ビッグバン★セオリー/ギークなボクらの恋愛法則 Club
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added by huddysmacked
Source: getty 画像
added by Bones_Obsessor
上, ページのトップへ 10
added by xleeloo
Source: thebigbangtheoryshow @tumblr
 For point number 1- kaley/jim grade-A-chemistry
For point number 1- kaley/jim grade-A-chemistry
Listen people, I am posting this because I want to. And hopefully if some of あなた L/P shippers read it, あなた will at least try to understand and see the brilliant light that is Sheldon/Penny.

Also I would actually enjoy your opinion on the matter.

Right... So this is a レポート on the third episode of Season three; when Sheldon trains Penny with チョコレート blah blah blah can't be bothered 書く description, あなた all know what ep I'm talking about.

P.S. No copyright infringements intended, because this is not my report, it was written によって a person named Arabian on Livejournal. I'm a big ファン of her/him?...
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added by shenelopefan
added by newmixgirl
Source: Bigbang_fans comunitty@LJ
added by mor65
added by paola1901
Source: Patrick Demarchelier/ cbs.com
added by RoseLovesJack
added by mor65
added by simpleplan
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/the-big-bang-theory?
added by quinnbee
The Doppler effect makes a really cool ハロウィン costume!

You can't learn Morse code at 3 AM.

Gravity is a heartless bitch

Once your mind is "pre-blown", it cannot be "re-blown

Pajamas were invented in India. You're welcome.

One would rather watch season 2 of Battlestar Gallactica with commentary than have a woman over for dinner.

Star Trek and 星, つ星 Wars are two separate things. Seriously.

It doesn't matter if your children are non-existent, as long as they're smart and beautiful.

5318008 entered into a calculator spells “boobies” upside down.

Everyone Loves LOLcats.

Newton was one smart cookie....
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added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS