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posted by roxasismine23
    The Wielders of the Key were in the midst of battle. Their faces shielded によって their hoods, keeping their identities hidden. They were weak, they could tell the end was near for them. Greed has caused many of the good people of Sunlit Village to fight amongst one another. All after the same thing, the Keyblade. A mysterious weapon invented によって the four most gifted warriors in the village. The Wielders of the Key had created them not as weapons, but as keys to unite the worlds and keep everyone in the village 安全, 安全です from the Unversed. There were only four Keyblades in the world, Now the villagers attacked the wielders in hopes of gaining that power for their own. Finally, after days of fighting, the four warriors fell at twilight.......
    Hana awoke in her bed. “Why do I keep having that dream?” she murmured as she slowly sat up.
    She looked out her window, almost expecting to see something other than the copper sky of twilight. But of course that couldn't happen, living in Twilight Town. She stretched and got out of bed, heading to the closet. She took out her お気に入り outfit, a mossy green dress that complimented her hair. She ran a brush through her short, キャラメル locks and headed for the library. She was later than she wanted to be, hopefully her フレンズ weren’t mad.    
    She hummed to herself as she walked, slowing down as she passed the large statue in the center of town.
    “The four hooded warriors, just like in my dreams...” she thought.
    She saw this statue every day, maybe that's what caused her active imagination to create those dreams. The Wielders of the Key stood back to back, あなた couldn't see their faces, but their build made it appear as though they were only children.
    “How could children have invented the Keyblade?” Hana questioned to herself, “Weren't they scared?”
    At the feet of each hooded figure was an intricate keyblade, Hana and all of her フレンズ each had a favorite.
    Suddenly, the ベル of the clock tower tolled, signaling twelve o'clock.
“Oh no!” Hana gasped. She was even later now! She took off running for the library. she was out of breath によって the time she got there.
    “There あなた are, Hana!” a voice called.     
    “Hey Kaji, sorry I'm late!” Hana replied. Looking to her friend, a tall, slender girl with bright red hair tied back in a messy ponytail.
    “Your not late, actually your the only one here. I was beginning to think everyone ditched me, and on my birthday too!” Kaji pouted.
    “Oh, Hikari and Kurai aren't here yet?” Hana questioned. She had expected Hikari to be the first one here, she was always an early riser, especially on a フレンズ birthday. Just then someone approached from behind, Hana had spoken too soon.
“Don't worry, we're just fashionably late!” Hikari 発言しました her face glowing brightly as usual as she joined her friends. “And of course I had to drag him along,” Hikari elbowed her younger brother. Hikari and Her younger brother were polar opposites, like Yin and Yang. Hikari was always so bright and cheerful, with sky blue eyes, pale skin, and long, wavy, bleach-blonde hair. She was a mature sixteen 年 old who was always early, no matter what she did. Kurai, her brother, always had a dark, sullen aura surrounding him. His skin, pale like hers, was strong contrast with the medium length onyx hair that shrouded his deep blue-grey eyes. He was aggressive, with a bit of a temper. Unlike his sister, he was always late, if he bothered to go at all.
    “I see no point in coming here when I see あなた all on a regular basis anyway.” Kurai explained, leaning against a shadowy wall.
    Hikari rolled her eyes, “Whatever,” Then she remembered why they had gathered there to begin with. “Happy Birthday Kaji!” She exclaimed and gave her best friend a tight hug.
    “Thank you! And everyone's here now so I'm not worried anymore!” Kaji cheered.
    “So how old are あなた now, fifty?” Kurai asked, shrugging himself off the wall. He knew a コメント like this would bug Kaji, she had a brash temper like him, he enjoyed instigating fights with her. ...Even though it was her birthday.
    Kaji glared, “that would be fifteen , Kurai. And your two.”
    Kurai's already dark expression darkened more, “Twelve.” he growled.
    “oh, big difference!” Kaji said, sarcastically waving her hands.
    “Your dead, birthday girl!” Kurai threatened, charging.
    “Bring it!” Kaji shouted back.
    “Ok! No fighting please!” Hikari cheered stepping between them, smiling despite how nervous she was. “We're all フレンズ here...” she finished. She was a good fighter, but she hated fights between friends. She would only ever fight when she needed to, she described herself as a pacifist.
    Kurai glared once もっと見る at Kaji and retreated back to the shadows, his sleek, dark, hair falling over his eyes once again.
    “Hmph!” Kaji sniffed, turning towards Hana, “You've been really quiet...” she remarked, “Is something wrong?”
    Everyone always looked out for Hana. Though she wasn't the youngest, she was the shyest, and smallest. She was thirteen, but shorter than Kurai, she was soft-spoken and would never purposely hurt anyone. Even if she was shy, she was never this quiet around her friends.
    “Huh? No, I'm alright...” Hana replied. She had been zoning out, thinking about that reoccurring dream.
    “Are あなた sure?” Hikari asked, placing a hand on Hana's shoulder.
    “Y-yeah,” Hana replied, an unsteady smile on her lips, “Let's just go inside, it's Kaji's birthday after all.” She then turned and entered the library.
    Everyone hesitated a moment but followed her.
    Kaji loved the library. She went there whenever she could. They had an upstanding tradition that on everyone’s' birthdays, they got to choose whatever they wanted to do, and they would all do it together. This year, Kaji chose to investigate the back of the library, where all of the dusty town history 本 were kept.
    Their footsteps echoed off the high walls, they always felt a sense of familiarity in the old building. They whispered their greetings to the librarian and proceeded to the back. Everything was dusty back there, it was easy to tell no one had been back there in a long time. They dispersed, each picking up a book that caught their interest. Kaji carried a huge stack to one of the tables and sat down, immediately becoming immersed in the first book in the pile.
    “Oh! I just remembered!” Hikari called, a little too loud. She pranced over to Kaji excitedly. “This is for you!” She handed her friend a package.
    Kaji quickly tore the paper off, revealing a handcrafted wooden keyblade.
    “It's just like the one on the statue in the center of town that あなた admire so often! I made it so あなた could have one of your own!” Hikari explained happily.
    Kaji turned the key in her hand, examining the detail in the flame pattern. It was amazing how well crafted it was, “Hikari, this must have taken あなた forever to make!” she gushed, setting it gently on the table.
    “It didn't take that long, I made one for myself too,” Hikari 発言しました modestly, “Only mine isn't like yours, I based it off the pastel and silver one I liked...” She explained.
    “I want one too.” Kurai stated dully, anyone other than his フレンズ would have been unable to pick up on the subtle excitement in his voice. “Make it like the dark one. On the other side of the statue.”
    “OK, OK!” Hikari sighed, “I'll make one for everyone, how about that?” She asked.
    Kurai and Hana nodded.
    “Ok lets go,” Kurai said, and immediately left the library,
    “But....but....” Kaji looked hopelessly at the stack of 本 she had been dieing to read.
    “It's OK, Kaji, we can come back later. I promise.” Hikari said, and then the three girls followed after Kurai.
    “We can work on them in my room, I have all of the supplies there.” Hikari explained as they walked through town.
    Hikari and Kurai lived in a small apartment at the north end of town, it was a long walk from the library.
    “someone....really needs to invent a better way to get....around. Twilight town is just.....to big!” Kaji panted as they reached the apartment door.
    “maybe your just out of shape.” Kurai stated.
    “Jerk,” Kaji muttered and stuck out her tongue.
    They climbed the stairs and turned down a hallway until they reached Hikari's room. It was very quaint. With pale yellow walls, pristine white curtains, and a pastel blue quilt with matching pillows on the bed. In the corner によって her closet was a small work bench with a ナイフ and a sketch book.
    “OK,” Hikari sat at the bench and took out the sketch pad. “I'll start Kurai's first. It's もっと見る basic than yours, Hana.” she explained, quickly and easily sketching out the デザイン of his keyblade. It was definitely his style, with a dark pattern. In the sketch, あなた could almost see the darkness seeping from it. It fit Kurai's personality so perfectly it seemed as though it had been made specifically for him. Hikari stopped. “So does Kaji's, and Mine....” she thought. “They all fit our personalities so perfectly”
    Kurai's was a key of darkness, the shadows so much like the ones he is naturally drawn to. Her's was a key of light, all of the pastel Colors(色) used in it were her favorites. Kaji's was a key of fire, bright with energetic flames, just like her personality. Hana's was a key of flowers, she was small and delicate just like a newly blossoming flower.
    “chop chop!” Kurai said, seeing Hikari had zoned out. He was anxious to get a keyblade, even if it was a fake one. Nobody had real keyblades anymore. This was as close as it got.
    “Sorry, Kurai!” Hikari apologized and quickly set the sketchbook down. She took out a perfectly sized chunk of wood and began to shape the keyblade.
    “Wow, Hikari! Your so good at this!” Kaji exclaimed.
    “oh, thanks, it just comes natural to me, like I've done it before, ya know?” Hikari replied, continuing to work. The handle was completely carved, in exact detail to the statue. The likeness was amazing.
    Within an 時 Kurai, Hana, and Kaji had gotten bored watching and were 読書 through one of the historical 本 Kaji had “forgotten” to set down when they left the library.
    Hikari was concentrating on making the finishing touches to the 上, ページのトップへ of the keyblade when suddenly Hana cried out, louder than her フレンズ thought she could even speak.
    “Hey! That’s just like my dreams!” Hana shouted. She pointed fervently to the タイトル on the 上, ページのトップへ of one of the fading pages.
    Hikari turned around, standing up to see what had Hana so worked up. “The Wielders of the Key?” she asked. She sat 次 to Kaji to get a better look at the book, handing the finished keyblade to Kurai.
    Hana nodded. “I've had the same dream for the past week, all about this.”
    Hikari picked up the book and read the chapter out loud, “Long ago, Sunlit Village was a happy, prosperous place.” She looked up at Hana, “Is this a fairy tail?” she asked skeptically.
    “No! Please, keep reading!” Hana begged, the look of utmost urgency convinced Hikari to continue.
    “That all changed when the village's four most gifted warriors, all of which were only children, found a way to ハーネス the powers of their hearts into a mysterious weapon called a keyblade. There were only four keyblades in the world, each owned によって one of those warriors. One wielded light, another fire, another flowers, and the last darkness. The keys were discovered to be able to unlock doors to other worlds. The people of Sunlit Village now knew there was もっと見る out there than just them. Every 星, つ星 they saw was another world, filled with life. At first, The Wielders of the Key, as the warriors had grown to be called, were accepted and loved. But soon, greed formed in the jealous hearts of the villagers. Why must it only be those four children with keyblades?”
    Suddenly, as Hikari read, they were no longer in her room. They were in what looked somewhat like an older version of twilight town. The only building they recognized was the library, but it looked brand new.
    Hana looked around in fear, “this is my dream we're in my dream!” she looked over to Kaji and Hikari. They looked the same except they were wearing long tan cloaks. She looked down at herself, she was dressed the same.
    “Where are we?” Kurai questioned in shock. He pulled the フード of his マント, 隠す down to get a better look around. “Are we still in twilight town?”
    “No...” Hikari answered in a daze.
    Kaji and Kurai looked at her quizzically.
    “Well, it is but.....” she tried to explain, “It's Sunlit Village, look at the sky!” she pointed.
    The sky was blue with the sun high above them. They had never seen anything like it. They never even knew the sky could be any shade other than reds, and oranges, and copper.
    “It's beautiful,” Hana gasped, her eyes sparkling.
    “That doesn't matter right now.” Kaji stated, drawing Hana's attention back. “What are we supposed to do here? How did we even get here?” She asked.
    “And もっと見る importantly, how do we get back?” Kurai asked.
    They stood there for a moment, trying to think of something. This was too weird. How had this happened.
    “May-maybe we just fell asleep, and this is all a dream...?” Hana suggested futilely.
    “And we're all having the same dream?” Kaji doubtfully replied.
    “Well we won't solve anything just standing here.” Hikari said, “besides,” she continued in a whisper, “the towns people keep glaring at us and it's giving me the creeps...”
    She was right. The others hadn't even noticed the villagers around them, some driving horse carts, others in shops または hanging laundry, were all subtly glaring at them for no apparent reason.
    “Good idea.” Kurai agreed.
    The four of them swiftly headed through the town. They easily navigated their way through winding streets, for some reason it seemed so familiar to them.
    “We... couldn't have been here before... right?” Hana asked.
    “That would be impossible... the Wielders of the Key lived here 150 years ago. I'm only sixteen...” Hikari explained.
    They reached a small thatched-roof building and entered without hesitating, it came naturally to them.
    Kaji looked around in shock, “I, I recognize this place from somewhere. In the back of my mind.... I know it......” She thought for a moment then proceeded to a tatami mat in the center of the floor, she knelt down and pushed it to the side, revealing a small door. “I knew it...” she whispered.
    Kurai stepped フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして and took hold of the short rope handle attached to it. He pulled it open and descended the stairs beneath it.
    Kaji and Hana quickly followed, the strange scene of familiarity growing stronger.
    Hikari hesitated, “Something feels off...” she thought, looking out the small window behind her. She quickly shut the front door and slid the heavy wooden plank across it before following the others down the dark stair case.
    Only a few torches lit the way down the corridor. Hikari saw もっと見る light ahead. “Must be a room?” she thought,
    “yes, あなた know this room” a familiar voice spoke in Hikari's head, it was a soft, light, voice but one with so much power it was staggering! “Think hard, Hikari. You've seen this all before...” the voice then vanished as quickly as it had came.
    And yet, for some reason, Hikari welcomed the voice, and did not find it's appearance strange at all. “What's happening to us...?” Everything was just too strange.
    Hikari entered the large, underground room. “Where are we?” she asked. But soon noticed the somber atmosphere. “Whats wrong?” she asked. Afraid to hear an answer. Then she noticed Hana was in tears. “whats wrong??” she asked again. Kaji and Kurai had bleak expressions as well.
    Hana simply pointed to a leather bound book on the table.
    Hikari swiftly picked it up. The cover was adorned only with small, engraved, flowers. She opened it to the first page and read.
    “This is my journal, so nobody mess with it! When I say nobody, I mean you, Kurai!”
    Hikari blinked and read that line again. Kurai? What was her brothers name doing in a 150 年 old diary? She read on,
    “So, Mr. Journal, あなた will be used to catalog our studies of unlocking the power of ones heart. We hope that in doing such, we can form a key. A key that will unlock the doors to other realms. Thanks to Kurai we know that the ハート, 心 holds immense power, and if unlocked, that power can do amazing things. And so, our study begins! ~Hana.”
    Hikari gasped, looking at Hana. “This is your diary?” she asked in disbelief.
    Hana nodded, “I remember it slightly...” she said, still crying.
    Hikari flipped through the book stopping to read entries every once in a while.
    “We did it! We finally made a key! It appears Kurai has the strongest ハート, 心 out of all of us because this key belongs to him. Kaji is a bit miffed about that, but her's will be coming soon enough. Kurai's key is amazing. It is dark and shadowy, just like him. Hikari did a wonderful job crafting it, it took her a week just to sketch it out. She had so much practice sketching it though, that she can now sketch it perfectly in under three minutes.”
     Hikari remembered how easy it was making Kurai's wooden keyblade, this entry made sense. She flipped to another page and read.
    “These Keyblades, as we have grown to call them, are wonderful! They have unlocked a greater power within us, based on our personalities. Kaji accidentally set 火災, 火 to Kurai's cloak, yesterday. Although I'm not quite sure it was an accident...
    Kurai is also able to do some amazing things, his power is darkness, big surprise there. He can create and travel through portals he calls 'Dark Corridors' none of us can even enter one of his portals, Kaji has tried. Her 火災, 火 cannot penetrate one either.
    Hikari's power tuned out to be the opposite of Kurai's. She is light. Her very essence is pure, and untouched によって darkness. Her ハート, 心 is almost equal in power to Kurai's. She can call fourth beams of light to target whatever she wishes, the only thing she cannot effect is one of Kurai's Dark Corridors.
    And finally, we have me. Mine is the power of flowers, new growth. I can make a 花 blossom out of season, または cause massive amounts of vines to grow up from the earth. It's all a lot of fun.”

    Hikari smiled slightly, seeing in her mind Kurai saying something to make Kaji mad and then retreating to one of his portals to avoid the fireballs she was hurling in his direction as she screamed, 'You Jerk!!!!'
    Hikari flipped to the last written page.
    “I don’t understand, the villagers loved us at first. We were always their best warriors, and now we had even もっと見る power to protect them. Why are they so mad now? I went shopping with Hikari yesterday, but none of the shops would let us buy anything. One woman 発言しました 'You already have everything, must あなた take what little we have from us as well?' I just don’t understand....”
    Hikari now understood, “We are the Wielders of the Key” she just didn't understand how または why they had ended up in modern Twilight Town... Suddenly something clicked in Hikari's head, they were the four warriors, the village had turned against them and they all new how this fairytale ended.
    “We need to find a way out before-” Hikari was silenced によって the shouts from above them.
    “It's too late.” Kurai finished sadly.
    And so, the four of them gathered their courage, pulling up their hoods to conceal their faces.
    Before climbing the stairs, with the others, Hana wrote a message in the back of the diary. She set it on a patch of moss in the corner of the room, “protect it for me?” she 発言しました and then joined her friends.
    The moss swiftly grew around the journal, keeping it 安全, 安全です and protected for as long as necessary.
    Once they had all reached the top, Kurai shut and locked the small door, placing the tatami mat over it once again.
    They opened the front door and proceeded out to face the approaching mob of villagers, they held torches and farm tools, a look of blood-lust in their eyes.
    Kaji smiled slightly at the sight of the torches.
    “Even though we know how this will end,” Hikari whispered, “We have to fight.”
    The villagers surrounded them, hungry to own the keyblade for themselves.
    Kaji's small smile broke into a grin, “no problem” then the 火災, 火 of the surrounding torches seemed to come alive, gathering above Kaji in a massive 火災, 火 ball.
    The villagers were scared, but refused to back down. There greed was enough to push them on.
    Kurai looked up at the sky, lit only the stars and moon. “So this is night.” He surmised, “I like it.” Then he disappeared into a corridor as someone hurled a large stone at him. He reappeared behind them, spinning swiftly to kick them in the neck, and they were down. “that was easy.” he laughed, creating another portal.
    “I know, right?” Kaji agreed. She was hurling 火災, 火 balls at anyone who got too close. “How are あなた holding up, Hikari?”
    “pretty good actually,” she replied as she checked her hair in the reflective surface of a light barrier she had created. A couple villagers were unsuccessfully attacking it with all of their might. “there's no way we can lose this!” she thought happily.
    “I'm good too!” Hana giggled, watching two villagers dangle によって vines wrapped around their feet. “Hikari watch this!” she cheered, shaking the vines. The male villagers screamed like little girls.
    Things continued on like this for the 次 day, but によって that night, things made a terrible turn. Unversed are creatures draw to anger and pain, and there was a lot of that going on. Unversed began to appear, attacking both villagers and the four warriors. The Unversed were able to absorb the energy from all of their attacks, and, enter Kurai's Dark Corridors. Within hours, the four had been incredibly weakened.
    “This must be the final day,” Kurai stated, trying to catch his breath while using his keyblade to fend of the relentless Unversed.
    “We just have to hold on!” Kaji shouted, shooting plumes of flame from her hands.
    As the sun began to fall on this the final 日 of battle, they felt strangely at peace.
    “We've done all we need to do, right?” Hana asked.
    The others nodded hesitantly.
    “Then there's no point. We know how this ends,” Hana finished, calling back all of her vines.
    They understood what she meant and they all stopped attacking. It was the end anyway. It was kind of funny, living through this twice. Like Deja'vu.
    The Unversed lept at them, and then they saw, heard, felt......nothing. They were void of all feeling. And then through the vast emptiness, they heard a voice. Hikari recognized the voice as the one she had heard in her head.
    “You cannot die now,” the voice spoke. “You have much もっと見る to do. あなた were important in the past, and あなた will be important in the future. When あなた wake up, begin your journey. あなた will encounter many people as あなた go, both フレンズ and enemies. But never look back, never give up.”
    "Who are you?” Hikar asked, she tried to open her eyes, as did the others, but all they saw was a blinding light.
    “I am Oukoku Kokoro, known によって all as Kingdom Hearts.” the voice was now identified as belonging to a woman, she had a beautiful, calming sound to her voice. “But who I am does not mater now. Now, your destiny begins.”
    with that, they opened their eyes. They were all in Hikari's room, the book open in front of them.
    “That wasn't just a dream, right?” Kaji asked.
    The others looked around. Everything looked the same.
    “It wasn't a dream.” Kurai replied.
    “How do あなた know?” Hana asked.
    “Because,” he stated and summoned a Dark Corridor, “I can do that.”
They then set out to begin what Kingdom Hearts had told them to do. They weren't sure how exactly to do it, または what they were even trying to do, but they knew the first thing they had to do, was leave twilight town.
    And so they did.
added by Roxas1314
Source: All rights to Square Enix :D
added by Roxas1314
Source: ArikaMiz@Twitter
added by angiecakes
added by simpleplan
added by IllusionDolls
Source: kh13.com
added by angiecakes
added by Lulu_Kururugi
added by サトシ
Source: KH
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: ディズニー and Square Enix
added by joey188
added by IllusionDolls
Source: kh13.com
posted by JasonOrgXIII-2
Shade crashes down to Traverse town, Shade then searches to a parachute
Shade: come on parachute where are you? what's this (finds a note and reads it) Sora I owe あなた one parachute - Donald (sigh) well I'm gonna die so whats the worse of it? I'll just close my eyes
The ship then crashes and caused an explosion
Shade: Huh? where am I?
?????: So you're awake
Shade: what the? what just happened? and who are you?
?????: My name is Vincent, Vincent Valentine (FFVII)
Shade: Oh, am I dead?
Vincent: Do あなた feel dead?
Shade: No I don't
Vincent: then that means you're alive
Shade: but how did I survive the crash?...
continue reading...
"Elleis, this isnt the right choice!" I yell out. She attacked me again, this time without thinking it through. I Blocked, stepped behind her, then hit her side. A cry of pain exploded from her, and she sank to her knees." I only chose it because no noe else cared for me like Ansem did." I lowered my guard."What?" Elleis saw the oppertunity and struck out her back foot, Hitting me in the stomach and knocking me into the leaves. She rose shakily to her feet."Ansem took me in when no one else wanted me. They 発言しました i was cursed." She swung her Keyblade at me, and i blocked, and held it there. She...
continue reading...
posted by JasonOrgXIII
Shade then gets up, In a flash he defeated all the Heartless. A dark portal appears on the ground and creates a giant heartless called Phantom. The Phantom Smashed the ground, but shade easily dodge the impact. Shade flashes behind phantom and slashed its back. Phantom then falls. Shade didn't give any mercy, with his blood red eyes Shade スラッシュ and スラッシュ Phantom with his Keyblade(The River of Souls), Phantom disappeared into the darkness. Suddenly the survivors of the attack approach him. But Shade looks at him with his evil eyes then slashes the man, his ハート, 心 absorbed によって Shade's Keyblade...
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posted by jimboslicetv


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added by stevensmorgan22
Source: ディズニー and Old Square Enix