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'The 9th Life of Louis Drax' on インターネット・ムービー・データベース(IMDb)

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A psychologist who begins working with a young boy who has suffered a near-fatal fall finds himself drawn into a mystery that tests the boundaries of fantasy and reality.
Liz Jensen (based on the novel by), Max Minghella (screenplay)
Jamie Dornan, Aaron Paul, Sarah Gadon | See full cast and crew »
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Casting Net: Xavier Samuel cast as The Monster in contemporary \'Frankenstein\'
Supernatural Adaptation The 9th Life Of Louis Drax Lands Sarah Gadon
Sarah Gadon Takes Female Lead in \'9th Life of Louis Drax\'
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Status: Filming | See complete list of in-production titles »
More Info: See more production information about this title on IMDbPro.
In a post-apocalyptic world, Théo, a rebellious youth fights a repressive regime by drawing and posting anti-government slogans, and finds dangerous love with a mysterious woman.
Stars: Stanislas Merhar, Marion Cotillard, Wadeck Stanczak
The escapades of Cobra, a space adventurer who encounters a guild of space pirates, monsters, and lots of alien women.
Irish Commandant Pat Quinlan leads a stand off with troops against French and Belgian Mercenaries in the Congo during in the early 1960s.
A thriller set in the world of remotely piloted drone warfare.
Stars: Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman, Helen Mirren
A rogue space pirate teams up with a bounty hunter on an adventure to Mars in search of lost treasure.
A Pulitzer-winning writer grapples with being a widower and father after a mental breakdown, while, 27 years later, his grown daughter struggles to forge connections of her own.
Stars: Aaron Paul, Amanda Seyfried, Haley Bennett
A group of corrupt police officers are blackmailed into pulling off a seemingly impossible heist. They plot the murder of a rookie police officer in order to orchestrate a "999", code for \'officer down\', to pull off the heist across town.
Stars: Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Teresa Palmer
A chef assembles a crew together in an attempt to create the best restaurant ever.
Stars: Jamie Dornan, Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller
THE GIRL KING paints a portrait of the brilliant, extravagant Kristina of Sweden, queen from age six, who fights the conservative forces that are against her ideas to modernize Sweden and who have no tolerance for her awakening sexuality.
Stars: Sarah Gadon, Michael Nyqvist, François Arnaud
A mystery centered around the construction of the Great Wall of China.
Stars: Bryan Cranston, Matt Damon, Ziyi Zhang
On V.E. Day in 1945, Princess Margaret when she and her sister Elizabeth allowed out from Buckingham Palace for the night, where they encounter romance and danger.
Stars: Sarah Gadon, Jack Reynor, Emily Watson
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