Yu-Gi-Oh GX Updates

a pop quiz question 追加されました: Other than the name "Manjome Thunder" these are Chazz's nicknames in the Japanese Dub in GX アニメ except for... ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: These 回答 are Professor Banner's least お気に入り food/drink except for... ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: In the GX manga, who's this female オベリスク Blue student? ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Nightshroud appears on every season of GX アニメ except for... ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Dr. Crowler is the GX アニメ main villain of Season 1's... ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: In Jaden's perspective, Bonds Beyond Time movie takes place after... ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Besides Jaden, which two (non monster card) characters from GX アニメ appear on Bonds Beyond Time movie? ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which former GX アニメ main villain appears on Bonds Beyond Time movie? ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: Blair Flannigan wears an オベリスク Blue uniform in GX anime. ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which main character conducts a Ritual Summon on-screen in GX anime? ·3 か月前 by zero60
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Is Burstinatrix the only female member または the first female member of Elemental HERO archetype? ·10 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which outfit Chazz wears when he first got VWXYZ cards? ·10 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which outfit Chazz wears when he messed with Bastion's deck? ·10 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which outfit Chazz wears when he first got Ojama Yellow? ·10 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: In the GX manga, who's this female transfer student and when's her birthday? ·10 か月前 by zero70
a photo 追加されました: Jaden and Jesse ·11 か月前 by Hanna467
a video 追加されました: 【GX】 Not Gonna Die (Collab w/ Sidaliroy) ·11 か月前 by Hanna467
a video 追加されました: 【GX】 Hell Kaiser VS Yubel - Time of Dying (AMV ·11 か月前 by Hanna467
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Does Chazz wear his black outfit in the manga? ·11 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: In the manga, Jaden became a pro league duelist after graduating Duel Academy.. ·11 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: Jaden wears the Slifer Red outfit on episode 1. ·11 か月前 by zero70
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Despite all the Shadow Riders were defeated, who ストール, 盗んだ the Spirit Keys? 1年以上前 by zero50
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: There are female Ra Yellow students in GX アニメ and manga. 1年以上前 by zero50
a pop quiz question 追加されました: What is Chazz's goal after graduating Duel Academy? 1年以上前 by zero50
a pop quiz question 追加されました: During GX Season 2 anime, which character tries to destroy the Slifer Red Dorm? 1年以上前 by zero50
a comment was made to the poll: Atticus, Yusuke または Zane? 1年以上前 by FlareFlareon25
a pop quiz question 追加されました: In Season 4, who defeated アスター Phoeinx on-screen? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who's the main villain of GX manga? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: When is Jesse Anderson's birthday? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: 砦, 要塞, バスティオン appears on every season of GX アニメ except for... 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Few of Jaden's フレンズ became victims of being members of Society of Light except for... 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Was Kaiba fully confident that Chazz beats Slade? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which episode(s) Jaden duels Yugi/Yami Yugi? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which image is Nightshroud's true form? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who is this villain from GX anime? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: When is Alexis Rhodes' birthday? 1年以上前 by dbzfan9000
a pop quiz question 追加されました: On the GX manga, who is this female Duel Academy teacher (and when is her birthday)? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which two duelists became the champion and the runner-up of the Genex Tournament? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which archetype Yugi & Jaden have in common and which archetype Kaiba & Chazz have in common? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: The 質問 from the GX Manga. During Jaden & Chazz's duel against Tragoedia, what monster card help them both to defeat him? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which season of GX アニメ and Tag Force game that the color dorm Duel Academy duel disk made their 1st appearance? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who's the final villain Jaden duels in GX anime? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Besides Jaden, who are the two Spirit Key holders that defeated at least one Shadow Rider? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who is the 1st duelist that fairly defeat Zane? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Which character(s) that Alexis & Blair have a crush on? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: Jaden always beats Chazz in GX anime. 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: How many episodes GX アニメ has in total? 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Each Season of GX has only one arc except for... 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: True または False: Season 3 has every episode in English Dubbed. 1年以上前 by zero47
a pop quiz question 追加されました: When is Chazz Princeton's birthday? 1年以上前 by zero47