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How Spicy Are You?



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mild...not shocking...
posted 1年以上前.
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Your Spicy Score: Mild
You don't feel like you need to spice things up. You're happy to play things cool.
You'll go along with fun, but you don't feel like you have to be the life of the party.

While people appreciate your cool vibe, as long as you're laid back and not uptight.
There's a chance you're taking yourself too seriously. Relax a little!
posted 1年以上前.
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NatyLy said:
Your Spicy Score: Medium
You enjoy letting loose and having fun, but you don't go overboard.
You know that a little spice can go a long way. You keep yourself in check.

When things are too boring, you really know how to bump up the temperature.
When things are getting hot and completely out of control, you know how to pull back.
posted 1年以上前.
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Your Spicy Score: Medium
You enjoy letting loose and having fun, but you don't go overboard.
You know that a little spice can go a long way. You keep yourself in check.

When things are too boring, you really know how to bump up the temperature.
When things are getting hot and completely out of control, you know how to pull back.
posted 1年以上前.