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I'm excluding season 1 because (though I watched it) I don't remember much about the girls). Nor did I do 13 because this was the season with past bad girls.

Season 2


Tanisha is freaking awesome. She's one of my お気に入り bad girls. She was hilarious and 発言しました some of the best stuff. She's also just come so far from when she began. Plus she's an awesome host. No wonder she is one of the most famous bad girls.


I thought Lyric was pretty cool. It's a shame she left early on. I feel like she had a lot of potential. She was laid back and went with the flow and I like that.


I also liked Andrea. It's a shame she messed up so bad though towards the end. I thought she seemed like a pretty cool and kind girl. Though I do feel she kind of pushed everyone away and I didn't care for what she did with Cordelia.


Darleen was another お気に入り from this season. At first I absolutely hated her. And for a good portion of season 2 I continued to hate her. But when she decided that some of what Jenna and Cordelia were doing was immature I started to respect her. I also respect her as she seemed the most dedicated to changing herself for the better, and did 表示する a lot of improvement.


Opposite of Darleen I used to like her and thought she was pretty cool. She was funny at first and I liked how she held her own. But after she started peeing in the sink and sticking 食 up her bum...that was just appalling. I ロスト a lot of respect for her when she did that. Not to mention how she slacked off as the other bad girls cleaned up after the party. Things like that.


Cordelia also ticked me off. She was very...I don't want to drop the slut bomb...I didn't like how she would pretty much キッス anyone she saw. She was really whiney and pouty. However I do think she got better in the end and I did feel bad for her when she had her panic attack. It was also redeeming of her to care for Tanisha when she was wrongly arrested.


I'm rather indifferent to Hanna. She was pretty cool but then she had her moments. I guess I don't have an opinion on her either which way.


This girl made me mad too. She was just so rude. Despite how much I didn't like Cordelia the way she joked about the girl starring in porn was disgusting and untasteful. She always had something negative to say. I hated how she joked about Darleen's addiction. The way she treated her own friend when she was wrongly arrested was trashy. I really struggle to find anything redeeming about her.

Season 3


I liked Ailea. I know this is an unpopular opinion, everyone seemed to hate her. She was very herself. I like how she came out of her shell (when it came to guys), though I do think she over did it. I also like how she stuck with Kevin despite the judgment of the other girls. Plus her going at Amber was pretty great, I usually don't support that kind of behavior but Amber just annoyed me.

Amber M

Speaking of Amber, I'm gonna copy this from my other article. Not gonna lie, this girl was just a ditz. She just seemed sort of airheaded to me...and (I'm sorry) almost brainless at times. Like she would say silly things like her almost racist jab at Ailea. And then asking the other girls to pick up after her like maids. That just rubbed me wrong. Moreover I don't like snobby self-centered girls I know, I don't really care for them in reality TV. I don't care for Amber because she reminds me a lot of the girls I hated from my high school. Amber just seemed so full of herself, she acted like she was the prettiest girl in the house and like she was above everyone else. I just can't get with that. I don't care for people who think they are worth もっと見る than everyone else. As an Ailea fan, I also didn't like the way she talked about Ailea's relationship with Kevin. Who is this girl to judge? The way she was making fun of girls who were into older men just peeved me too. I personally don't go for men with such a huge age difference, but 愛 is love. And if both partners know what they are getting into and such I think it's fine. And for she and the other Amber to be all 'omg that's gross', it was just annoying to listen too. Likewise when she and the other Amber were complaining about not wanting to come along for the dates. It's like 'great, stop talking shit and just don't go!' Ailea never told either Amber that they had to tag along, she invited them out of respect. They have no right to bitch, a simple 'I don't feel like going' would have put the point across. That 発言しました neither had the right to get pissy when Ailea wanted them to hurry up and not be late. She wanted to be on time to her date, and that's reasonable. Just the way Amber treated Ailea in general got on my nerves. She's also such a hypocrite, she was talking about Whitney saying that the girl thinks she's all that when she's really not. Umm...hello!? That's exactly what Amber does. Not to mention Amber was saying all this despite knowing Whitney's friend just died. She's also very hypocritical in saying that Aliea has an annoying voice. Like Amber's voice was probably the most annoying of all the girls up to season 13!


I also think Whitney is pretty cool. She's feisty and fiery and says what she needs to say. I like how she didn't just make empty threats, but she actually acted. Basically her bark wasn't bigger than her bite. She also has a cool accent.

Amber B

I also didn't like Amber B. I couldn't decide which Amber was worse to me. Legit, all she did was talk shit. She was very hypocritical too, she'd get mad that others talked shit but then did the same thing. It also annoyed me that everything was 'omg they're just jealous of us'. No. They weren't, あなた were irritating as heck. Like the other Amber I hated how she spoke of Kevin and Ailea's relationship. That is none of her business. She was also kind of a buzzkill. Whitney accidentally spilled a drink on her 財布 and she freaks out. Again, as an Ailea fan, the way Amber spoke of her and cheered upon her departure peeved me as well.


This girl was cool. She was another laid back go with the flow one. I really respect her for how she handled the Amber situation. Despite how much I do not like Amber I think it was cool of her to admit she was wrong and make sure the girl was okay. Not a lot of people would admit they were wrong like that and own up.


I also think Sarah was cool. To be quite honest it's because of how she stood up to the Ambers and what not.


I don't really care for her. She seemed so self absorbed and would throw herself at everyone. She always had to be the center of attention and that was irksome. But I do think she improved によって the end of the season.


My feelings on her are so mixed. Sometimes I liked her sometimes I didn't. She had a lot to work on but she did seem like she was trying.

Season 4


I loved Annie. She was so cute and funny and hyper. She reminded me a lot of me. Her passive aggressive vengeance on Kate was hilarious. I honestly though her geek side was adorkable. And I'm so glad she didn't let Natalie push her around and manipulate her. This girl was wonderful.


She's another one of my all time least favorites. This girl thought she was a freaking queen. I hated how she would use and manipulate people. It was so annoying how she used Kendra as a pawn. How she was buddy buddy with Flo and then when the girl got crutches she decided she was too lame to hang out with her. Like no, how rude was that? I hate how superficial and materialistic she was, how everything was about money. I hate how she tried to control people. She was so rude and disrespectful. And she thought she ran L.A. I saw no running at all considering she got kicked out of how many places? Another thing that got under my skin was how she bullied and pushed Annie around. I'm glad Annie saw through the 'I'm your friend' act. Though I actually kind of liked what she did in season 6 when she helped out Nikki and Lauren.


I liked Flo a lot. She was kickass and crazy in a good way. She 発言しました what she needed to say and didn't put a filter on it. I like how she stood her ground for the most part and tried to get along with everyone even though the end was bitter.


I liked Portia, this girl had balls. It was a shame she was removed from the house so soon. But I was totally on her don't bring someone's child into things.


I didn't really like Kate. I hated how she kept calling Annie a geek and and didn't respect her need to keep things tidy. She really was kind of a buzz kill.


I'm very up and down with her. Sometimes I liked her sometimes I didn't. I didn't like how she let Natalie use her. But I did like that she stood up for herself in the end.


This girl is a bit of a ditz but I do like her. She's nice enough and hasn't really done anything to get me to not like her. She was actually pretty cool.


I liked her a lot at first. But then after what happened with Flo, all of my respect for her went out the window. I don't know why they were all on Amber's side. Like what? The girl delivered the first blow. Not only that but that blow broke Flo's ankle. That's pretty serious. Sure Flo dropped a death threat but she didn't act on it. On 上, ページのトップへ of that she was hurt a lot worse than Amber. I just don't get it, honestly. I'm one of those people who believes that if someone hits/shoves/breaks a bone of yours, あなた have every right to fight back. Moreover Amber shouldn't have dropped the 'you're confused' bomb. Lame A.F. I guess I just don't like the Ambers on this show.

Season 5


At first I didn't really care for her to say the least. Especially when she got drunk. I feel like a lot of the things she 発言しました and did were out of no where and kind of ditzy. However as the season went on I feel like she was one of the smarter classier girls. I actually quite liked her. And then she fell back under. So 全体, 全体的です I guess I really didn't like her.


Lea's awesome. She has fabulous hair for one. She seems like such a sweetheart. I will say I was a bit annoyed with her when she pushed Danielle out, but other then that, I like her.


I liked Bradi at first, but I ロスト so so much respect for her after she took a low blow and used Danielle's past heroin addiction against her. This girl is way to hot tempered and the way she throws and breaks things when she gets mad is something I can't respect. Another thing that got under my skin was how she turned on Lea when Lea didn't want to have sex with her. She needs to learn to take no for an answer. I did however gain some respect back for her after the reunion when she admitted some of her faults. She really did seem like she had worked on a lot. And the fact that she doesn't care for Natalie is hilarious.


I liked Danielle. She seemed like a nice girl. I felt bad that they all kind of tag teamed her. She was pretty cool and sweet. I also think she was one of the most mature girls at the reunion and one of the realest.


I'm kind of mixed on her. Sometimes I think she's cool other times I think she's eh. On one hand I think it's good that she does her own thing and doesn't care what others think, on the other that bugs me at the same time. I also like her because she's pretty tough and for the most part she's not fake; if she didn't like someone she 発言しました it. So 全体, 全体的です I liked her.


At first I really didn't like her that much but as the episodes went on I grew to respect her for not getting involved with the pettiness. Kind of sucks that as I was starting to like her she decided to leave.


No. Just no. She annoyed me right off the bat. Everything was Morgan, Morgan, モーガン, モルガン and it was irritating. She invited her フレンズ over and they were all disrespectful and like her really. Glad she left early, she was a bit nutty.


I don't really care for Ashley the way she just came into the house and started rummaging through the other girls' stuff and 読書 people's journals. Bad way to make an entrance; real display of character right there. However I do respect that when Christina pulled her B.S, Ashley decided she didn't roll like that.


She and Ashley are practically one in the same. Like Ashley I don't care for how she rummaged through stuff that wasn't hers, called everyone dirty and expected to make friends. I can't respect people who arrive somewhere and act like they own the place. And then there's the fact that she kept calling Lea a lesbian. If Lea says she's bisexual she's bisexual end of story. This girl was hella annoying. Not only that but she's just trashy a.f. Like who throws bleach on someone? She was just nasty. My dislike of this girl was confirmed when she teamed up with Natalie who was also pretty
much trash.


I was pretty indifferent to her. I didn't hate her I didn't 愛 her. She had her good and bad points.

Season 6


I wasn't all to keen on Jade. She wasn't there very long so I don't hate または even dislike her. She seemed like she could have been a sweet girl, but she had a bit too much to drink.


Char really bugs me. She pretends like she's the most mature girl in the house but when it comes down to it she was the one throwing Nikki's stuff over the balcony. She was the one starting fights and she didn't even finish them. She had Kori do the fighting for her. This girl also judges the others for the guys they bring ホーム and then she takes things back to 秒 grade with that check yes または no note and fights a girl when she finds out the man isn't single. I also hate that 'I run the house thing'. The one thing I liked though was that she didn't care for Natalie. The fat jokes she made about Lauren were disgusting to watch and hear. I kind of wanted to スマック her; あなた don't call someone a 'beluga whale.' Again she does this name calling and taunting while calming to be the most mature. That is not mature, not in the slightest. She needed a reality check. It's also really funny how she 発言しました it was going overboard for Lauren to touch her stuff when she was the first one to touch another girl's belongings. She also whined and whined when Lauren put her hands on her, this would be fine except she was the first one to use her hands and get in Lauren's face. But I do respect her for giving Nikki a chance and such.


While I can sympathize with her I don't care for her either as she's kind of Char's little puppet. As someone with an accent, it annoyed the heck out of me when she and Char mocked Lauren's accent. And then Kori starts calling her that's one of the rudest things. I do though, appreciate that that she broke away from Char and tried to make amends with Lauren though. I actually ended up not hating her.


I was really sad to see her go. She had a nice personality and she seemed very unique. She didn't want to pick sides and tried to be a friend to everyone.
I feel like the only reason she got so negative was because Char just can't keep her mouth closed and got everyone to turn against her. Needless to say I liked Sydney and was sad to see her go.


I liked her at first but then when she sliced Kori's hand and laughed about it, she fell under. But when she made that truce with Char I liked her again. It showed responsibility on her behalf. I loved how she stood her own and stuck it out even with everyone going at her. She's funny and I can relate to her as she is もっと見る of a


I like Jessica a lot too. She seems down to Earth. She seems funny and I like how she's もっと見る tomboyish like Nikki. I also 愛 how she doesn't wear all this makeup like everyone else, I can relate to that. And it may seem silly but the fact that she doesn't believe in wearing bras is awesome to me lol. I just wish she wouldn't follow Char around.


I'm kind of mixed on her. I didn't care for how she first arrived in the house. But I can respect her as she apologized and didn't really cause a problem after that. That is until she punched Kori. I kind of thought that was over the top, but I'm still もっと見る indifferent to her.


At first I didn't like her. I thought she was gonna be the ditzy one. But I actually really do like her. She's funny, she's cute, and she doesn't follow in Char's lead. She seems really open mined and really kind. But she can stick up for herself. Her accent is also really cute, I like it a lot.


I'm also pretty neutral to her. It was kind of annoying how she freaked out and punched Nikki's poster and what not. But other than that she didn't really do much. I thought it was funny how she was locked in the confessional with a cricket. She's got some humor on her side.


I liked her in the beginning. She seemed cool and fun and I liked how she wasn't as much of a follower. But, I honestly don't care for how she went out. I do have a Nickki bias. But I actually don't hate her.

Season 7


I actually saw her in season 13 first and I hated her. And yet I really like her this season. She seems pretty cool. She's actually really funny in this season and she made it all interesting.


This girl kind of just annoyed me. I can't really place why. I feel like she was so up and down and flip flopping all over the place. She also annoyed me when she 発言しました she doesn't hang out with 'weirdos', 'goths', and 'rockstar-style' people. I fall into two of the above, clearly Tiara isn't someone I'd get along with.


I do like her. I think it was cool for her to stick up for Judi and try to be a friend to her despite how everyone else was treating her.


I don't really care for her. I hate how she was trying to play with Judi. It was so fake. And then how she just kept starting stuff with the girl. She was really whiney and always complaining about something.


I also don't care for Tasha. She just kept making these irritating homophobic remarks. Perhaps she didn't realize it, but it was still pretty annoying.


I like Angelic a lot. She seemed like a lot of fun. She was really cute. She may have been the littlest one but she could fight for herself and had this fiery personality.


I'm pretty neutral about her. She seems nice enough, like of all the girls I feel like she tries to be the most cordial and respectful to everyone despite the division. Up until the end anyhow.


I rather liked her. She's got a lot of style. I like how she's punk and hipster and everything. She just seems like a cool girl.

Season 8


I did kind of like Gia. She was pretty cool. And she was willing to let everything go, but no one would really let her for a while. I was happy to see her come back after that first fight. I also really respect that even when all the other girls were going at Elease, she decided to stop after a while.


I actually did like her despite it all. There were things I didn't like about her; like I didn't care for how she just let those men come in the house and wake everyone up. But she seemed like a fun person and I think that it was respectable of her to not cause または take part in the drama the others were trying to start at the photoshoot.


I was for the most part indifferent to Gabi. She seems a little too bossy for my tastes but I didn't hate または even dislike her. Until she started ganging up on the new girl. Like that was just stupid and silly. And how she got everyone to turn on Amy and Demitra. It was just so shallow to lock all 3 girls out of the hotel room. And the fact that she and her sister broke Demitra's ネックレス and didn't even have the balls to fess up.That's just annoying to watch. I also thought it was really stupid when the two of them 発言しました "we can take on one of them but it's all four of them against two." Like how hypocritical is that? It's cool for both of them to beat on one girl but when they get their own medicine it's a horrid thing to do. And then they made a cowardly retreat to a hotel instead of facing the 音楽 of what they created.


I like her better than her sister, she seemed super cool. She was ready for a good time and she was pretty laid back. And then she started to go downhill. When Elease came into the house how she and Gabi treated her was really trashy.


I have really mixed feelings on her she's funny and crazy. But then sometimes she does things that are way out of line. I think I like her for the most part I mean she seems nice enough, but she isn't really one of my お気に入り from season 8.


I like Erica a lot. She's fiery, she's fun, and she's got spunk. I kind of feel like she's the girl who ran season 8. The fact that she wasn't gonna let Tiara come back and steal the limelight is another plus. However I couldn't really respect how she turned on Demitra and Amy just because the twins 発言しました so.


Demitra also was super cool. I liked her style. She kind of did her own thing and she went with the flow. For the most part she tried to see both sides of things and that's always really awesome. I also respect Demitria for drawing a line with the bullying like Gia did.


I really felt bad for her with how the other girls pushed her in the beginning. She seemed like a nice person and I feel like treating her poorly and not giving her a chance was not justified. I like how she handled them picking on her, she didn't give in and she didn't back down.


I did not like Camilla. She was really irritating, even もっと見る so at the reunion. I don't know why the audience liked her so much. She didn't even try to think before she acted she just jumped at people and beat on them. Not to mention how she turned on Christine.


I guess I'm indifferent to her. I mean she was a nice girl and I felt really bad for her but she was only there for what? 3 days?

Season 9


I like Rima she's pretty badass. I like how she's comfy with herself. I like how she does what she wants to do and that she's not afraid to get down and party.


Falen is probably my お気に入り of the season. She's cool, she's unique. She does her own thing and has a style of her own. She just seems super cool.


Julie is another girl I liked in the beginning. And then she kind of started to bother me. I wanted to like her I really did. But the way she turned everyone against Rima was not cool. She also just didn't seem like she wanted to do anything fun with the girls.


This girl kind of annoys me. She reminds me of a less kickass Char. The whole 'I got so much money, my hair cost $700' thing got on my nerves. To be honest she didn't seem like much of a bad girl. And the fact that she decided to mess with Rima's Eメール was just low. To the end she just annoyed me. And then she comes back in episode 13 to スマック Ashley??? For what though??? This girl was just annoying and a buzzkill. Just when I thought she couldn't get any worse she acts like a total beeotch at the reunion. She really needed to stop talking. She was always cutting everyone off and talking over everyone. It's like stop, I don't want to hear your voice.


This girl got on my nerves with all of her fat jokes. I guess it was respectable that she didn't just talk big and that she actually acted. But I just don't care for her attitude. I did however gain a lot of respect for her after she drew the line with the bullying. And after she decided to patch things up with Rima I began to like her a lot. It was also cool that she was willing to give the new girl a chance. Christina kind of grew on me. I can also relate to her not liking to be alone and getting creeped out によって the giggling lol. But when she went down there to yell at them and fought Ashley I almost ロスト the respect again. However when she started talking about the paranoia and how she thought they were trying to scare her I actually could relate; I have the same fear of being alone and that same paranoia. I can actually relate to this girl...though I probably wouldn't go off on anyone like that.


At first Erika seemed cool but as the episodes went on she started to bug me. She did have her humorous moments that I liked but I don't like how she was so quick to turn on Rima. I ロスト all respect for her after she told Rima to hang herself. Low blow. あなた don't say that to anyone. That's just sick. I was so glad to see her out of the house.


She may be a bit of a ditz but I do like Ashley. She seems like a nice girl and for the most part she didn't really instigate anything, she tried to stay out of it. I think it was really sweet of her to try to stick up for Rima. And when she gets into it she goes hard. Ashley is just awesome, she's such a sweetheart and she's so funny.


At first I was super indifferent towards her and had no opinion on her whatsoever. But after episode 9 she just made me so mad. She's just such a dumb beeotch calling Ashley a fat slut. Like what a low blow. She needed to go. And at the reunion she was hella annoying. She acts all big and like she's the best. She really isn't that cool. She isn't even cute.


Zuly is freaking awesome. She and Ashley have to be my お気に入り of the season. Like Zuly is super cool and really chill and I like that about her.


For the most part I'm indifferent to her. She really didn't do much to sway my opinion one way または another. But she seemed cool in the reunion.

Season 10


I didn't really care for her, she was kind of sloppy and kind of a cry baby. But I did feel really bad for her with how Valentina and went after her. That wasn't cool. I guess at the end of the 日 I'm もっと見る indifferent to her.


She seemed super cool at first, I really liked her. But I hated how she went after Janae when the girl was leaving it's like あなた already ran her out of the house why あなた gotta kick her when she's down. I also don't like how she's going at Shannon either. However I actually found quite a bit of respect for her with how she handled it; she tried to apologize. And she was getting along with Shannon despite it all.


Like Alicia, I thought she was cool at first. I simply just ロスト a lot of respect for her after she poured salt in an open wound. And then she just got worse with how she treated Nicole. She and Alicia are just eh...
I also didn't really care for it when she hung up on Rocky's friend and then claimed 発言しました friend was being rude when in reality all the girl did was ask if she could talk to Rocky. That crap's just petty.


With Shannon, I'm the opposite. I didn't like her at first but shes seems super cool and super fun. I like how she's not letting them all get her and push her around. I also think it was super cool of her to give Rocky a chance.


I like Nicole too. She's pretty cool. I like how even though she didn't really like Janae she didn't part take in the petty crap, in fact she spoke her mind about how she thought it was wrong. She knew where to draw the line.


Paula seems really cool. She's pretty chill and usually doesn't participate in the petty drama and I can appreciate that. However she started to get to me in her treatment of Shannon it kind of just seemed to me like she didn't like her for no reason.


Okay so at first I kind of judged her too quick, I kind of wrote her off. But I ended up thinking she was pretty cool. Her whole issue with Bob the ghost was hilarious. I 愛 how throughout the whole thing she was making jokes about him and saying she was afraid. So funny.


Jennifer also seems pretty cool. She handled the hazing well. She seems like a fun person. However I kind of got on the fence with her after her fight with Rocky. And then I ロスト so much respect for her, she threw the woman's ベッド in the pool, she threw all kinds of drinks on her, and (most disgusting of all) she ripped her bikini off and told her she didn't deserve cloths.
That was just vial and trashy. I was glad to see her out of the house.


I 愛 Rocky so much, both in this season and season 13. In season 13 she was just so chill and she did her own thing, she was just really laid-back.


I really don't have an opinion on Nancy either which way, honestly. I don't like her nor dislike her.

Season 11


Jaz was pretty cool. Her 1800-kick-a-ho-out commercial was super funny. This girl wasn't fake and I can get on board with that.


First and foremost, I 愛 her name. I thought Gigi was awesome. I like how she stuck it out despite the fact that the girls were planning on sabotaging her before she set foot in the house. She handled it like a champ. I also like how she wasn't all talk. She stood up for herself and 発言しました what she needed to say.


I'm rather indifferent to Steph. She was cool enough but I really didn't have strong feelings towards her.


I think Tiana was a fun girl. She bought some party and life into the bad girls house. I'm still kind of indifferent to her though.


Honestly she's probably my all time least favorite. It's like Sarah thinks she so cute and what not, but she isn't. The fact that she's always got her bum hanging out isn't attractive at all. It's like really, all she's got going for her is her booty and even that isn't that great. She just can't of annoys me. *Family Guy voice* you're 43 accept it! I mean I'm not one to tell people how to dress and what not, but I don't care to see her shaking her bare butt all over the place. On 上, ページのトップへ of that (after seeing the reunion) I hated how she talked about Gigi's vajayjay hair. It's like why would あなた even go there? That's nasty, stfu. And when she was in BGC Redemption and she called Rocky a man; that was rude for many reasons. One of which being that she's basically throwing the 'one of the レズビアン is a man' stereotype out there and that just peeved me. She just took such low blows. There's also the fact that she kept going at Gigi and going at her and expected her not to fight back. Like why would あなた lock someone in a phone booth? That said, I don't really care for her as I am a Gigi and Rocky ファン so I just couldn't get on bored with her. Oh and let's not neglect that she threw a water bottle at a Rocky fan! She threw shit at an audience member. Like, chill girl. I'm gonna be honest, I don't even know why she has such a large fanbase. Is it because of her bum?Furthermore I think she's rather hypocritical. She calls people fake and she's not that real herself. She tells people not to get in her face and gets in the faces of others. If I remember right she got all angry at someone for talking about her behind her back, but then did the exact same thing. All of this in mind, I don't know the girl on a personal level and she hasn't done anything to me personally so I can't really hate her または make any true judgments. I don't really like what I've seen but I can't really form a solid judgment.


I liked her. She came into the BGC kind of late but when she arrived she did bring something to the house. She was a pretty neat addition to the house.


I am really mixed on her. On one had she's super annoying and talks too much and that Bieber thing she has going on is really odd. On the other hand the Bieber thing was pretty funny and the fact that she helped break Sarah down was great. I liked this girl and then I didn't and then I did.


I felt really bad for this girl. She was the epitome of the 'I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now' meme. She really did seem like she was just trying to have a good time and they all went at her. I think it was really cool that they ended up making up with her.


At first I really didn't like her for siding with Janelle but then I started to see where she was coming from. She was just trying to do what she thought was right. And I respect that she didn't tolerate bullying.


Shanae was the bad girl I was most indifferent too. She didn't bother me either which way.


She just really got under my skin. End of story. Everything she did kind of just annoyed me. And the fact that she thought everyone was only hating on her because of her boobs was pretty shallow.


I really like her. 次 to Gigi she was my お気に入り of the season. She was super cool; loved her tatts and piercings. I like how she took shit from no one and defended those she cared about.


For the small time that she was in the Bad Girls Club I liked her.

Season 12


Jonica is really cool. She's another go with the flow one. She seemed to have the most self control (where fighting was concerned). She didn't bully anyone and seemed to try to see both sides of the story and that's very respectable. On 上, ページのトップへ of that (and this is a もっと見る shallow reason) she has really cool hair. I also think it's neat that she was open about her bisexuality. She seems like a very open minded woman.


Also copied from my other article; I feel like a lot of people disagree here. But I do like Jada. I admire her for her strength, the way she held her ground. When all the girls were going at her in both redemption and season 12 she held it out to the end. I also admire the fact that she was the littlest girl in the house and yet she took on some of the biggest. Redd for instance was going at her and going at her and she just stuck it out. That 発言しました her confidence is admirable as well. Despite the fact that Britt and all of them were picking on her for her raps, I like that she held true to herself and kept on rapping. Even if her raps weren't the best, I think it's cool that she didn't let them bully her out of doing something she loved. Above all though, her improvement was astounding. I think she changed a real lot. And I think she wanted to change. Her redemption just seemed the most genuine to me. Like, in the beginning she didn't even think twice about throwing a punch, but in season 13 she was the bigger person and held back. And when she did lose her cool she was disappointed in herself, which to me shows that she really did aim to better herself. And how well she worked with the life coach was also a great sign.


I did not like Britt. I hated how she was always going at Jada. I found her to be very hypocritical. She always seemed to talk big but not 表示する anything for it. However she did earn some respect when she knocked Dalila off her little high horse. And when she held up that 'lame' sign at the reunion for Dalila, that was funny. But then that kind of cancelled out when she did the same to Jada.


I didn't really like Lo. Mostly because I was on Jada's side of the argument. However she is a good singer, I listen to her song Bad Bitches Only on occasions.


I don't really have an opinion on her one way または the other. She was a kind girl, but a viewer could see why she was in the bad girl's club.


I liked Redd. Despite liking Jada a lot, this girl was cool. I hated how she went in and bullied Jada. But she was hilarious, especially in season 13. I loved when she told (I think it was Natalie) to キッス her rolls. The girl was hysterical and the seasons wouldn't have been the same without her and her sass.


I'm rather indifferent to her. She seemed alright but she wasn't really around long enough for me to make a complete judgment.


I was also sort of indifferent to her. She was really kind and sweet and I respect that she didn't get into many physical fights. But I don't think she was really bad girl material. Honestly her presence in the bad girls club was like sticking me in there. We're both too nice for it.


She was kind of funny. But I really didn't care for her, I'm kind of glad she was only in one episode.


She was hella annoying, man. She was super snobby right off the bat. She walked in 芝居 like some little princess who everyone should cater to. She just walked in like she owned the place and trash talked everyone. I don't even know why she was considered a bad girl

Season 14


Right when this chick appeared on screen I knew I wasn't going to like her. In the past seasons I never like the ones who declared that they were gonna run the house または whatever. Like get off your pedestal. And I was right, from episode one she just came off as snarky and downright rude. The I run this place thing is just overdone. And then there was the thing with Jasmine; when she didn't want to hang with them in episode two she's all "if I tell あなた to hang out with us, あなた hang out with us." That's the kind of stuff that gets under my skin. Also didn't care for it when she pushed poor Tina out for no reason.


This one is so similar to Jelaminah I couldn't like her either. Again she comes in with that "I'm the best, me, me, me, everyone's beneath me" attitude and it just gets under my skin. Furthermore it really annoyed me when she an her sister continued their birthday's on Jasmine's birthday. They are just so full of themselves.


Just like her twin but worse.


I like her. She was pretty chill. Episode one someone got into her shit and she just let it go. I tend to like the chill bad girls.


I liked her from first appearance. I don't know if I dislike the twins and Jelaminah because I like her または if I like her because she called them on their bullshit. I think it's a mix of both. Plus she seemed like she just wanted a good time. Though I did think it was kind of lame when she just kicked Aly out.


I'm kind of up and down with her. She seems very flip floppy. But 全体, 全体的です I think I do like her. When the trio excluded Lauren from the limo in episode two she decided not to go with that pettiness. And she called the three of them out earlier.


I'm pretty much neutral on her. On first sight I didn't think I would like her, but she's actually pretty cool. Like ジャスミン I thought it was cool of her to not play into that petty exclusion stuff. An up until her leaving she was actually a really cool person.


I also really liked her. She was fun and wild. She knew how to have a good time. She also seemed so real.


Like Tina, I'm もっと見る neutrual towards her. She seemed like a nice girl and what not but she didn't really stand out either.


Beatrice was pretty cool. She seemed pretty badass, and I thought her thing with Kat was cute.


When she walked in I was like "oh great not another one" because so far all of the Ambers annoyed me to death. But in the end she was pretty cool.

Season 15


I 愛 Diamond. She's so chill and pretty understanding. I also like her tom boy style.


I also like her. She seems like such a sweetheart. She's a bad girl but she's a sweetheart. However I did lose a lot of respect for her upon finding out that she liked about the cancer thing.


She seems super cool. I like both Asia and her sister. They seem fun and badass. I also really like her maturity how she was upfront and respectful when confronting Olivia. How she admitted and took responsibility after their prank went wrong.


Again I had to say 'oh great not another one', but like the last Amber she's pretty cool. She seems down to earth and I'm glad she and her sister were down for getting the twins out.


Kristina also seems like a fun person. Like she likes a good time. And she definitely brings some humor to the house, especially when she's talking about the twins.


Not gonna lie, she kind of annoyed me but I don't hate または even dislike her. She's kind of bossy and I don't particularly like how she blames Kristina for everything, but I think she means well and that's what counts. She also seems like a nice person.


Honestly it's gotten to the point where I see BGC twins and it's almost as bad as the Ambers. And so far they aren't breaking the chain. Anna in particular annoys me because she's even もっと見る isolated so to speak than her sister.


Like her sister she seems like a kill joy. It totally rubbed me the wrong way when the two of them didn't support Olivia. I get that they wanted to stay out of drama, but there's a time when あなた should probably get into it to avoid being rude.
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