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What Animal Were あなた In a Past Life?



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You Were a Porcupine
You have created your own path in life, and you encourage others to do the same.
Even as life progresses, you always maintain a sense of wonder and innocence.

Prickly awesome!!!
posted 1年以上前.
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i8ab said:
You Were a Lynx
You are a great knower and keeper of secrets.
A bit psychic, you can bring out hidden truths.
posted 1年以上前.
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NatyLy said:
You Were A Jaguar
A shapeshifter that understands the patterns of chaos.
You are powerful and move without fear in dark places.
posted 1年以上前.
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Vixie79 said:
You Were a Parrot
You are a master of language, and you use your wit to mock and tease others.
But you are also wise, and you often think carefully before you speak.
posted 1年以上前.
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lucy32 said:
You Were An Owl
You are stealthy and secretive - no one knows the true you.
You are a seeker of freedom, and you are comfortable with your dark side.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Were a Cat
You are an independent person who inspires others with your dreams.
A calm protector, you will fight when you need to.
posted 1年以上前.
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seki said:
you r a polar bear
A bit of a loner, you enjoy introspection and solitude.
You are a fighter, and you will seek revenge on those who harm you.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Were a Polar Bear

A bit of a loner, you enjoy introspection and solitude.
You are a fighter, and you will seek revenge on those who harm you.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Were a Cheetah

You are quick and elusive, with keen senses.
You are able to have intense concentration for short periods of time.

posted 1年以上前.