ホラー映画 Horror 恋愛中 フォーラ

jlhfan624 posted on Apr 19, 2009 at 01:10AM
Jason got a hold of this forum and now we are dead.
last edited on Dec 26, 2010 at 01:33PM

ホラー映画 16477 返信

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1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
lolz oh yah
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
I've been hanging out on Last.fm most of the night and just leaving this Fanpop window open for people to IM me, but nobody really has so eh. I might leave soon.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
oh well ill im u lolz
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Doesn't work lol You only said hi.

I'm booooored!!!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
well ok
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
Hola friends, I am here! *sekrely slept all day and just woke up*

OH did you so love Drag Me To Hell? And congrats on the Emmy medal! I helped also! Yesterday on Katy Perry's Birthday, I got a dedicated medal for her so thanks for helping!!
1年以上前 becca85 said…
I don't use the FP chat. More often then not, random people want to chat with me and I don't really have anything to converse with them about. I prefer chatting with people I talk to on a daily basis and that I have more then just a couple of clubs in common with. So, I simply turned it off.

Not much is going on with me. I'm working on a CSI:NY fanfic story right now. I'm so excited about it because I wrote over 25 pages over the last week. I am SO close to finishing chapter 5!! I need to get it done so I can email it off to a friend who really wants to read it.

GUESS WHAT?! I am going to a murder mystery dinner on Friday night. The really cool part is that, due to my reputation as a writer, the group in charge of it has asked me to revise the story they came up with!! I think this is going to be so fun. I thought it would be really cool to just go and participate in the event, but I think it's going to be even better to actually have a hand in bringing it to life. Now I just have to find some 1920s attire...
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
ooh nice
im going to a party on my card i got has a personality trait and I have to be them
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
Yeah. I like chatting but now I know that's why your never 'online' haha!

Oh very cool!!! I used to write fanfics but I didn't get too far.

SO Awesome! Lucky! On Thursday I'm going to see Saw 6 and possibly Zombieland also. On Friday a cousin that I hardly see it picking me up and we're going to watch scary movies at my other cousin's place. The funniest part about it? They are in their mid 20's and can be REALLY scared of horror movies, which is one of the reasons they invited me! Because I'm not! Lol
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
yah i love the chat i met ppl i like there now
1年以上前 becca85 said…
That sounds like a lot of fun, Lucy!! I should do a horror movie marathon on Saturday, but I don't know if I'll have anything worth watching. I really wanted to watch Halloween, but I wasn't able to get the movie in time. If I can find it online, I'll watch it there, but I don't know.

Does everyone else here use the FP chat? I might have to give it another try. There are definitely people I'd love to chat more with, but we'll see.

Has anyone figured out what they are dressing up as for Halloween (for whoever is dressing up)? I'm going to be a barmaid on Saturday and hopefully I'll be able to find something 1920s-ish before Friday.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
im being skanky pirate for dance shcool hmmm dont know yet and on halloween im being jane and baby bros being the monkey then im being cave girl

House is on bye
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
Lol, thanks Becca! Well the funny part about my plans is that on Friday I'm doing that out of town marathon with my older cousins, but on halloween my younger cousin is coming over. See the big problem with me is that every year I trick r treat with my best friend. This year I'm only coming with her a few houses, but she HATE HATE HATE HATES Horror Movies. It's terrible. Anyhow, my cousin loves them like I do, so we have decided to have our own marathon that day. Most likely in the morning first because then my friend will want me to hang out, ya know? Do for ONCE I have a few busy days lol! *is such a homebody that she almost never has plans*

Yeah, I think we all do! Heather, Jenn, Jackie, myself, yeah. We all talk on the FP chat. You should, if you don't want to talk to someone when they talk to you, just say your a bit busy. No harm done!

Yeah my best friend knows I love horror movies, but because I don't really love full costumes she bought me a rubber FX that I glue to my neck. It's a slashed neck so I'm making red cornsyrup for blood! This is it! I'm off to eat dinner but I'll be back soon. :)
 Lol, thanks Becca! Well the funny part about my plans is that on Friday I'm doing that out of town ma
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
ok nver mind
oh yah i click out of it
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Sooo Halloween is $5 at K-Mart. Trufax.
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
I just noticed Becca said she wanted to watch it...so yeah it's a great deal! I don't think W-M has it though.

So great, nobody is going to be on for Halloween? You guys suck!
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
lol! I was looking through my DVD.af and I realized I have 222 horror DVD's.

1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
i will be after soccer

ilu heather got 2 more medlas
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
big smile
Well there goes our Halloween forum party idea...oh well.

Since I posted I bought 5 more DVD's, and 4 of them being horror so now I have 226. I got Harper's Island finally!!! And I also got a documentary on slasher films which is probably my favorite thing. I love that kind of stuff, so I can't wait to watch it!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
no ill be here for it

yay heather
1年以上前 becca85 said…
YAY, YOU!! I decided to go rent Halloween from Blockbuster. It's been FOREVER since I've rented movies. I usually just buy them flat out. I also rented The Abandoned and Ginger Snaps. I've wanted to see Ginger Snaps for quite a while now, so now I can.

What's everyone up to?
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
just looking at my medals
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
I'm just wishing my new DVD's were here tomorrow!!!! :D I got all good ones, ones I've been wanting to see and/or get for a really long time now :D Annnd I'm watching Wrong Turn 3. It looks bad, but IDC. I'm a franchise collector so I had to have it.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
ok lolz
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
I saw Deadgirl last night. It was freakin' freaky. Loved it though, lol. Right now I'm just hanging out.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
oh nice wheres ella shes all were missing
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
Don't know! Maybe she has like a *gasp* LIFE or something! :p
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
lolz oh how could she
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
AHH The Scream Awards are on!! I know the results are already on the internet but It's fun to watch shows like this. :D
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Ik I really want to see it, I've wanted to for awhile since I heard about it and then saw the red band trailer which is better than the original. Sounds amazing!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
i want 90210 now
1年以上前 becca85 said…
Oh, crap!! We have lots of snow on the way for the next 48 hours.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
oh noez lolz
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
You should be lucky! It's still warm here. I'd be lucky to have snow!!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
yah were going to get it soon
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
We'll probably get an inch all winter, IF we're lucky!!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
oh i live in a rainforest well not a tropicla one the other type
a temperment so we mostly get rain lolz
i love where we live
1年以上前 becca85 said…
Reports are that it's going to be around 14-22 inches. What a nightmare to drive in!!

I wish all this snow would go off and dump on those of you who want it.
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
lolz me 2 we barley get snow but lots of rain oh i love the rain
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Aww I wanna see Saw 6 again!! I can't believe that stupid Paranormal Activity got more money on opening weekend than they did!!
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
oh bad

aggh my arm hurts
stupid nurse gave me a shot on my bruise
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Sorry that sucks. I have tons of bruises all over me, apparently I bruise easily because I don't ever remember hitting any part of me that's bruised.
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
Ouch! My skin does not bruise easily but my bones do. You know all about that Heather. :p

 Ouch! My skin does not bruise easily but my BONES(ボーンズ)-骨は語る- do. あなた know all about that Heather. :p ランダム I
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
Yeah actually when I sleep on my stomach at work, I almost always wake up with a bruise on one of my knees, like I have right now. There's never any pressure on my knees especially while I'm sleeping but I will wake up really sore and whadya know - a big purple/green/brown bruise. It sucks bruising easily. =(
1年以上前 becca85 said…
I don't really bruise easily, but my skins marks easily. Just a little scratch on my skin to relieve an itch leaves a red mark that lasts for a half-hour or longer. And I always get a red line around my neck from constantly adjusting or playing with my necklace.
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
My skin does that sometimes too. The marks don't stay around for quite that long though, but longer than is normal. Bruising is my biggest problem in that respect. Arthritis doesn't count.
1年以上前 brittlegirl94 said…
My biggest problem (aside from my bones) is when one of my dogs/cat/whatever give me a scratch, I have it for weeks. It takes forever to heal. You guys up to anything fun? I just re-watched the trailer for The Crazies remake and I love how slow and soft the end of it is.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 jlhfan624 said…
I only want to see it for Timothy Olyphant <3 He's like a god!

Wrong Turn 3 was pretty stupid btw, nowhere NEAR up to par with the 2nd! It tried too hard to be a drama/thriller, and not a horror. All the characters were super annoying too. There was nothing redeeming about any of them in the end! I don't rec it.
 I only want to see it for Timothy Olyphant <3 He's like a god! Wrong Turn 3 was pretty stupid btw,
1年以上前 EllaBlack said…
Hey all what's up??
1年以上前 Paramore-CSI said…
hay all
im bored lolz
oh i dont bruise easily i run into stuff on my left side and have iner bruises lolz