こんにちは i live in sydney and i am only up to episode 3x12. would あなた guys in america plz tell me what happens in 3x19? i saw in the promo elena kisses damon? IS THIS REALLY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!I HOPE IT IS!!! anyway so if あなた guys find out can あなた tell me? i am really desperete to know! and has 3x19 come on amreican TV?? i am really deseperete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me!!! btw do あなた guys find it unfair how austarlia is soo behind?? i wish i lived in america!! anyway whats gonna happen in 3x20?? i heard some stelen scenes.! i have been waiting.!!!! によって the way i am team stelena and delena i cant chose so lol. thats why i am curous. please answer and help me!