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added by claire-aka-bob
Source: jadeblood on LiveJournal
added by SweeneyTodd2010
added by BellaLovett
posted by SweeneyTodd2010
This is for anyone who plans on cosplaying from Sweeney Todd.
This particular costume breakdown is for the Demon Barber himself.

I have been cosplaying Sweeney Todd for 3 years now, and have put in a great deal of time researching and looking at pictures of the Sweeney Todd costume. So I thought I would share a bit of what I know.

First we will start out with general items, before I get into smaller details. As あなた will see in the picture 次 to this paragraph, あなた will notice some key items that Sweeney Todd has. If あなた are going to put together a Sweeney Todd costume, あなた should at least...
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added by BellaLovett
Source: deviantart.com
added by glezps
added by SweeneyTodd2010
Source: Me
added by lol24
added by macarenaalvarez
added by BellaLovett
added by lol24
added by nina4921
Source: xBeautifulxFreak on deviantart
added by Tobias101
posted by claire-aka-bob
Seems a downright shame...
TODD: Shame?
Seems an awful waste...
Such a nice, plump frame
Wot's 'is name has...
Nor it can't be traced...
Bus'ness needs a lift,
Debts to be erased...
Think of it as thrift,
As a gift,
If あなた get my drift!


Seems an awful waste...
I mean, with the price of meat
What it is,
When あなた get it,
If あなた get it...

Good, あなた got it!

Take, for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop!
Bus'ness never better using only pussycats and toast!
And a pussy's good for maybe six または seven at the most!
And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste!

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added by sweenylove
added by zanhar1
Source: tumblr
added by johnnydlover
Source: http://johnny-depp.org/media/gallery/moviepics/sweeneytodd/sweeneytodd_book/
added by IM-A-DEPP
added by Drakkoholic