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What's your perfect nail color?



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Black oh yeah!
posted 1年以上前.
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ecpjll said:
GLITTER POLISH. Your perfect nail polish color is glitter. You are not immature but you have a young quality that is all about having fun and being enthusiastic.(YUP) You adore glitter for the same reason you love coming first in a game. You like to be the center of attention.(NOT REALLY-I DON'T THINK) All things sparkly are flattering to you so wear glitter polish and go with your inner flow.
posted 1年以上前.
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posted 1年以上前.
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big smile
PINK POLISH. Your perfect nail polish color is pink. Like Elle Woods you are pretty and popular and you look fabulous in pink. You tend to be positive by nature and you have lots of friends. And you know you love to shop so go out and buy yourself a gorgeous pink nail polish to complement your rosy personality.

posted 1年以上前.
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GLITTER POLISH. Your perfect nail polish color is glitter. You are not immature but you have a young quality that is all about having fun and being enthusiastic. You adore glitter for the same reason you love coming first in a game. You like to be the center of attention. All things sparkly are flattering to you so wear glitter polish and go with your inner flow.

posted 1年以上前.