The エンジェル And The Demon Club
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Chapter Two
    Glory could only stand there, stunned, at what she saw. Anna and Gabriel were beautiful, yes. But this boy, Aden, made their beauty seem irrelevant. He was gorgeous. His dark head of curls looked silky. Curls flopped down on his forehead and Glory fought the surprising urge to run her fingers through them. But that wasn’t what held her attention now. It was his eyes. His eyes were a dark gold, surrounded によって thick black lashes. His eyes were even もっと見る golden than Gabriel’s hair. They seemed to penetrate her. Look straight into her soul. Glory’s eyes flickered from his eyes to his mouth which was full and sensitive looking. But as Glory watched, his full lips thinned and his 上, ページのトップへ lifted into a small smirk. Her eyes snapped back up to meet his. His honey eyes had hardened and turned into a hard amber.
“ Its so nice to meet you.” Gabriel said. Glory snapped her attention away from Aden.
“ Its nice to meet あなた too.” Glory responded. Her voice was breathless sounding. She was embarrassed that this boy had that much effect on her, just によって looking at her.
“ Weren’t あなた looking for someone?” Glory asked Anna.
“ Yes. But we already found her.” Anna’s cool voice washed over her.
“ Me?” Glory asked, frowning. She had never seen the Montez’s before in her life.
“ We have much to talk about, Glory. あなた are very important to us.” Anna said, and looked at Gabriel and Aden. Glory didn’t miss the look Gabriel shot back at Anna. Anna lifted her small shoulders in a shrug.
Gabriel turned back to Glory, and flashed her a grin.
“May we escort あなた to your car, Glory?” Gabriel asked. Glory thought a moment and looked the three over again. She didn’t know why they couldn’t. They didn’t seem harmful.
Finally she answered. “ I would 愛 that.”
Anna led the way, followed によって Gabriel. She fell in behind Gabriel and walked with them out of the office and back down the hall way, toward the main entrance. She started to exit out the door after them when a iron hand settled on her shoulder and spun her around. Aden stood there, looking magnificent. Also looking furious. He was at least a head taller than her. Glory had to tilt her head back to look him in the eyes. Those beautiful, honey eyes, that were as she watched, turning into amber again. Aden glared down at her.
“ No matter what my sister says, I do not need you.”
Glory blinked in surprise as Aden’s warm voice hardened until he was almost growling. She frowned, trying to make sense of what he had just said. He roughly turned her around and pushed her forward. His hands barely touched her, but Glory was rushing out the doors and into the sunlight. She was out on the sidewalk, trying to figure out how she had gotten outside so fast, when the toe of her shoe got caught in the crack of the sidewalk. Glory went down to one knee, moaning as her ankle twisted. A feral snarl made her look up quickly. A cheetah and a tiger were running straight at her. She could feel her mouth open, but no scream came out. How could they be here?
“Gabe!” Glory could distantly hear Anna yell. Glory’s vision was starting to fade, along with her hearing. Suddenly, Anna and Gabe were in front of her, standing in between her and the felines. The cheetah leapt into the air, trying to clear Gabriel to get to her. Gabriel jumped with inhuman speed and hit the cheetah in mid jump. Glory tried to figure out what was happening. Where was Aden? Glory made her mind focus. She saw Anna still staring down the tiger. She was too little to be facing a tiger! Anna raised one hand. The air shimmered and the tiger dropped. It lay there, not moving.
“ Let’s get out of here.” Anna called and she and Gabriel moved toward the parking lot quickly. The moved so fast they blurred.
Glory just knelt there, unsure what she just saw was real. She was swooped up and she was rushing toward the parking lot as well. Glory’s ハート, 心 was pounding as the wind whipped through her hair. She tilted her head up and saw Aden’s angelic face above her.
Who were these people? Glory glanced up again. Her eyes met his. For once, they didn’t hardened. They stayed their yummy melted honey color. He blinked and his thick, black lashes formed a crescent moon on his cheek for a moment. Glory felt her own eyelids getting heavy. Her eyes were closed and she was almost unconscious when Aden’s warm voice washed over her to give her the final push into sleep.
“ Rest well, my love.”