The Bad Girls Club Club
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The other 一覧 was getting a little long so I decided to make a 秒 one instead of keeping the other one going on and on. I'll be editing this as new replacements and seasons come. I'm also gonna throw the other season 15 girls in here as well (despite them being in the last one) because I feel like that makes もっと見る sense to do.

Season 15


I 愛 Diamond. She's so chill and pretty understanding. I also like her tom boy style. I also like how she didn't seem to judge the replacements too harshly right off the bat. Though I do think it's messed up that she lied about being Olivia's sister. I still like her, but that wasn't cool.


I also like her. She seems like such a sweetheart. She's a bad girl but she's a sweetheart. However I did lose a lot of respect for her upon finding out that she liked about the cancer thing. But to make up for that, I'm glad she came clean about her relationship with Diamond.


She seems super cool. I like both Asia and her sister. They seem fun and badass. I also really like her maturity how she was upfront and respectful when confronting Olivia. How she admitted and took responsibility after their prank went wrong.


Again I had to say 'oh great not another one', but like the last Amber she's pretty cool. She seems down to earth and I'm glad she and her sister were down for getting the twins out. And I respect how she handled the new girl situation; like she tried to talk to Jamiee and Jazmyn before anything else happened. And it was cool that she tried to give them both a 秒 chance instead of just getting in their faces. But when she does throw down she's freaking badass. "If she's gonna start chucking pictures Imma chuck 'em back" was a great quote. I'm also really happy because she's finally an Amber I like.


Kristina also seems like a fun person. Like she likes a good time. And she definitely brings some humor to the house, especially when she's talking about the twins. I was pleasantly surprised when she gave the new girls a chance too.


Not gonna lie, she kind of annoyed me but I don't hate または even dislike her. She's kind of bossy and I don't particularly like how she blames Kristina for everything, but I think she means well and that's what counts. She also seems like a nice person. But I did start losing respect for her in episode 4. I mean in episode 3 she's saying that she doesn't want to be seen as a bully but right when Jaz and Jamiee walk in she's talking about how they look like rats and need to be exterminated? Granted they two did kind of start to deserve the trash talk. And I did like to see her standing behind Kristina when the new Jaz and Jamiee went at her.


Honestly it's gotten to the point where I see BGC twins and it's almost as bad as the Ambers. And so far they aren't breaking the chain. Anna in particular annoys me because she's even もっと見る isolated so to speak than her sister.


Like her sister she seems like a kill joy. It totally rubbed me the wrong way when the two of them didn't support Olivia. I get that they wanted to stay out of drama, but there's a time when あなた should probably get into it to avoid being rude.


At first she seemed cool, like she was ready to have a good time. And I like that kind of thing, I mean she came in ready to sleep on the floor lol. She just seemed like a fun person. And then the throw up situation happened and I was more...iffy about her. I also ロスト respect for her when she started calling Kristina fat. It also really annoyed me when she starts laughing at Olivia when the whole not real sisters thing came out. I mean she was the one being nice to them and they laugh at her when she's having trouble. It also kinda pissed me off that this girl is makes a point of trying to ruin poor Angela's birthday. And when it finally did get ruined, she continues to try to get boys in the house または whatever. She and her sister pretty much sealed the deal when they convinced Allison and Melissa to leave. Like I just wanted them out of the house.


I don't really know how I feel about her. On one had she seems fun like her sister, on the other she kind of rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. I don't think it was all that great when she and her sister just wouldn't hear the other girl's out when they were trying to be respectful. And this girls is awful for just being so rude when Allison tried to talk to her in the club. Like she was trying to help you. Why start shit? And again in episode 6 when they start shit with Melissa. That girl was only trying to give them a chance and they're calling her Santa Clause. Like these two need to stfu. And when the chef came over and she comes out in her underpants. Like, for real...
And then comes Angela's birthday. Seeing as Melissa and Allison are my two favorites, seeing this chick pull at her hair and what not just really pissed me off. Like I kind of felt the second-hand anger.


I was already a pretty big ファン of Millionaires, so I was really excited to see them here! I saw that bow and I was like, nah it can't be. But it was! So right off the bat I 愛 she and her sister. It was cool to see she and her sister try to mediate politely between the originals and Jazmyn and Jammie.


Like her sister, I liked this girl prior to them being on BGC. So I'm totally rooting for she and her sister. Over all so far she's been super cool as well. She seems nice and rather sensible. And I really appreciated how she tried to give the rats a chance. She's a very respectful bad girl.


I wanted to like this one. Really I did, but the fact that she and her sister came in 芝居 like they owned the place and ruined Angela's birthday just spoke volumes about them. And Angela was one of my least お気に入り in the house at the time. Furthermore I think it was very trashy of her to rip up Kristina's money and it was very hypocritical of her to trash talk Angela for throwing glass and then start throwing pictures with glass frames.


Basically I have the same opinion on her as I do her sister. I really wanted to lie these girls, but as of episode 7, I can't. And after they started taking Jamiee and Jazmyn's

Season 16


I liked her in the beginning and I hope I can continue liking her. She seems like a cool person but she very much jumped to a conclusion about Brynesha. I hope it get solved. Though によって the end of episode two I think she pulled through for me in a way Brynesha didn't; she 発言しました she would have had Kailie's back if she wasn't in her own fight. I also like that she apologized to Kailie for the first night.


Speaking of Brynesha, I like her too. She seems really cool and down to Earth. She's funny and adorable and so are her kids. She also seems really nice but she can whoop 尻, お尻 if she has to. I also think her adding 'sha' to words is kinda cute lol. I did lose a bit of respect for her when she did that petty 'leaving a girl behind' shit. But if Tabatha didn't pit her against Zee in the first place then it wouldn't have happened.I think she dropped out of my 上, ページのトップへ three during episode 5. I just ロスト so much respect for her after she picked on Kailie for her bronchitis and after she started throwing Kailie's suitcases around. The girl was leaving, just let her go. And then how she goes in on Zee. I really wanted to like her, truly I did; but she ended up beefing with my two お気に入り girls. And after she 'helped' Kailie pack...that was kind of the final straw for me.


I definitely don't like her so far. She and Kaila are the house bitches. Tabatha starting shit between Bry and Zee for no reason was annoy as an act, alone. But the fact that I liked both Zee and Bry makes it that much もっと見る annoying to me. Tabatha has this really snooty attitude; the kind I never liked. And it's gonna get old really fast. And the way she just came at Kailie also annoyed me. Likewise that she made fun of Kailie for limping after she contributed to hurting the girl in the first place...nope. I also think that it was total bullshit that she and Kaila started bitching at Zee for going off on Bry. I mean it was she who planted the bug. 0/10 do not like. Tabatha is just a God awful person coming into Kailie's room the way she did and throwing stuff all over her and ripping her ベッド up. Kailie wasn't even fighting back and the 雌犬 literally jumps into the air and kicks her in the back to the floor. That was crossing a line. What did she have to say for herself? "It was fun, it was a joke." 雌犬 stfu no one was laughin and it was an assholey thing to do.I think she's the worst. 10/10 so glad they sent her home. Especially since she was cutting even the producers off in the meeting. She outright denied that she was being a bully. Even Kaila thought it was lowkey bullying. Glad to see her out. However I was really happy to see her apologize to Kailie. It seemed genuine and I think that this was the first time in a long while where two really strong rivals patched things up.


Get her out asap. She and Tabatha are pretty much the same person but Kaila is もっと見る bitchy. I think she's the one who planted the first seed and got Tabatha going. And her コメント about not dating 'broke dudes' rubbed me the wrong way too. Don't like the way she went at Kailie first just because Kailie is the littlest one. Another 0/10 don't like her so far. At least in the end she admitted that they took things to far though. So maybe 1/10? And lol at the fact that she's all like, "I don't know why everyone's always fighting me and thinks I'm stuck up." 雌犬 maybe it's because あなた are stuck up and you're always going at everyone. I mean she's trying to make Kandyce pour her drinks for her? 雌犬 no, pour it your damn self. And she didn't even thank Zee for paying for dinner.


While I don't hate her she also doesn't rub me right. She seems like too much of a follower to me.But since she's もっと見る neutral right now I guess we'll see what happens. In the end I don't really care for her especially since she had a hand in pushing Kailie out. My final straw with her was how she was treating the crew like shit and generally 芝居 like a child. She told them to stop treating her like a child, she should have stopped 芝居 like one. And the whole thing where she tried to fight Tanisha was just like ??? she just has no respect and that crap was not classy.


I feel the same about her as I do about Adryan. But I think I like her a bit もっと見る because she seems もっと見る independent. She also stopped Bry from doing something stupid to prevent her from going home. And it seems like she's gonna leave Kailie alone now. And I can respect those things. Sad thing is she ended up being a follower too and decided to take pride in being a mean girl. And at the end of the 日 she went along with the plan to leave Zee and Kailie home. Jokes on them Kailie didn't want to go anyways lol. However in the third episode it was nice to see her put that kind of bullying behind her and actually start to get along with Kailie and Zee. The fact that she whooped Kaila's 尻, お尻 was a bonus. I was sad to see her go.


So far she is my favorite. She has a lot of balls and held out so well. She toughed it out and she still is She also seems like such a sweet girl. I also feel like I can relate to her because I'm also really small like her and usually really nice 'til あなた make me angry. And I also have a thing for toughing stuff out and not crying in front of people. I'm rooting for Kailie right now. I also think she had a lot of balls going into the キッチン with the other girls in there and 芝居 like it was nothing.


I liked Stephanie. She seemed really friendly and like she just wanted to have a good time. And that's exactly what she was. Plus she was super nice to everyone and didn't don any petty shit.


So far I really like her--as of episode 6. I think that her reveal was pretty touching. So far she just seems like a cool person. I'm glad she didn't let Kaila walk all over her. I loved the girl even もっと見る after she got Kaila to leave lol. It's about time; if Kailie didn't make it to the end Kaila didn't deserve to either...that was some poetic justice right there! Her gifts at the reunion were pretty amazing lol. I think that it just sucks that she went up and threw punches at Tabatha after everything got sorted out.


She seems cool and fun, she was pretty chill throughout her time in the house. She was pretty cool at the reunion too. I liked how she was defending Kailie and sticking up for Zee and Kandyce and what not.


I like her too as well. She seems nice enough. But she didn't really do too much.

Season 17


I all around like Fran, she seems cool and down to Earth and very positive. She seems to get along with everyone and she's super sweet. She has this sort of energy that I like; I enjoy her rock 星, つ星 look and vibe. And it was really nice to see her stick up for Kiyanna and Sayaorra. I wasn't to thrilled about her, "is her husband dead too?" comment. I like her but that was just low. によって the latest episode when she fights Brianna I just don't think I like her anymore. She says she doesn't like the bullies but she seems to be starting shit now? I don't know I just think we're seeing her new Colors(色) now. I really want to keep liking her but she's just rubbing me the wrong way at the moment. But ya know, despite the ups and downs I still like Fran. She's just a fun chick.


I'm もっと見る または less indifferent to her. So far she hasn't done anything (good または bad) to sway me either which way. I wasn't thrilled to see her spit on Fran but they put it behind them so I still don't really feel strongly either which way about her. I'm glad to say that によって then end of the 表示する I ended up liking her. She turned out to be a down to Earth chick and it was refreshing to see her go her own way.


I'm also on the fence with her. But I think I'm leaning もっと見る towards liking her. She seems like a sweet girl (until pushed). So I can get on board with her. But after episode three I kind of think I'm starting to not like her. Especially after her outburst that sent her home...though to a degree I kind of don't blame her.


Seven seems pretty cool as well. She's mature and cordial with everyone. I think I'm もっと見る neutral with her as well, but I lean towards liking her. によって the end of the 表示する though I ended up thinking that she was just alright.


I have a roller coaster of feelings for her. On one hand I like her fiery attitude. On the other I don't like how she threw Susan under the bus. She's got this cute accent and seems like loads of fun. But I don't trust her. After episode three though I think I came to like and respect her. She's been through some shit and she's a strong girl.


Also have mixed feelings on her. One 分 she's yelling at Deshayla for getting buddy buddy with Sayaorra, the 次 分 she's the one getting buddy buddy. She seems funny and cool but she did Susan pretty wrong and likes to start things. I want to like her, but right now I'm leaning もっと見る towards dislike. The funny thing is, によって the end of episode 3, I ended up liking her. In the end she ended up being pretty open-minded and I respect that.


This season is just full of roller coasters because I have mixed feelings on this girl too. For the same reason as Kiyanna; she seems to keep switching sides. So with her I just don't know. I think with her I finally settled on dislike. I grew to like Sayaorra and to see her being rude to her was just :/ It especially rubbed me the wrong way to see her hang up on Sayorra's friend not once but three times. And then she goes at I'm not on bored with her. Especially after I think it was episode 5 when she goes at Kiyanna in the limo. Like I agree with Kiyanna that she is somewhat of a negative person. I did feel bad for her when her uncle passed. She's probably my least お気に入り this season but I don't really even dislike her though.


I do like Bri so far. She seems like a very fun and chill person so long as あなた don't get under her skin. I think she actually has to be my お気に入り this season. Honestly I'm proud to say that I actually don't hate または dislike any of the girls this season.
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