WINX CLUB OCS OCs Roleplay: Ballroom!

CyD12 posted on Oct 29, 2010 at 06:46PM
hey everyone! welcome to the ballroom! here is were all the parties get realized!

Here we can organize any party! and like halloween is coming winxlove2 thought we could make a halloween party! with costumes, food, music and everything a party needs!

Winxlove2 wants to know how your halloween costumes will look like so here is the link: link
tell her how your fairy will look like!

have fun!


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Showing Replies 1-50 of 239

1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: a halloween party!! this will be amazing! dont you think girls?
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:I love HW!!!I feel wery powerfull then!well just my evil part!
1年以上前 30degrees said…
Meggie: a halloween party! cool! hey girls! what do you say if we organize the party? it will be so much fun!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:totaly!I will make the decorasion!
Ginta:I take the lights!
CIndy:WAIT!!!where we gonna do the party?we need to ask faragonda for pramision to do party at alfea ballroom!
1年以上前 30degrees said…
Meggie: already ask her!!! thats why I asked you if you wanted to do it...
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:realy cool!so let's star!
ginta:let's first do list of what we will do!
Cindy:agree!I will make dacorasions!terra what do you think of my dad standing out side and telling"bu!creppy helloween party is here!!hahah!*evil laught*"?
gitna:I think it's awesome idea!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: I think so too! it would be amazing!!! Me and Meggie will be in charge of the food!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:I will go out side to talk to him ok?
ginta:sure go
1年以上前 lovebaltor said…
Aurelia: Awesome! A Halloween party! * Smiles * I love Halloween! Oh, could I be in charge of the music? * Winks *
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:*run's out side*dad!!
devil:yes sweety?
Cindy:so we are having a helloween party and meybe you cud stand near the doors and say"BU!!creepy and spooky helloween party is here!!hahah!"whit evil laught:)*puppy yeays*
Devil:sure!but you will send my some one to play whit ok?
cindy:sure!gtg now bey!*run's beck to the girls*so my dad will come!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: sure Aurelia!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:ginta how are the lights?
ginta:ok so I can make pink or black?
Cindy:it's helloween!ofcorse black!
Ginta:ok!*she pulls her self togetter in to ball then she comes beck normal and strange black energy ball got out*ah my head!*she faints*
Cindy:*catches ginta*ah!your skin is burning!terra can you move her whit rock to nurse?
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: OMG Ginta! sure I will take her! (makes a rock appear under Ginta and takes her to the norse)

Norse: Ms. Terra! you shouldnt be playing with rocks at school!
Terra: I am not friend fainted but her skin was burning so I couldnt touch her so I used a rock to get her here
Norse: her skin burning? hhhmmm put her in one of the beds.
Terra: ok...(puts Ginta in one of the beds) is she going to be ok?
Norse: I am not sure...but I think she will
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
(I hope it's ok that she fainted)

Cindy:pure ginta I hope she wi-*crys*my heads are bleeding some body help my!I can't heal my self!
1年以上前 TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: I will help you Cindy...POTION DUST! (makes some dust fall in Cindys hands and they stop bleeding) (bends Cindys hand) you feel better?
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:tnx juliet your are a graet friend*hugs her*
1年以上前 Lorinna said…
Vesta *appears*: Hey! What are you doing here, without me? I can offend...but I not will be offend! lol
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: oh sorry Vesta! we didnt told you! well we are planning the halloween party. Ginta was prepairing the lights but she fainted and her skin was burning so we took her to the nurse...Cindys hands started to bleed cause she touched Ginta and Juliet healed Cindy...we are not sure of what happened to Ginta, so we are waiting for the nurse to tell us
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
*nurse run's in*your friend is ok just got soretoch!anodites burns when they are sick
Cindy:cool!*look at the black light*I wuder from where did she get black energy I thot anodites can do just pink stuffs
1年以上前 Lorinna said…
Vesta: Thank you Terra!
So...can I help you in something? I want to participate, too!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:vesta you cud help my!I am decorator!you cud make skary mirror room!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: you are welcome! and yeah! you could help Cindy with the decoration! (turns to juliet) Juliet! you could help Meggie and me with the food!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:so we wudin't be bored I can make some music for us!Imma by Imma by!*makes windowls spooky(*)whit spiders,dead traps,zombies,mummys,witches,skelets(*)*
1年以上前 WINXSUPERFAN said…
DAKOTA:(enters)sorry i feel a little sick, are u doing a halloween party may i help?
1年以上前 Lorinna said…
Vesta: Okay! Scary mirror room- it's amazing idea! And Happy Halloween to anyone!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:hey dakota come here!I will make you some healing tea!and veesta yeah!

P.S:HEPPY HELLOWEEN to everybody!!!!!:**
1年以上前 lovebaltor said…
Aurelia: * Smiles * Thanks Vesta! You too! Oh- Cindy! I love that song! * Dances slightly * He he, I'll get to work on the music! Hmm, maybe 'Monster Mach' would be a good one, oh! And 'Thriller'! What do you girls think of thriller? * Snaps fingers and beat box appears. Claps hands and the song clicks on *
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:*dance and spins*oh yeah!!!
1年以上前 WINXSUPERFAN said…
DAKOTA:(go with CYNDY)thx
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: that music is amazing Aurelia!

1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:*makes walls look like graves*do you like the walls??I can make them like hell!
1年以上前 Lizzy-ILoveJB said…
Lizzy:Rather not! Don't wanna scare people AWAY!! *laughs*
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Ginta:so guys what do we do nexT?
1年以上前 Lizzy-ILoveJB said…
Lizzy: Not a clue! *laughs*
1年以上前 CyD12 said…

Terra: (all the glamix are there) (gets there running) girls! girls! girls!!! guess what!!!
Meggie: Terra, calm down...what happened?
Terra: my parents are organizing a princess ball for me!!!
Meggie: wow thats great!!!
Terra: and you all are invited! (gives them invitations) you will have to dance with someone, so you can take anyone you would want to dance with!
1年以上前 TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: (looks at the invitation) well, Im guessing Terra will take Dustfinger, Meggie will go with Farid and Cindy will go with Sootbird/Jack...well I wont take anyone cause 1. I dont dance.
2. If I do dance, I dont have anyone to dance with. 3. its not the style of stuff I do....
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:you cud take black princ!wow tnx terra!it's really great!~
ginta:*doesen't take the invitasion*sorry I can't toch it!it will burn down or melt!
Cindy:*takes gintas invitasion*I will ceep it!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: its ok Ginta! (smiles) well! Im glad you liked the idea!! (turns to Juliet) Cindy is right! you could take Black Prince! you and him have been getting alone very well (smiles)
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Ginta:yeah!but what will we waer?
1年以上前 TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: Black Prince? no! I mean come on...we are just friends!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Ginta:I wud invite robertas!and I think your heart say something else!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: (rolls eyes) then take him as a friend or whatever! I really want you to go Juliet! oh and you must go with a princess ball very important people will be there...
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:oh I love dresses!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Terra: (smiles) oh I already asked permission to Faragonda! and she told me we can leave!!! the ball will be next week
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:oh then bey!I need to find a dress!
Ginta:*makes portal*I will call robertas and find energy dress!
Cindy:ok!so bey!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Meggie: cool! I will tell Farid about it! and find a dress...(turns to Juliet and Cindy) wanna help me find a dress? and we could find Juliets too!
1年以上前 winxlove2 said…
Cindy:sure!!but I buy my dresses in most expensive shops in gallaxy!even expesear then stellas from winx!!
1年以上前 CyD12 said…
Meggie: well...I dont have that much money, so I guess I will buy mine in magix
1年以上前 TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: I dont like I wont bother that much