春野サクラ Create a jutsu for sakura または weapon she can use

jejemon posted on Oct 03, 2011 at 08:37AM
Mine is "Seki no Jutsu". Since she wanted to protect her teammate, a barrier will be nice. She can put a barrier on her self or to someone else. She can also use the barrier to trap enemies. This type of jutsu is require a good control of chakra. Since she can put a barrier on herself, she can Nullify ninjutsu or even genjutsu. But it would be cool if she can use a swords..
 Mine is "Seki no Jutsu". Since she wanted to protect her teammate, a barrier will be nice. She can pu

春野サクラ 2 返信

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1年以上前 itasakuwin said…
I saw a couple of picks with her and an axe which I thinks suits her super strentgh link
1年以上前 shadow-master_2 said…
She could use Senbonzakura from Bleach. Look it up on Bleach wikia. It fits her name.