?! If it's not just some usual imperial arms then what in the hell is it?!
???: Let's just say...... You bear something to gain from it.... A power... To take back what's yours... To take back what you lost..
Katsuki: Take back? What I lost?!
???: ..... Let me tell you something..... That marking.... What do you think the mark stands for?
Katsuki: A demon's mark....
???: Wrong... That mark.... Is actually the sigil of one of the earliest emperors of your world.
Katsuki: What?!
???: Aoi Hono's mark..... It's the same of the royal family from many years, many decades past.
Katsuki: Screw that! If that is the mark, then it's nothing more-
???: It's far from a coincidence Katsuki... Tell me, do you even understand the history? The power you have, comes from when the emperor became a danger beast... A danger beast capable of the same power Aoi Hono has... Its blue flame, the claws... Kagutsuchi....
Katsuki: So he went mad, became a danger beast...
???: In turn his blood became the very essence that would become Aoi Hono.. Of course, a beasts blood... Especially that one... It's easiest to drink when you're a baby that didn't even know...
Katsuki: That's.....
???: Tell me..... Najenda served the capital in the past.. She served the emperor... She knows... She knows your history... Yet she'll feign ignorance to keep you where she needs you.
Katsuki: Screw you!! She's not just using me!!!!!
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"If I just mope around like this, I won't really get any answers... Maybe I can ask Boss? She could maybe know something..." She thought.
Kairi then walked back to the kitchen, handing Najenda the Imperial Arm, "Here it is. Hopefully we'll be able to find someone compatible for it."
Najenda took it in her hands and looked at it, "So this is it then? Interesting, I don't think I've heard something like this before... Attracting danger beasts..."
Kairi nodded, "Yeah.. Um... Boss? May I ask you something?"
Najenda looked back at Kairi, "Yes, what's on your mind?"
"Well... You know quite a bit about Imperial Arms, right?" Kairi asked.
Najenda nodded, "Yeah, I guess you could say that.. Just like how I know a bit about yours... Kurai isn't necessarily your sword, is it?"
"Huh?" That caught Kairi a bit off guard, "Well.. No, it's not.... How do you know?"
"I'm well-versed on the history of your clan, I mean we did work very similar roles and cooperated together sometimes." Najenda explained. "Kurai played a big part in your clan, both in its uprising and its downfall... Honestly, it'd be a little odd if I didn't know..."
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "I guess that is true.. But, that's not what I wanted to talk about.. I wanted to talk about Katsuki's Imperial Arm, Aoi Hono.. Is there anything you know about it?"
Najenda hesitated only for a second as Kairi asked, "Why exactly do you ask? Is everything ok?"
"Well, recently he's been-" Kairi stopped herself for a moment, thinking over her decision. She then decided to back off from the question. "Actually.. Nevermind, I think I was only a bit curious..."
Najenda sighed, "Makes sense, you did just come back from a mission with him and all."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
???: Why wouldn't she know that mark? People are able to know the history of many things and creatures... Najenda's no different...
Katsuki: I doubt that.... Besides, if what you're telling me is true.. I have the power of an emperor that became a danger beast...
???: Which also means, your bloodline is coming to question... Katsuki, the throne... Is something that should be yours.
Katsuki: If thats the case.... Then why am I here? I'm here in Night Raid... If I'm part of a royal family, then why aren't I with the emperor right now...
???: Because of the deep rooted corruption.. Because that spot was taken from you.. Najenda knows quite a bit more than you think! Your family became outcasts, they were murdered by the emperor's order alongside his current Prime Minister. All to keep his rule!
Katsuki: Najenda wouldn't just sit on that information! If that's true... That my family was killed... Then...
???: You need to leave Night Raid..... You need to set things right... Take your spot in the Empire... Otherwise, they'll all die.
Katsuki: What?
???: All of Night Raid... Sheele, Lubbock, Mine, Leone, Tatsumi... Perhaps even Kairi will die too.
Katsuki: Shut up! Shut up!!!
???: I wouldn't lie to you Katsuki...... If you want to ensure their lives are spared, then you've got quite a bit of work to do... Starting with, acknowledging your royal blood....
Katsuki: ........ I still doubt.... I doubt Najenda's sitting on that info! You're trying to turn me against her....
???: ....... You still forget, that she worked for the Empire before.... And what? If she confirms everything I tell you, then what? You gonna lose it? Activate your monstrous form and risk heavy damage...
Katsuki: ...... Whatever.... You haven't answered who the hell are you anyway?
???: Simple, I'm someone who's been with you all your life....
Katsuki: No way.... You're....
*He then woke up, looking to see the mark on his hand*
Katsuki: Royal blood.......... Right...... There's no goddamned way I'd be of royal descent... *He got up from his bed, going out through his window to stand at the top of the roof and look out to the world around him* The Empire...... Could I really be?
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Well... Thank you for bringing back the Imperial Arm.. Being from the Akamine Clan, I know that's something I can trust with you..." Najenda said, changing the subject. "I'm going to make my way out now, I'll update you if we have someone compatible with it..."
Kairi only nodded as Najenda then left the kitchen. "I probably wouldn't have gotten much from Boss if I asked.. Though... She seemed hesitant to answer... Why?" Kairi glanced at the kitchen entrance, "Do I go to Katsu...? Do I follow Boss and ask her again? What if it was truly nothing..."
Kairi stood there in thought for awhile longer until she made her decision and swiftly exited the kitchen to find Najenda again. She soon caught up with her, "Boss!"
As Najenda heard Kairi's voice again, she stopped in her footsteps. "Kairi? Was there something else you need?"
"It's about my question again... When I asked about Aoi Hono, don't think I didn't notice you hesitate... Why did you hesitate to answer me?" Kairi asked.
Najenda paused for a moment. "You caught me off guard is all, I wasn't expecting you to ask about Katsuki's Imperial Arm."
Kairi shook her head, "No... that doesn't make sense. You said it yourself, I recently came back from a mission with him so, it was likely I would've been curious about his Imperial Arm."
Najenda turned to face Kairi, "I only realized that after, Kairi... What are you trying to get with this?"
Kairi explained, anger slowly growing in her voice, "Regardless of what or whose Imperial Arm I asked about, there was no reason to hesitate! Unless, there's something else about it. What do you know about Aoi Hono, Boss?"
Najenda paused again, "..... Kairi, you're simply overreacting. What I know of about Aoi Hono is the exact same information that Katsuki has probably already told you. There's nothing more I can add..."
Kairi clenched her fists, "You're lying!" She said, her voice growing louder. "For what other reason would you hesitate!? For what other reason would you stay quiet!?"
Najenda sighed, "If you're going to stay persistent about this, there's something you need to learn. There's always a time and place for everything... And right here and right now is not the time for you to be arguing about this with me. One day maybe you all would find out more about Aoi Hono, but today's not that day."
"So there is something you're not telling us!" Kairi stomped closer to Najenda, "It's Katsu's Imperial Arm! That power resides within him! Not only that, but Katsu is apart of YOUR team! The last person you should be hiding any information about Aoi Hono from is Katsuki!"
Najenda turned away from her, "This is just wasting my time, Kairi, you're simply going to have to be patient if you're going to continue to bug me. I can promise you what I'm keeping about Aoi Hono, I'm not hiding it out of of ill intent. You have to understand, the moment it slips it could mess up our progress. It'll shift our priorities as a group and I'd prefer to avoid that, at least for now. Nor do I want Katsuki spiraling out of control. I don't plan to hide it forever, but you have to take my word."
"Shift our priorities?" Kairi wasn't understanding, "I want to trust you as our Boss... and I couldn't care less if you told me what you were hiding. I just can't understand why you won't tell Katsu!"
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ........ It just doesn't make sense....... Someone like me..... Royalty... Bearing an unstable arm....... With information being hid...... My parents....... My family..... Dead because of my descendants.... Then how the hell did I survive? If that was the case, why hadn't I awakened it then? There's only one other thing I can do...... *He went back in through his window, closing it and heading into the kitchen* Kairi...... Boss.. *He walked in, feeling the tension in the room* Is everything alright? Maybe... I should come back later...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Great, as if this situation couldn't have gotten any worse..." Najenda thought.
Kairi looked to see Katsuki, "Katsu!" She felt slightly calmer seeing him but she still wasn't happy with Najenda. "You can stay if you like, it's ok.." She looked back to Najenda, "Actually... I think Boss wanted to to tell you something...."
"Kairi... I told you already.." Najenda sighed, "No, there isn't anything I'd want to tell Katsuki. Can you excuse me now? There's other things I have to deal with..."
"No, that's not true! Can you please just stop lying??" Kairi asked. "Katsu, I feel like she knows more about Aoi Hono than she would let out.. More than you possibly know..."
"Kairi!" Najenda groaned as there was no way she could get herself out of this at this point. She took a deep breath before turning to Katsuki, "Katsuki, I could only hope you can take my word for this as Kairi didn't. There's a time and place for everything... And although you have the right to know, you have to trust me when I say that I can't tell you just yet....."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ........... Of course...... The strategy to lots of things.... It's all in the timing..... Of course, I'll trust you.... On one condition...... Tell me... Did me having amnesia work out completely in your favor? Me not knowing, never guessing any of it..
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"......" Najenda paused again. She took another deep breath before replying, "If that's the only condition, then yes... Essentially, your amnesia did help with all this, I want to keep the pace we're going at. I promise I'm not keeping this from you out of ill intent."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ........... Hm, of course it's not out of ill intent..... Yet I still think it's funny that we talk about trust.... *He then held up the back of his right hand, showing Najenda the mark* No more games Najenda.... Emperor Yexus from many years ago... An ancient emperor who was transformed into a danger beast, bearing the powers that Aoi Hono has.... The mark representing his bloodline... The only people compatible with this imperial arm are people that bear his bloodline.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Najenda eyes widened, "So you knew all along? How long did you know this for??"
Kairi felt lost, only starting to truly learn about this now, "Ancient emperor..... Only his bloodline is compatible with Aoi Hono.....? Does that mean...."
"I guess there's no more keeping shut about it, huh?" Najenda sighed, "Whatever you're thinking, Kairi, the answer is yes. Katsuki belongs to the royal bloodline... and instead of the current Emperor we have, the person who should be sitting in the Empire right now is Katsuki. The moment I found you and saw the mark on your hand, that's when I knew..."
"And you kept something like this from him all this time!?!" Kairi asked, her voice getting louder again.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Trust me, had I known.... I wouldn't be here.... A dream.... Lead me to that truth... I've had to come to grips with whether or not you'd be using me.... All this time... I've been fighting this fight, not realizing.... That I should've been fighting to take BACK the throne..... I've also had visions too..... Unless I can somehow take back the throne soon...... Night Raid's going to die..
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"A dream....?" Kairi thought about it, "Could it be when I told you to take that nap...?"
"... That's exactly the reason I've avoided telling you, or anyone of Night Raid for so long. The moment it would have been revealed was the moment our priorities would've changed drastically. Especially with the family we built together as Night Raid....... Our current goal is to destroy the corruption and remove the Emperor and Prime Minister from power. The closer we were to that goal is when I would have decided to tell you... That way we could fight for your rightful place." Najenda explained.
"But, why wait so long?" Kairi asked again.
"If I told him any sooner, I feared our priorities would have immediately changed to specifically getting Katsuki's throne back. The process could have been rushed, I didn't want Night Raid blinded by emotions... If anything, I thought that would bring them to their deaths." Najenda sat down, "But, now you're saying that you're having visions of Night Raid dying if you don't do this... What happens in your visions?"
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Too many different variables...... Sheele's shot down by an imperial guard..... Leone bleeds out from a fatal shot from the Prime Minister... Lubbock's body is fatally stabbed, seems like he had fell into them... Chelsea.... Killed by the Jaegers... I saw her head... *He stopped* The only ones that really live through this.... Are you and Akame..... That's what I want to prevent.... However...... There's too many problems.... The Empire's military forces.... They're part of our main problems. Then going in to kill Honest and the Emperor...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Only Akame and I at the end....?" Najenda shut her eyes for a moment, she couldn't bear imagining what Katsuki just told her. "Ok... Then let's say your visions are true.... What exactly do you suggest us to do by this point then? To avoid casualties..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He closed his eyes* That would be the good question.... The avoidance of casualties... I would say that I'd need to get close enough on the inside..... Knowing the Empire, they'll use their strong military forces for higher level threats..... Which means we'll need to pick our places to make some big noise.... Thin out their guard..... That'll give a few of us enough room to get inside... Of course, the next problem.... The Prime Minister's Anti Imperial Arm... Erastone..... It's able to erase an Imperial Arm completely... But it can only do it once a week and towards one single target..... Once that's down, the Prime Minister's good as dead.... Then lies the Emperor and the Imperial Arm that lies within....
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Najenda sat there in thought, "The Emperor and the Imperial Arm is a whole other discussion on it's own... For Erastone, we'll probably have to find an Imperial Arm we're willing to let up in order to lower his guard."
"Maybe we can put the Imperial Arm Katsu and I found on the line?" Kairi suggested. "Our goal to thin out their guard to get into the Empire, right? Truly, I don't think we'd be able to use an Imperial Arm like that if we'll be at the Empire... Plus, although this fight will likely do a lot of damage anyways, the last thing we need is danger beasts roaming around in the Capital... I don't know how well the user would be able to control the danger beasts considering the group that utilized it struggled to keep the beasts in place..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: That'll be just crazy enough to work... The only problem is... Getting the battles to cease once this is over...... Well....... If you want the craziest plan I have..... Najenda, it'll be your time to shine..... Since you were in fact a general of the Empire.... This may can work...... The blue haired woman..... Esdeath.... Leader of Wild Hunt Syura...... *That's when it hit him* Of course..... Diplomacy, get everyone in the room. If you can get Esdeath and the Jaegers, as well as Syura and WIld Hunt.... We can just as easily keep them in one place.. I'll bring the other Imperial Arm with me, sacrifice it against Erastone.... Finish off the Prime Minister.... Of course, I'll have to use my trump card in order to deal with the Emperor's Imperial Arm.. Then we'll unveil the true emperor.... As long as you can prevent the Jaegers and WIld Hunt from joining the fight, then everything should go as planned.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Keep them all in one place you say? You weren't lying about this being your craziest plan..." Najenda said. "I think you can put me up for that."
Kairi felt her body tense up simply from the mention of Esdeath's name. She briefly looked to the side before looking back to Katsuki, "Are you sure we could keep them in one place? That's sounds a lot easier said than done... Esdeath and the Jaeger's, you can take my word that I could be easy bait to keep them away..... But, Syura and Wild Hunt could possibly be a different story... If Syura catches wind of anything we have planned, he could place his markers accordingly and that could be a big problem..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ........ No... You're right..... The problem with Syura........ He's the son of the prime minister.... It won't matter if I take over or not... *He thought about it* Wild Hunt's a risk..... Shit!! The Jaegers will be easier to deal with... Especially with their loyalty to the Empire... *He sighed* Then again.......... *He remembered the tournaments that would be had in the Capital* What if I could get an audience with Esdeath? We could make every move, while making none at the same time.... I get inside, get with Esdeath... Once she knows what this is... *He raised his hand to show the mark* Easy... We can use her... The tournaments at the Capital are for gaining recruits for the Jaegers...
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"So going directly towards her through the tournaments just to get her under your wing, huh?" Kairi sighed, "It's definitely a good idea and considering your status, it'll most likely work... But, what happens afterwards? Let's say we go through everything successfully... Would she still technically be along your side by the end of it all?" Kairi asked, mainly on behalf of her own personal interests.
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Depends on what you mean.... Esdeath only became leader of the Jaegers because of orders from the Emperor.. She has a love for battle and strength... Take advantage of that... Hell, she's crazy.... But I can work around.... She can lower the temperature down to absolute zero... But whats that matter to someone like me... She's got a strong military force... At the end of it all, it seems like she has loyalty to the Empire and the military rather than her own goals.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Hm..... The only reason i ask is because the idea of using her to help us, it's... unsettling to me...... I don't want to drag personal matters into this but... Esdeath is the reason why the Akamine Clan is gone to begin with. We were already a threat to the Empire as it is, but the moment they found out we had proper hands on an Imperial Arm, we became a higher priority to take down.. To save time, we were eventually tracked and it was left in the hands of Esdeath to take care of us. It was only a matter of time until we were all taken down," Kairi looked down, her hands were clenched and she felt tears going down her face, "And what I hate about it all is that I couldn't even be there to protect them, despite the fact that it was my compatibility that caused this to begin with.......... Now they're under the assumption that the clan is erased, including the Imperial Arm user..." Kairi turned around, wiping the tears away from her face, "I'm sorry... You can do whatever you wish, Katsuki.. I'll go along with any plan to keep Night Raid protected.. But, just know I have no desire to keep Esdeath around for long..."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ...... Heh, is that so? *He then smirked* Then I guess I'd have no choice but to label Esdeath a war criminal... *He then looked to Kairi with a grin* You know what'll happen to war criminals right? *He said with that grin, he now knew Kairi had a personal vendetta. He knew he would be able to mark the Jaegers for war crimes under the previous emperor. With the Jaegers marked as war criminals, he could put them to death easily and give Kairi her chance to kill Esdeath*
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
"Huh? You would actually do that so I can have my chance..?" Still wiping away the remainder of her tears, she turned back around to look at Katsuki. Seeing his grin, her eyes widened, "You're serious.." Like it was an instant, Kairi went up to hug Katsuki tightly. Although she fights for the same reason as everyone else against the Empire, she now felt like she actually had something to look forward to for her clan. "Katsu, I truly don't know how I can thank you enough for this.."
1年以上前 TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: No need.... I like to make sure my friends see justice.. True justice... From the moment I obtain the throne, everything changes... The Revolutionary Army will be considered my new Imperial Guard. Of course, I'll grant everyone the freedom of choice. If you wish to become a citizen, then I'll allow it.
1年以上前 LillyBlack said…
Kairi let go from the hug and smiled, "You're not even in his place yet and I can already tell you'd do a much better job..."
"Serving under Katsuki, huh? Would you say if we use Esdeath, would she be able to help with Syura and the Wild Hunt?" Najenda asked. "We could ultimately take what were originally our two biggest threats and turn them against other."
last edited 1年以上前