ランダム・ロールプレイ Dark Hunters ((private))

Directingchicky posted on Apr 13, 2013 at 02:18AM
The Dark-Hunter Credo:

We are Darkness. We are Shadow.
We are the Rulers of the Night.
We, alone, stand between mankind and those who would see mankind destroyed. We are the Guardians.

The Soulless Keepers.

Our souls were cast out so that we would not forewarn the Daimons we pursue. By the time they see us coming, it’s too late.

The Daimons and Apollites know us. They fear us. We are death to all those who prey upon the humans.

Neither Human, nor Apollite, we exist beyond the realm of the Living, beyond the realm of the Dead.

We are the Dark-Hunters.

And we are eternal.

Yeah, yeah. Enough of the doom and gloom because, baby, that ain’t us. You want to know what a Dark-Hunter is? We are what the intro says. We’re Mad, Bad and Immortal. We’re ancient warriors with attitudes who fight rough, and play hard.

We are the scary things that go bump in the night. And we love every minute of it. So when you think you’re being watched. You just might be. The question is…is it something evil or is it one of us?

Be nice to the Dark Huntresses, because they can also kick your ass.

Dark Hunter rules:
Kill no human, drink no blood.
Stay out of sunlight(unless you have a death wish)
Kill no appolite, kill only daimons or gallu
You can die, so don't expect that you can't
There will be a bow and arrow mark where you were touched by artemis, so pick a place and don't get shot or stabbed there.
Do not touch your squire
Do not kill your squire(even if they deserve it)
Even though it sucks, Dark Hunters are not allowed to have families or relationships. So, don't do it. One night stands only. Sorry
If you want your soul back, talk with Acheron to become human again.And you had better have a good reason.
Do not harm another Hunter, or you will feel the pain ten-fold
In the world of the Dark-Hunters nothing is ever as it seems. Life and death both take on a whole new meaning as this immortal cadre of warriors fight to protect mankind from those creatures and demons who would prey on us. It’s dark. It’s deadly and it’s a whole lot of fun and laughter.

Daimon Rules:

There is actually only one rule: Don’t Die.

However we have put together a few reminders for you:
Don’t fall onto pointy objects chest first.

Don’t drink the blood of the dead.

Sunblock doesn’t work, nor do umbrellas or anything else. If sunlight touches you, you violate the only one real rule- Don’t die.

All humans are evil.
Dark-Hunters are vermin in need of extermination.
Squires are extra yummy when eaten.

Avoid taking the life of an Arcadian or Katagari unless they are offered to you as a sacrifice. They tend to have very large families that will hunt you down and kill you. On that note, remember, they can travel and kill in daylight. We can’t.
In fact, avoid angering anything that walks in daylight. They tend to break into our cribs and expose us to light. So don’t play with your food. Kill them, eat them and move on.

Dark-Hunters can’t go into cemeteries or any haunted place. For a great show, drag them inside and watch what happens.

Dark-Hunter blood is poisonous to us.

Don’t try to kill a Dark-Hunter to steal his soul. They don’t have one. It’s a waste of your time and it just pisses off the Dark-Hunter.
You can only kill a Dark-Hunter by exposing him to daylight or by decapitation. Anything else just pisses them off.
If you see someone with a bow and arrow tattoo, walk on by. DO NOT ENGAGE. Not unless you’re a true Spathi
Avoid polyester and plaid. No real reason other than you just look stupid in it. No one should be caught dead in either one and since we’re dead…

Avoid the Dark-Hunter called Acheron. There is no such thing as escaping or defeating him. He will kick your ass and laugh while he mops the floor with you

Anything other than that is alright.
To join post the following
Age(Era you are from):
Reason for becoming Dark Hunter or Daimon.:
Powers(Only two):
You may also be a human, but be warned that if you are attacked, you're on your own unless you fight the daimon off or a DH comes for you. You can choose to be a character from the book series or make your own.

Other rules:
No God modding, all of you can die excpet the actual gods.
Sex is fine if kept to a minimum
No powers as controlling fire or anything like this. Its sorta realistic. So powers are mind reading, mind erasing, strength, agility, etc. Stuff that makes you a better fighter.
And other stuff you think may be against the rules, just don't do it or ask me.
Have fun.
Humans, if you want the soulf of the dark hunter you fell in love with, talk with Artemis or Acheron, but you must be sure you love them. And don't drop it, because it will break.

ランダム・ロールプレイ 3140 返信

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Showing Replies 1051-1100 of 3140

1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She smiled and stayed there while he fell asleep. No way would she leave him while he was getting his last bit of rest. And afterwards...she knew Acheron would be coming soon to check on Roxanne and his hunters. She didn't know what she would do then, but her mind was made up.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
After that last little nap he felt even better than before. Like he could actually get up and move around with little or no help at all. Getting something in his stomach must have help a lot as well. Seeing Aimee still by his side brought out a smile. "Aren't you exhausted?"
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She yawned in response and lifted her head with a lazy smile, "I'm a tad tired, but I'll live you know? I'm more concerned with you. How do you feel now?"
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"So much better. Do you think I could get up and move around now? My back is beginning to feel a little stiff." Stretching out his back gave a little pop. "That and you look like you could use some rest now."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I think so yes. Go ahead and get up and move around." She nodded and agreed, moving to sit on the floor so he could move without her in the way.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed he stood up. A little wobbly and sore, but that was expected. He grabbed on to the headboard for some support. "That's better..It feels good to stretch my legs again."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I'm sorry for keeping you down for so long, but I wanted to make sure you were strong enough before you got up around." She said, smiling sheepishly.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"It's alright. You where right to do so. Kept me from getting myself hurt again." He smiled and pat her shoulder. "Why don't we head down stairs? It would be a good change of scenery." He slowly made his way towards the stairs.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I'm coming!" She popped up eagerly and uickly, rushing after him rather clumsily, almost running into the doorframe for the second time that day. "Eventually..."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Oops. So sorry. I got a little eager after finally being back up on my feet." He backed up and looped his arm around hers. Leading the way back downstairs.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Thank you." A small red mark formed on her forehead from her bump in the doorframe. "I will eventually learn where everything is again. But for now I am going to feed you again, and don't you dare refuse because I am just going to make you eat it anyway." She said matter-of-factly with a slight grin.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
A burst of laughter rang out. Such a serious tone, but he found it quite adorable. "Don't worry, I am still pretty hungry. So feel free to feed me much as your little heart desires."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Good." It was that old timey Cajun in her, like her mother she loved to feed people. "What would you like? Chili, gumbo, something sweet? Or I think we still have some barbecue from when Ash brought Simi last time."
Simi was Ash's "daughter", a little demon girl who was thousands of years old, but her body and mindset that of a teenage girl. And she loved anything crispy with barbecue sauce.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"It all sounds so good. How about I try anything you give me." Despite the pain this was turning out to be a great day. Finally up and out of bed and spending it with a very dear friend. At this rate he was bound to get better in no time at all.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Okay! We can start off with finishing off the gumbo and see where that leads. She had left the pot on the stove, and all she had to do was heat it up. See? She was getting better at this already.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"I can't wait." When they got into the kitchen the smell of it made his stomach growl loudly again. It was so bad the he quickly wrapped an arm around his waist to try and muffle the noise.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I heard thaaaaat." She said teasingly and bounced away from him to the stove, two bowls already resti.g there where she put them. Just in case. Serving up two full bowls, she carted them back towards him, "Bon appetit."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Oh, mulțumesc." He proceeded to gobble it up like he had done upstairs. Trying to be as polite as possible even though he was starving. "It's so delicious."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She giggled, plopping down to scarf hers down as wrll, "Ot is huh? Mama made it yesterday, but no one but me will evere eat it. Such a shane to waste such good spicy food you know?"
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"That is a shame. She's such a wonderful cook." He licked a little dab of it off of his thumb. "How could anyone not like this food?"
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"My brothers are ignorant whelps..." she muttered, tilting her head back so she can drink some of the more watery gumbo left her in her bowl. "They tend to decde not to like one thing one night, tben love it the next and voce versa. Annoys me constantly.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
He grimaced "People like that annoy me too. No respect for what they have...they should be grateful that they even have food and a nice place to stay, because some people out there have absolutely nothing."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I sometimes think they will never have any respect for anything."
"Not true Aimee. We had respect for the Hunter before he blinded you." Dev, one of the Quads, had entered the kitchen and was glaring the both of themdown, "We had respect for you too before you let him."
Aimee's response was...les than kind. Her bowl hit the floor, and she let loose a low growl that resembled very much the animal she had inside her, "Back away."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
A small pang of fear welled up in him. For him it was still too soon to see one of them again. "Please don't take this out on your sister...She has such a big heart and was only doing what she thought was best." He spoke up weakly. "No matter what you say I will always love and cherish what she has done for me. And I swear on my life that I will use it to protect others."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I don't care what you have to say traitor!" He snapped, and so had Aimee. Blind or not, she was still an animal and she caught his scent quickly and lunged, easily tackling her brother to the ground, "Aimee what the hell!"
"I told you to back off! You have already hurt my friend enough, and I swear if you set one nail, claw, tooth or even glance on him again I will rip you apart!" She threatened, but made sure Marron heard.none of it by switching languages.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Sorry!" Covering his face Marron shrunk back into the chair when he started yelling. Terrified that another beat down was coming. Remaining that way even after Aimee had tackled him. "I'm sorry...."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
Aimee hauled her brother up and shoved him out of the kitchen, wobbling on her feet again before rushing to Marron. She was getting better at finding people,she just had to focus on their scents. "Marron...he is gone, he won't hurt you." She told him, her small arms engulfing him in a comforting hug,
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
His arms wrapped around her in response. The psychological trauma from what they had done was beginning to show itself as he was shaking like a leaf. Trying to remind himself that he had faced daimons before without any troubles, but it wasn't working. Making him feel even worse for acting the way he was. "I'm so sorry...I'm such a coward."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"If you are a coward then I am a goose." She stated plainly and held him close, embracing him fully while trying to.comfort him. Lords he was shaking so much..."You are brave Marron, braver than so many others I know. You will always be brave, a savior."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"How am I brave when I can't even be near your brothers without flinching or freezing up?" Slowly but surely her embrace calmed his nerves."And I know you mean well Aimee, but I am no savior."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Of course you are a savior!" Her face buried into his shoulder, "I remember back when I was but a cub, and ran out of the house to the alley to pick up some food...all of those daimons.." she had only been a child then, didn't know what to do when Marron came along. "Yu saved my life that night. You are my savior..."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"You remember that?" He couldn't believe that she did. The memories of that night were fuzzy to him, but he did remember that it was a tough battle. There were so many daimon and nobody else around to help.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Of course I do. I may have been only a child, " which at only twenty years of age, she looked like a young ten year old, "But I remember you clearly. Why do you think I idolized you as a child? I was your little fan." Now that she thought about it, it was a hit embarrassing. All the Hunters dressed in all black, and sich Marron did, so did she. All black clothing, including little black boots...
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Really?" Now that he thought back on it it all made sense. He always wondered why she would follow him around like that. "I guess that does explain a lot. "Sorry if I ever ignored you back then, but I honestly had no idea."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She chuckled, shaking her head, "It was thirty years ago, and no offense, but you are rather old." She teased, pulling back some, "I never expected you to remember it that much."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Hey, I'm not That old.I still look like I'm in my twenties" He laughed. "Which means there is no excuse for forgetting things like an old man. Besides, that was something I should have remembered seeing as it was so important."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"It was important to me yes, but you save people like that all of the time. You are not only my savior, but all of the human's as well."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"You're right....I never really thought of it that way before." A new swell of confidence filled him. Cupping her face he leaned in and gave her a grateful kiss on the forehead. "Thank you so much. I really needed to hear that. I feel like I could take on a thousand daimons now."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
Her nose wrinkled in response, and shee giggled quietly, "I try." She teased, nuzzling his hand, "You should already know this about yourself, but I am always glad to remind you."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"I know, but sometimes you just need a little reminder like that." Grinning he playfully messed up her hair.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She squealed and swatted his hand, sticking her tongue out at him, "Like I said, I don't mind reminding you. I have a looot more memories to use."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Oh? You really have that many? " He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't tell me my memory is really that bad."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"I won't. I will save them for later for when I can embarrass you." She teased, leaning up to return the kiss on the forehead, "That is my job huh? Make sure Ash and Alpha havr plenty of stories to torture you after I am gone.z
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Okay, now that I don't believe." He laughed and put his hands on his hips. "What you could possibly know that's bad enough to embarrass me in front of those two?"
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She smirked, rising to her toes so she was face to face with him, "Six years ago, Mardi Gras, yu getting run over by that float with the monkeys on it, and then waking up in my house in nothing but a pink towel."
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
His face heated up, turning a bright shade of pink.Once again he was glad that she couldn't see, unfortunately his voice betrayed him by cracking. "I...don't remember anything of the sort..you must be the one with the bad memory.."
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
She burst into laughter, falling back to her feet and stepped back, "Nope! But the things you don't know..." she smirked at him, "I put the towel on you...and snapped some pictures." She admitted evily and prepared to run if necessary.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"What?! You took pictures?" His face reddened even more. She was already embarrassing without even having to show Alpha or Ash. "I...I want to see them." He stood up immediately.
1年以上前 Directingchicky said…
"Hmmmm...no I don't think so." With a little wave of her fingers, she ran. Planning to go upstairs to further hide the photos in case he attempted to look for them later. In all honesty...this was just too much fun. She was always teasing the hunters, but Marron most of all was the most fun to do so.
1年以上前 Axel1313 said…
"Aimeeeee! Come on!" He pleaded as he chased after her. All he knew was that she was headed upstairs. It was kind of sad even with sight he couldn't keep up, but she did have the advantage of knowing this place better than him.