ヒーローズ Elle's Death...Good または Bad For Heroes?

chels125843 posted on Jan 04, 2009 at 04:46AM
Kay so i know a lot of you must be getting just sick and tired of me and my elle all the time and i am sorry im really trying to stop but i thought this info was just too good or bad (cant decide) to share.

after the episode in which elle died, 275,000 stopped watching the show!!!

do you think that heroes are risking their ratings and viewers by what they did?

let me know :)

and again IM SORRY! but i cant help that elle was just so awesome! and please if you dont like her dont come on here and insult her because its just no fun to read!

thanks :)

ヒーローズ 4 返信

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1年以上前 The-Stig said…
I think they did it to get fans talking, but persoannly I think it was a msitake (did they really lose that many?!). I wasn't thaaaat keen on Elle, but I thought her and Sylar worked really well, and it was nice seeing them together, so when she died I was devestated, especially as it was Sylar that killed her
1年以上前 Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Lol trust u chels to make this spot and yh i do think it was a bad idea but then agen they did need to kill someone MAIN off and hueva it was sum people may have been unhappy about it.
1年以上前 675 said…
^ there weren't enough of Elle haters to get away with it. They should have killed off Maya or Claire who was getting real hate! Or someone sort of minor who we'd all be sad about (like Sandra) but we'd still watch the show for
Elle's Death...Good Or Bad For Heroes? - bad bad bad!
alot of people didn't like this season too so taking off one of thier best characters was stupid of them!
1年以上前 chels125843 said…
^^ you are so right i agree with EVERYTHING you said ;)