Silver the Hedgehog Club
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added by golden-roze
Source: BanelSpringer
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
Source: SadLittleCacti
added by silveranime122
added by kicksomebut23
added by awesomesonic
added by golden-roze
Source: FlowerQliphoth
added by Sonicfan67
Source: Black-rat
added by kicksomebut23
added by timelordlady
Source: Evan Stanley
added by awesomesonic
Source: ScOuReGyBoOm
added by golden-roze
Source: supsross
added by kicksomebut23
posted by sarahsonic1056
sonic, tails, knux, shadow, and silver arrived at the location that the footprints leaded to. they all went inside the place.

sonic: its dark in here. i barely see anything.

tails: good thing i brought my flashlight.

tails took it out and turned it on so they all are able to see. silver hear's honey's voice whispering somewhere.

silver: guys i hear her voice somewhere.

shadow: ya me too but, where is it coming from.

tails: i don't know shadow.

knux: こんにちは silver, do あなた know her name.

silver: ya, i do know but, lets wait till we get to her.

they stop walking cause they hear a laugh.

???: ahahahaAHAHAHA!!!!!...
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added by kicksomebut23
added by silveranime122
Source: shilumi on DA
added by golden-roze
Source: DrawnTilDawn
posted by DJMasterette1
 Silver the hedgehog
Silver the hedgehog
Since Sega released a new character in the Sonic series,Silver the Hedgehog,many ファン had many confusing ideas of Silver's past. The most confusing idea of who is Silver,is his parents. I have reasearch many of the famous Sega characters and I am here to explain.

The Father

Shadow the Hedgehog
Almost every ファン number one guess! I have recently known Shadow and Silver has many similiarities and a very few diffrences.

1. The Chest 毛皮
Shadow and Silver's chest 毛皮 have a connection. But the diffrence is Silver's chest 毛皮 is もっと見る shaggier than Shadows.

2. The Body
As あなた can see,Silver has no...
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added by golden-roze
Source: DredgeTh
added by silveranime122