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Jeremy’s attempt to sleep is being disturbed によって Anna, Vicky and who else?...
I’m not sure how it took me so long to figure this out but tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks: At its heart, The Vampire Diaries is a 表示する all about family.
But in order for that relationship to feel genuine, it has to happen when Stefan isn't compelled to be a jerk
5 fans
Caroline eavesdrops her mother about the murder…
College sophomore Elena Gilbert meets a mysterious man named Dean and steps into a 塔の上のラプンツェル web that she never expected and that is impossible to escape completely. feedback is love! first fic posted!
Amber is getting a history class from Stefan…
all ships +Damon/OC. could Damon ever get over Elena? Samantha also drags a dangerous piece of her past with her to mystic falls. But this is nothing compared to the mess that loving Damon will pull her into .post 2x08
2 fans