ランダム・ロールプレイ Im Changing My History

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Nov 07, 2013 at 03:35PM
The time has finally come. This isnt time travel......this isnt a blessing.........these days are your opportunities to attempt to change the worse moments of your life, and make it better. All of your regrets, change them. Do things that you should have done and correct your wrongs, change them into what you believe to be rights, and hope for your desires to come true.
You have a total of 25 days to relive the worse days of your entire life. The most violent days. The most depressing days. These days are your opportunities to re-write your history and make better of the life you have now. Use these days with wisdom. Use them carefully.

Role Play Rules:
OK now, how this works is everyday of the 25 days that you have, you will spend about 6 hours reliving the past and trying to fix it. You will live the rest of the day in the new life that your trying to create for yourself. The whole thing is like you having something similar to visions that allows you to make certain changes to these times. Its also like time travel, and at the same time its not. The major thing about going back to these times is the things you absolutely CAN NOT do. Like killing a major leader or something. Your time travel/vision conceptions wouldnt allow you to or would start a chain of catastrophes to stop you. Be aware that if you die while going back to these moments, you wouldnt exist in the life that your trying to fix and will be erased from the memories of the people you have met, loved, or befriended in the process.
-No god modding, and if you have questions just ask.

My Rules:
-Again, no god modding
Thats just about all. Oh and try to make things interesting and Enjoy yourselves.

You only need a name and a bit of history, and age.

ランダム・ロールプレイ 12 返信

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1年以上前 fangfan7 said…
((this sounds like it could be interesting. I might join.))
1年以上前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
(( I might join. ))
1年以上前 Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name:Daniel Rites
History: In his mind, Daniel tells himself that he has nothing but bad luck. Half of his life was bitter sweet and a hell at the same time. He pushed away someone who could've been his girlfriend and was clueless to the signs that she was sending him. He let down his parents, especially his mother, who is in the hospital because of her bad blood pressure. When he was a kid he accidentally got his uncle killed in a car wreck. He has so many regrets and bad moments that he can barely even count them. His high school life was horrible. There were so many problems and he was always called weird for some reason, mostly because he didnt talk much and he always wore his hoodie with the hood on. Getting this chance to make changes was the best thing that ever happened to him.
last edited 1年以上前
 Name:Daniel Rites Age:28 History: In his mind, Daniel tells himself that he has nothing but bad luc
1年以上前 Liquidz-Flamez said…
((So i'll start first?))
1年以上前 fangfan7 said…
((Sounds good. I'll have a profile up in just a bit))
1年以上前 fangfan7 said…
Name: JoJo Smith
Age: 26
History: JoJo Grew up going from foster family to foster family. At first it wasn’t all that bad, and then when she was about ten she accidentally burned down her foster parent’s home. She was sent away to a sort of juvenile delinquent camp (though they said it was a rehabilitation camp). While there she accidentally killed one of the girls that was a horrible bully to her, but she didn’t mean it. After that she was sent away yet again, but before she could reach her final destination, she ran away.

((I don’t know yet, I’ll think of a few more things that happened to her as this goes on.))
 Name: JoJo Smith Age: 26 History: JoJo Grew up going from foster family to foster family. At firs
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Sounds good :P 1年以上前
1年以上前 Liquidz-Flamez said…
Daniel sighed as he sat down his coffee mug on the kitchen table. It was almost time. He thought long and hard about the first moment he would change. Maybe he should start with high school. It seemed reasonable enough to try, after all, some of the worst moments happened in those years. He rested his elbows on the table and stared out the window at the sun rising in the sky. "Here goes nothin........" he closed his eyes and waited for a couple of seconds before his entire life started flashing before his eyes.
1年以上前 fangfan7 said…
JoJo didn't have to think hard about what she wanted to go back to. Ideally she could go back to whenever her real parents dropped her off at the foster home. But she was just a baby and knew nothing about them. So she decided to go back to when she was ten. Everything bad seemed to start then. She closed her eyes and waited.
1年以上前 pipiqueen said…
may i join?
fangfan7 commented…
As far as I'm 1年以上前
fangfan7 commented…
concerned, yeah, go ahead 1年以上前
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
sure! 1年以上前
1年以上前 Liquidz-Flamez said…
Daniel opened his eyes slightly, then all the way. His eyes widened as he found himself surrounded by his memories, and looking around, it seemed like there were millions, no, trillions of them. His thoughts from only seconds ago floated past him as his high school memories floated in front of him. He blinked a couple of times, not sure what to do. He reached his hand out toward one of them and found himself being sucked in and spinning through darkness. He shut his eyes tight, not liking the nauseated feeling. When it felt like everything had finally stopped, he opened his eyes again. His vision was blurred at first, but as everything cleared, he found himself staring at a ceiling, laying down. He could feel bed sheets covering him and they fell of as he sat up. When he did, his eyes widened. "No way......" The room that he was in.......was the same one from when he was seventeen. The red walls he had painted. The way the dresser by the closet tipped a little to the right. The alarm clock that had a crack in it. He was seventeen again!
1年以上前 fangfan7 said…
JoJo opened her eyes to find she was lying in her bed at the orphanage. Startle she got up to look in the mirror, and saw the ten year old version of herself. It took all her power not to scream. It worked, it actually worked. Automatically she remembered what happened and left the orphanage as fast as she could. maybe if she wasn't there she wouldn't be adopted. And if she wasn't adopted, she wouldn't set the couple's home on fire like she did the first time around. On her way out she saw a calender and saw that it was the day before her adoption. Which meant she just needed to stay away for today, tomorrow and the day after, just to be safe.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Liquidz-Flamez said…
Daniel jumped out of the bed and ran to the mirror. "Oh shit........." he was actually seventeen.......a teenager again! He heard his alarm clock go off and looked at the time. "Uh oh...." he rushed into the bathroom, and grabbed a towel as he went in. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, combed his hair the way his older self did, and put on some new clothes. He went back to the mirror and smiled. "Nice......." he heard a familiar female voice from down stairs that yelled-
"Danny! Time for breakfast!"
He froze up instantly. "M........mom...." An instant replay of a car accident flashed before his eyes, which would happen a year or two from now. He grabbed his backpack and hoodie and darted out of his room and down the stairs.