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David Shore, WAKE UP!!!!!



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Or, another way to look at it is that Huddy fans are too fickle, only supporting the show when they are getting what they think is right...

Or, maybe Taub/Rachel fans haved stopped watching the show.

No one is obliged to watch the show, but if you want Huddy back, not watching isn't going to help, because the show will just get canned. Wake up FANS.
posted 1年以上前.
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bones3 said:
The show has gone down the tubes, and NOT just because of the Huddy breakup. I think most of us want higher quality stories, not just romance.
posted 1年以上前.
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It's not because Huddy broke up, that Huddy's fans don't watch. It's because Huddy add spices and thrill to the storyline. It's more interesting to have Huddy relationship along with House's craziness and manipulative and interesting patients as well.
posted 1年以上前.
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Jessicatt said:
I don't think that the ratings are dropping JUST because of the way Huddy was handled...What about the fact that poor Wilson can never be happy for very long? That he and House haven't had amusing or caring dialogue in a long time? That too much focus is being placed on Taub, when he really isn't interesting enough to be anything more than a background character? Or that Foreman really never seems to have much of a storyline, despite being a member of the team since day one? These are all things that bother me lately with the show, but I'm still watching, with hope that things will improve.
posted 1年以上前.
last edited 1年以上前
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I think actually what happened is that the 2 episodes after "Bombshells" were terrible and people stopped watching. The episodes since "The Dig" have been really good but its tough to get people to come back after they've dropped it.
posted 1年以上前.
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huddyjoy: you are probably right, I agree with you.
posted 1年以上前.
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bones3 said:
The end of "Bombshells" was like being kicked in the teeth. The episodes and TPTB comments that followed were like having alcohol poured into an open wound. I'm not certain that I'll ever recover.
posted 1年以上前.
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DS does NOT care one way or the other!! No matter how many people watch, HE still gets paid, in fact they ALL still get paid. Even Hugh has said, it is not so much about what the audience thinks and wants, it is more about the quality of the work.
And now that they have been renewed, they are guaranteed syndication and then the big bucks roll in. I suspect Season 8 was always DS's end game.

DS decided right at the beginning where HOUSE M.D. was going and how this show would be handled, how House & Cuddy, House & Wilson and House & the Team will be handled. He does not give a tiny rat’s arse about what the fans want or think!

The writing is piss poor compared to previous seasons; if it keeps up, Hugh can forget about an Emmy nomination, let alone a win. They clearly have NO idea how to write/weave an intense, intimate adult relationship into their story and not loose any of the drama.
I also suspect many of them have really screwed up relationships in real life, if they think they handled Huddy at all well. And it is NOT just the Huddy fans that are disillusioned. I suspect even the so called “Huddy Haters” have lost interest.
Not for nothing, because the chemistry and sexual innuendo that charged every episode between House and Cuddy and the crap Wilson and House got up to both in the hospital and out, is gone.

House never seems to be needed in the clinic anymore; he NEVER touches his piano or guitars anymore. He has stopped listening to music in his office; when last did he watch his “soaps” in his office? Everything that made him interesting aside from the Vicodin and his genius is gone!

But alas this is what happens when the man in charge (DS) gets distracted by a shinny new idea and leaves his nugget for others to polish. Also that idiot GY was made an EP this season and I fear he might have had TOO much of a say. Well until DS shut him up after the whole TWITTER number!!

Seriously I for one am very disappointed. House is one of only 4 shows I watch. This season has been excruciating. I now watch purely because stopping would be like reading all but the last 3 chapters of a book, and THAT is something my brain can’t accept. I need to finish it no matter how painful!

How is it possible that House, once the most watched show globally, is losing ground to shows I believe are way less interesting?

For heaven sakes NCIS is in it's 8th season, it was renewed in May (in the first sweeps) for Season 9 and suddenly it has taken of like a rocket. Since I have watched since the pilot and love it, I am VERY excited, but honestly it is nowhere near as good as House, correction as good as House used to be!
posted 1年以上前.
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jemihuddy said:
well said LaurieLover
posted 1年以上前.
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omg david is suck an idiot
posted 1年以上前.
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sindy2507 said:
me molesteee mucho con la ruptura del huddy,xq esperar por 6 años estooooo y lo acabaronnn tan rapido, aun asi sigo viendo House aunque en realidad los 2 capitulos despues de granadas fueron muy flojos!!!! me encantan las locuras de House pero tambien como llevaba su relacion con Cuddy,como iban superando, bien o mal, sus problemas!!!!
posted 1年以上前.