インベーダー・ジム Club
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added by _Charlie_
Source: http://homepage.mac.com/marceline407/
added by zagrfreak94
added by ScreamoGirl
added by Shaymin101
added by Ikuto_is_hot021
posted by InvaderCynder
I woke up with my wig sticking to my head because of the moister from yesterdays tears.the radio was playing "Gone Forever" によって three days grace."So I'll stay up all night,with these bloodshot eyes while these walls surround me with the story of our life..."i sang along but trailed off. what was i to do now that i knew that i had killed my perfect enemy? my arch enemy? i curled up on the bed, thinking. i listened to the song and wished I could be glad he was gone forever. but i could only find one reason to be happy: he couldn't expose us."and now your gone forever..." sang カップケーキ from downstairs.I...
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added by misanthrope86
Source: Netflix
posted by Invader-Tak
'Pzzzzt Zim.' I said. 'You're an alien.'
'Nonsence Earth monkey. If you're wondering Earth-a-noid about my skin, ears and nose.. Well that's just part of my skin condition.' he replied.
He started to sweat.
'Yeah skin condition, I really bought that.' I joked. 'But really Zim.'
Zim hesitated but then fianally answered.
'You know?!'
I nodded. 'I guess so. I mean you're green. I can't beleive no one else exept for that big headed kid knows. Your disguise is so ovious.'
Zim started sweating even more. 'Are あなた with Dib?'
I assumed Dib was the big headed, crazy kid who knew about Zim.
'No. And anyway it's my first 日 and I just met you. Of corse I won't tell anyone. Secret safe.' I smiled. Zim looked unsure but によって the end of 'Skool' he seemed to trust me.
When the ベル rang I got my things and headed off. To where, I did not know.
Then I heard footsteps behind me.
added by zagrfreak94
added by invaderlin123
added by zagrfreak94
added by pumpkinqueen
added by zagrfreak94
added by SweetSponge
Source: me(Invader Sasha)
added by pumpkinqueen
posted by InvaderStickly
STICKLY'S POV (On Planet Irk.)
I, Stickly the Irken soldier was training to go to a planet as an Invader. I saw the Almighty Tallest announce who was going to be an Invader. I was very impatient. All I could hear was "Secret planet: Earth" and giggles. Whoever was going to be sent to Earth was not being taken seriously. "Who wants this one?" 発言しました Purple Tallest. "I do." I said. He threw a robot unit at me. I never really did like the Tallest. They had that kind of attitude. However I was greatful for the gift I had. I had my own robotic unit. Though I was not an Invader, I still had my unit....
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added by Ikuto_is_hot021
added by dunklekatze
added by InvaderEleanor