
ハンガー・ゲーム 質問

If あなた lived in Panem: gender? age? description? district? rebel または capitol lover?

I would be a fourteen 年 old girl named Maevis Horonett. Longish dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, freckles, tall.
I would hail from District 12.
I would also truly despise the Capitol.
i would first truly fall for peeta, but the games tear US apart and i find comfort in gale, especially since peeta ruined his chemistry with katniss. finally, after the war, gale and i run off to elope in district two. we have a boy and a girl: Travis Rory and Kristina Katniss Hawthorne.
flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
thats what my fanfic Ashes Ashes is about
flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
 flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
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ハンガー・ゲーム 回答

HGjulantis said:
I would be Julia Hawthorne, daughter of Gale and Johanna Mason. After Gale's ハート, 心 is broken, he is left with nobody to love. Then he ran into Johanna Mason, because she was also in District 2. They both realize that they both have nobody to 愛 and are perfect for each other. They fall madly in 愛 and have two daughters, one named Joanne Katniss Hawthorne, and the other (me) Julia Primrose Hawthorne. I would obviously come from District Two, but travel from District to District meeting famous people and allies of my parents...and the girl who neither me nor my sister talk about when my father is within hearing distance. I'm currently traveling to District 12 to meet Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen in person, Johanna has approved, but my Dad thinks I am visiting Annie Cresta again. A 14-year-old can do a lot in Panem. I'm a strong girl, like my mother and father, but I am a great hunter with great strategy's and traps like my father, sneaky and sly like my mom. I have my mom's キャラメル hair and my dad's face, but my mom's pale-in-winter tan-in-summer skin. Based on the stories I've heard traveling the country, I despise the capitol. I don't have anything against Katniss Everdeen, in fact, I feel bad for her, she ロスト so many people and then has to make a decision that will either way hurt someone. Personally, I think Peeta was better for her, but shhh! Don't tell my dad!
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posted 1年以上前 
Sandfire_Paiger said:
In the books, Katniss 発言しました that District 12 was in the Appilachias. I estimate Iowa to be District 11.
Tall for her age, dirty blonde. Light grayish-blue eyes. My name would be Mertensia Benik.
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posted 1年以上前 
TeamPeeta649 said:
District: 11

Gender: Female

Age: Idk I guess the age I am now((which I'm not going to say))& on from there until I die

Description: Dark skin((as in black, which I am)), tall, skinny, dark brown eyes, and long dark brown hair

Rebel all the way!!!
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posted 1年以上前 
am i allowed to ask your name?
flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
Yeah umm, I'd probably just keep my last name so... my name would be.... Jada Kelley. It's pronounced like Jade with the a sounding as ah at the end. Jada.
TeamPeeta649 posted 1年以上前
So is it Jada または Gadah? I've known a Gadah.
Sandfire_Paiger posted 1年以上前
TeamPeeta649 posted 1年以上前
g4eva said:
I would be a 15 年 old female , probably from district 8.
I would have light brown hair and hazel eyes.
and my name would be Talya
Rebel for sure.
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posted 1年以上前 
rapunzeleah123 said:
Seventeen 年 old girl named December Raislyn.
Long wavy auburn hair down to my hips, silvery blue eyes. Fairly tall. From District 1, but has known Katniss since we were toddlers. Rebel.
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posted 1年以上前 
It's actually part of the rebellion. When they were little kids, their parents took them to a secret hiding place where they met. The Capitol wanted to kill their parents, so their parents hid too.
rapunzeleah123 posted 1年以上前
very creative! whoa now mine looks boring and i try to find peoples flaws and they prove me wrong.
flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
HuddyLover1 said:
Name: Tempris Kennan
Appearance:tan skin gray eyes like storm clouds black または red hair

(kinda look like this)
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 Name: Tempris Kennan Age:15 District:9 Appearance:tan skin gray eyes like storm clouds black または red hair REBEL (kinda look like this)
posted 1年以上前 
icedragongirl88 said:
I would be a 14 年 old girl named Kitana Harna.Hair a little past my shoulders dark brown hair.bright green eyes.freckles.tall as well.
from district 11.
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posted 1年以上前 
Khaner said:
Age:17 Name:Neruok Khan
Gender:Male (feel alittle gay posting this wheres all the guy fans!) Desctiption: tall,long brown hair,green eyes, slim.
District 13,
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posted 1年以上前 
haha dont let us girls intimidate you.
flabaloobalah posted 1年以上前
demideardarling said:
I'd be a 14 年 old girl with blonde hair and green eyes and really tall from District 4, または possibly district 11, (I know they're different but I've seen two maps based on the book and they've both 発言しました different things.) And I would despise the capitol and the games.
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posted 1年以上前 
HollyRay said:
I would be...

A 20 年 old (because I can't wait until I'm 20) girl named Nimue (pronounced Nim-you-AE) Rose. I'd have waist length black hair (wavy), エメラルド green eyes and pale milky skin, about 5'4. Always wear Victorian style dresses with falsh eyelashes. I think I'd pretend to like the capitol, but inside, detest it.
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posted 1年以上前 
Ninjacupcake said:
Gender: Female


Description: Sweet, softspoken and kind. Tall and thin (with some hip action ;)) with pale skin. Brown hair and eyes. My name would be Marble because of my pale complextion.

District: 13, because it is based off of hiding and the underground. I would be pale because of no contact with the sun.

I tend to stay away from fights and death so, even though I don't prefer it, I would be a Capitol lover...
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posted 1年以上前 
POPclogger216 said:
Name: Kaithe Berrisel
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: about 5'10
イチゴ blonde hair, brown eyes, glasses. Judging from the maps I've seen, I would come from District 12, but I would rather come from 9, I think electricity, または 6, unknown.
Most likely despise the capitol with a burining passion within my Tribute-prone heart. X)
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posted 1年以上前 
maddiedudley14 said:
I would be an 16 年 old girl names ヒイラギ, ホリー Huntzberger. I would be tall with エメラルド green eyes, and wavy red hair. I would be from district 4 and I would proudly rebel agenst the capital.
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posted 1年以上前 
sandracoon78 said:
i would be a fourteen 年 old girl named Penelope Fobbis. short red hair, green eyes, around 5'2
i am from district 13, very nature nerdy
and i would hate the capitol. i am a strong rebel
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posted 1年以上前 
larysan said:
i would be larissa meadowgold and i would be peeta's first girlfriend. i broke up with him because i was STUPID
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posted 1年以上前 
AaronHaley4ever said:
Name: Ramyna (pronounced Rah-mee-na) Caledon
Age: 17
District: the Capitol
Description: tall, pale skin, green/black hair, blue-gray eyes with lots of makeup
Obviously, I'd pretend to like the Capitol since it's my home, but I'd secretly be a rebel.
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posted 1年以上前 
lucy32 said:
Name - Melissa Riverbank
Age - 15
Appearance - dark hair, gray eyes, not very tall. Not quite a social butterfly, mostly keeping to myself. I work as an electronics tester, and enjoy my job.
District - 3
Rebel, though not too outspoken.
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posted 1年以上前 
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