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Sprite(Avatar) Creation Contest



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Omg, Another contest :DD And i love the idea of a "Swag Giveaway" XD
posted 1年以上前.
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He he yes, this will be our last contest for a while, at least until the first two stop(end of June).
The Swag Giveaway will hopefully entice more fans to follow us on different sites and help get them involved and excited for the game.
Thanks again for the interest and fan dedication, you are definitely first on a short list for the Swag Giveaway.
posted 1年以上前.
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How exactly do the ballots work?
posted 1年以上前.
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Each ballot will represent a chance to win one of the swag giveaway items during the draw held right before game launch(planned late fall)
The number of ballots drawn is still undecided but it will be higher then 1 draw, most likely in the 5-10 range. The winners will then receive their draw winnings(swag).
In other words the more ballots you have in the draw the better chance you have to win. Ballots are given to fans who show a special level of dedication, as well as a reward for some contest winners.
The above link is to the swag giveaway page which will be updated later today with a chart of current ballots handed out.
Needless to say, DD you are one of the first to earn a ballot!
posted 1年以上前.
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Lol, really? Thanks :D
posted 1年以上前.