Riolu vs. Zorua Updates

a comment was made to the photo: .Riolu vs Zorua. 1か月前 by chicken425
a photo 追加されました: .Riolu vs Zorua. 1か月前 by chicken425
a comment was made to the poll: If the two were to fight over who got any other puppy-like Pokemon as a mate, which one should it be? 1年以上前 by Articuno224
a comment was made to the poll: Who would win in a battle? 1年以上前 by Articuno224
a poll 追加されました: If the two were to fight over who got any other puppy-like Pokemon as a mate, which one should it be? 1年以上前 by CoolNala
a poll 追加されました: Who would win in a battle? 1年以上前 by CoolNala