
Pokemon Guys 質問

Who is your favourite Pokemon character who is an Aura Guardian?

i'd have to say riley(he's so cool and so heroic),but i'd like to kanow other people's opinions.oh,please add your best picture of the character あなた chose.
 RollBotFan posted 1年以上前
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Pokemon Guys 回答

PrincessDawn said:
Well i like Ash as an Aura Guardian.In the movie, Ash was also ready to give his life to save the 木, ツリー of beginning.He truly has a big heart!
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posted 1年以上前 
i agree he should be a aura guardian
tinaloo posted 1年以上前
TeamMagmaLover said:
Sir Aaron
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 Sir Aaron
posted 1年以上前 
TeamGalacticFan said:
Sir Aaron または Riley but not Ash.

I'll say Sir Aaron sorry no picture
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posted 1年以上前 
fansommer said:
I only know of sir Aaron and Ash.
But I prefer Sir Aaron
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posted 1年以上前 
Takaio said:
Sir Aaron
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posted 1年以上前 
edgirl1 said:
i 愛 riley if i was a aura guardian i would want him and lucario to train and protect me

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posted 1年以上前 
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