Emma the ペンギン Club
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(Okay people who haven't read this fanfic before, need to read this little bracket bit, it's very important. This one is set in a parallel universe, in my school in real life, but everyone is penguins. And also Emma isn't crushing on Kowalski in this one, though he and the others are there. She's crushing on one of my other Ocs Ryan, who is a friend of mine as a penguin, and someone I had a crush on for nearly a year. And I mean a massive crush, to the point where I couldn't stop thinking about him, I dreamt about him, etc. But now he's just a friend, and I've got someone much better. :'3 I still like this fanfic, which Is why I've still kept it and am posting now. :P It's set in the UK, in my City, Leicester. So あなた may find it weird but oh well. Btw parts of this fanfic actually happened in real life, though none of the overly romantic things. I'll put which parts happened in a コメント on this article. :P Enjoy. :D Oh and every character in this, except for Ashley, Kowalski, Rico, Skipper and Private, are real people at my school.)

Emma made her way through the busy corridor, trying not to bump into the tons of kids around her. Monday morning was always busier than other times for some reason. She noticed Ashley walking the opposite way, and she smiled at him. He smiled back, and rushed on, trying to get around the big 年 11's. Emma headed on, getting closer to her Geography class. Emma loved Geography, it was one of her favourite lessons, along with Art and Maths. She eventually turned the corner, and came to her class. It was at an empty part of the corridor, away from all of the other classes on the first floor. At Emma's school, there was 3 floors, Ground floor, First floor, and 秒 floor. Her フレンズ always complained about climbing the stairs, but Emma didn't really mind. She entered the class, and noticed she was the first one there. Her teacher, Miss Chambers, smiled at her.

"Morning Emma." She greeted brightly.

"Morning Miss." Emma replied politely, as she sat in her seat. She got out her book, her pencil case and a piece of paper, and began drawing her Transformer character, she named after herself. A few 分 later Kowalski came in, and sat down in his シート, 座席 次 to Emma. Emma looked up, and smiled at her best friend.

"Hey Em." Kowalski 発言しました cheerfully, his eyes falling on her picture. "You're getting better at those drawings によって the way." He told her, looking impressed.

"Thanks Kowalski." Emma said, grinning a bit. Her face fell, as the class idiots, Josh, and Danny C walked in. Emma rolled her eyes, and tucked the drawing in her bag. None of them bullied her directly, but they were still horrible people. As they strolled in, and walked up to their seats, Josh passed a football to Danny, who kicked it at the bin, which toppled over, the rubbish spilling out all over the floor.

"Danny! Josh! Get out!!" Miss Chambers yelled angrily.

"But we didn't do anything." Josh protested. Emma clenched her flippers and looked back at her book. How could they say they didn't do anything, when they came in playing with a football in a geography lesson?

"OUT!!" Miss Chambers repeated, twice a loud as the first time. The two penguins stalked out, giving the teacher dirty looks. At the same moment, Ryan, walked in, and Emma blushed under her feathers. He looked back at the two penguins walking out sulkily, and he looked a bit confused. Emma watched him shyly. With his short, dark brown hair, チョコレート brown eyes, and a smile that could light up the entire world, Ryan just seemed perfect to her. He also had a lovely personality, and was quite smart too. He looked to his right, in Emma's direction, and she dragged her eyes away just in time. She looked up again, shyly, and he smiled at her. Emma smiled back. Her and Ryan, were already good friends, and Emma was one of the few girls who didn't find Ryan extremely annoying. And Ryan was one of the few people who had never annoyed her before. As he turned back, Emma watched him longingly. She had been crushing on him for about a 年 now, but she was too shy to do anything, and she didn't want to ruin their friendship if he didn't feel the same. Only a few people knew about Emma's little crush, those people being, one of her best フレンズ Zoe, her friend Zarah, and her half sister, Sam. Emma pulled her head out of dreamland and focused on Miss Chambers who was now standing at the front of the room, 次 to the whiteboard, and the interactive whiteboard. もっと見る kids were piling in, but there wasn't as many as there was in Emma's other classes. There was only 18 of them all together.

"What do あなた think we'll be doing today?" Kowalski whispered to her. Emma shrugged in response, and watched the teacher, who was 書く something on the board.

"Ok, so today, we're doing the test we've been revising for." Miss Chambers told them, picking up a pile of tests. She began handing them out to everyone.

Oh yeah. Emma remembered. They were supposed to revise at school, and at ホーム but Emma didn't do any at home. Judging from everyone's expressions, the only person who did was Kowalski. She bit her beak, and quickly peeked a look at her Geography book, before putting it in the middle of the table, with the others. Miss Chambers put Emma's test down, as she was explaining, that a few people in the class had the harder paper, which あなた could get a better mark on. Emma realised that she was one of those people. She opened it up, and answered the first 質問 with ease. The room fell silent as the penguins focused on their papers. Miss Chambers let Danny and Josh back in, and handed them their papers without a word. They sat down, and started theirs, not looking a bit pleased. She glanced at Kowalski who was staring thoughtfully, at number 2. Emma looked at the 秒 question, and the 回答 flooded into her head. Some of the 質問 were really hard, whilst others were pretty easy. She was grateful, that she was really smart, または her mind might have turned to mush right now. Emma was definatley one of the smartest in the year, and was in all of the 上, ページのトップへ classes, along with Kowalski, and a girl called Salma. But not all of the classes were based on intelligence. This class wasn't, and neither was PE, Art, French, または Life Guidance. In about half an 時 Emma closed her completed test paper at the same time as Kowalski. Honestly, she didn't think she had done so well. She went over it a few times, and finally decided she couldn't think of anything else to add. She stared at the time. Each lesson was an hour, and there was only 20 分 left. Kowalski was looking a bit smug, as he leaned back in his chair, and stared at the ceiling. Emma got her picture out and began to continue it, looking up at Ryan every few seconds. He was staring at his paper thoughtfully, his flipper on his cheek. Emma watched him, her eyes falling on the one bit of his hair that always stuck up. She smiled to herself, looking up at the clock again. It was getting closer to 5 past 10, the end of the lesson. When there was only a few 分 left, Miss Chambers stood up.

"Ok, so put down your pens, and close your test papers." She instructed, beginning to collect the papers in. "I have a few announcements before the bell." She added, taking all of the papers back to her desk. "Ok, so remember, we're going camping from Wednesday to Monday, with my 年 9 class." She reminded them. Emma was really looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to it. They were going to the Scottish countryside, and camping in a small wood, with only one キャビン nearby. It sounded a bit spooky, but Emma was excited, because it meant she would be off school for a few days, Ashley was in Miss Chambers 年 9 class so he would be coming along too, and it would mean 5 days hanging around with a certain someone. She grinned at her other friend, Rochelle, who was on a 表, テーブル at the back. Rochelle was a bit of a trouble maker sometimes,and she didn't even go to some lessons, but she was nice. Rochelle was also good mates with Ryan, and they messed around a lot.

"Miss are we allowed to bring our phones?" Danny shouted out.

"Yes but あなた won't be able to charge them when they run out." Miss Chambers replied.

"What about 任天堂 Ds's?" Josh called out.

"Same as the phones." Miss Chambers answered, sounding a little irritated.

"What about a PS3?" Danny asked cheekily.

"Well you're not going to be able to play that are you!" Miss Chambers snapped. Emma gave a Danny and Josh a dark look before turning away. She didn't see why people annoyed teachers, yes some of them are evil, but others don't deserve what they get from kids. Danny didn't reply, which surprised Emma. Suddenly the ベル went, and the kids got out of their chairs, and headed for the door. The teacher opened it, and let them out. Ryan waited for Emma and Kowalski.

"Have we got Maths next?" He asked, looking at the two penguins wonderingly.

"Yup." Emma replied, a nervous feeling flowing through her body.

"Cool, I'll walk with あなた two then." He decided brightly. They began walking up the corridor, Kowalski on Emma's left and Ryan on her right. She began to feel quite small, because Kowalski was a little taller than her, and well Ryan was pretty much the tallest kid in the school. He was taller than most of the teachers and Emma only came up to his shoulder. As they reached their Maths room, Ryan held the door open and let them both in, making Emma blush again.

What an awesome 日 so far. She thought happily. What she didn't know was that it was going turn bad very soon.

Her Maths lesson went quickly, as always. She guessed it was because she had the best teacher in the whole school as her Maths teacher. For some reason, they didn't actually do too much work in Maths, but the whole class learnt so much. Emma sat at the back with her mate Salma. Salma was really smart, and was always doing extra work, which Emma understood, but was too lazy to do herself. She glanced around the room. In Maths, Private, Rico, Skipper and Kowalski were all in this class, and on her table, which was awesome. Emma tapped her pencil on the desk, and looked at the board. Their teacher, Mr Hague was 書く a few sums on the board, whilst chatting to the people at the front. Emma was right at the back, near the door, but she could still hear what they were saying. She looked at Salma who was jotting down the answers, then turned to her own work. What she also liked about Maths, was that it was one of the few lessons where she was allowed to use a pencil to write, the others always told them to use a pen.

"Right, so we'll do a some work for about, hmm, 35 minutes?" Mr Hague suggested. "Then we can watch some 動画 on Youtube."

"Great plan sir." A kid called Coby, called out. Emma nodded in agreement, and opened the text book 次 to her, and turned to page 394. They had to do the 質問 in the book, before the ones on the board. She got through them in about 10 または so minutes, sneaking a peak at Ryan every now and again. He was on a 表, テーブル to her left, with her フレンズ Sarah and Jemma. Emma's stomach felt all giddy and queasy, and she quickly turned around before he noticed. She then quickly finished the ones on the board, then looked at the clock. She still had about 20 分 until they would start watching Youtube. She looked at Private, and Rico, who were staring thoughtfully at their books, and biting their pencils.

"Need any help あなた two?" She asked, leaning フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして in her seat.

"No thanks Emma." Private answered, still staring at his book.

"Urm.. yup." Rico replied, leaning towards the middle of the table, so Emma could help. She had a quick look, at what he had wrote, and showed him how to work out some of the other answers. He looked at it, and his face cleared.

"Ohyahanks" (Oh yeah, thanks) Rico praised, filling in the rest of the 回答 with ease. Emma smiled at him, and closed her own book. She stared at the ceiling and saw Mr Hague walking up to her.

"Have あなた finished Emma?" He asked.

"Yup." Emma replied, leaning back on her chair a bit.

"Well if あなた have headphones, あなた can listen to 音楽 and do some もっと見る 質問 of あなた want." The tall teacher suggested. Emma nearly fell backwards on her chair in surprise. They were never allowed to listen to 音楽 in any lesson usually.

"Urm, ok.." She agreed uncertainly. She put her headphones in, and opened her book again. The lesson flew by, and before she knew it, the YouTube 動画 were on, and then shortly after that the ベル went. The kids got out of their seats and opened the door, only to be greeted によって a vile smell.

"Sweet mother MacArthur! What is that?" Skipper asked, covering his nostrils.

"Wasn'tme." Rico replied, making some of the kids behind them giggle. Emma gagged, and held her breath.

"What's happened?" Ryan asked, his flippers over his nostrils. One of Emma's best friends, Sam ran up to them.

"Someone set off a stink bomb!" She told them breathlessly. Emma could tell that Sam was also holding her breath.

"Ugh, it smells like rotten eggs!" Private complained. All of the kids piled into the corridor, and Emma soon realised that nearly the whole school smelled. Ashley ran up to them, looking a little sick.

"Can we go outside?" He asked, staring towards the doors downstairs. Emma nodded in agreement, and she, Rico, Ashley, Kowalski, Skipper, Private, and Sam pretty much zoomed down the stairs, and burst through the door, fresh air filling their lungs. Emma noticed lots of other kids rushing outside. Emma spied her two other mates, Zoe, and Brooke running up to them. Zoe was small, and had black feathers, and spiky red hair, whilst Brooke was tall ,and had long brown hair. Emma and Zoe hadn't hung around much recently, because Zoe was too busy with one of her other フレンズ which annoyed Emma a bit, but Brooke hung around with her everyday.

"I've heard that it was some 年 9's who set it off." Zoe told them, looking up at the taller penguins.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Sam remarked. Emma's attention wandered, when she saw Ryan with his group of friends. Emma got on very well with them all, especially, Ryan's best friend Liam. Liam was Emma's longest friend, and showed her around the school they were at first 6 years ago. They used to be best friends, but they had grown apart a little. But they were still really close mates. Emma strolled over to them with her mates, and Liam smiled at her.

"Hey Emma." He greeted, offering her a sweet. She accepted, and and started talking with him about their 次 lesson. Liam was a little taller than her, and had jet black, spiky hair feathers, and some of them fell in his face. He had light brown eyes, and was a great friend. Ryan came up to them and smiled at both of them.

"Hey Ryan." Emma managed, trying not to blush again.

"Hey Emma, こんにちは Liam." He replied, smiling brightly at them. He was about to say something when one of his friends, Matt, threw a pencil at him. Ryan threw it back, and the two penguins began to play fight, something Ryan did a lot of the time. He always seemed, so hyper, cheerful and full of energy, which made Emma smile. She watched the two penguins messing around, and Zoe followed her gaze.

"Staring again, Em?" She asked quietly, her voice teasing.

"Hehee, well yes." Emma admitted, in a barely auidble whisper. She took her bag off her back, and took out a チョコレート bar.

"Ooh, do あなた have another?" Sam asked hopefully. Emma shook her head, and Sam's face fell. Emma stared into the sky. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather still felt like summer. It was only September after all. Emma climbed the stairs outside, to get to the massive 草 area, and she sat down on the grass, looking up at the clouds. Kowalski, Ashley, and Brooke followed her.

"Whatcha doing?" Ashley asked, looking up at the sky with interest.

"Just 雲, クラウド gazing." Emma replied. She turned her head towards the school, as she heard the ベル ring for the third lesson. Liam ran up to her, followed によって Ryan, Sam, Matt and Skipper.

"French 次 right?" He asked.

"Yup." Emma confirmed. Their French lesson was on the 上, ページのトップへ floor, and they hoped it didn't smell bad in there. The penguins held their breaths, and ran up the stairs. Emma let her guard down for a second, and nearly threw up at the smell. They eventually made it to the class, and they were grateful that it didn't stink. Emma went to her usual, L-shaped 表, テーブル at the back. She sat with Sam, Matt and Ryan, which was the only reason she found this lesson bearable. Emma looked up at the teacher, and she frowned. She absolutely hated her French teacher, because she was mean and evil, and she treated the whole class like brats.

"Now we're doing a French test today." The teacher told them. Sam looked at Emma in shock, as if to say, 'Did あなた remember?' Emma nodded in response, and Sam looked worried.

"Emma can I borrow a pen?" Ryan whispered, leaning closer to Emma, hoping the teacher wouldn't hear him.

"Sure." Emma whispered back, handing him a pen from her pencil case.

"Thanks." He replied, smiling at her. Emma smiled back shyly. The teacher explained that she would read out the French word, and they would have to write the English. The words they were doing were the ones they had to learn over the week, which Emma did, because if あなた got less than half of the words right, あなた got a detention. She had never had a detention and she wasn't ever planning to have one. The teacher 発言しました the first French word, and Emma wrote it down. She noticed Sam looking at her book in panic. Emma angled her book, so Sam could see the answer. Sam wasn't good at 読書 Emma's handwriting but she just about understood what Emma had wrote. 22 words later, the teacher put the 回答 up, and told them to mark eachother's books. Although Emma showed Sam her answers, Sam had only wrote down 12 of them. Emma marked them, and she had 9 out of 22. Sam gave Emma's book back, and Emma smiled at it. She got 22 out of 22. She felt pretty smug, and turned to Matt and Ryan.

"What did あなた two get?" She asked.

"11." Ryan replied, looking a bit disappointed.

"1" Matt, 発言しました sheepishly. He started laughing at himself, and Emma tried not to giggle. She knew that Matt really couldn't care when it came to French, and he seemed もっと見る amused than upset.

"Now, I'll go down the register, and あなた tell me what あなた all got." The teacher instructed, pushing her brown hair back. "Ryan." She called out.

"11." He told her uncertainly.

"Good enough." She replied putting the mark down. Ryan looked relieved, and the teacher went down the register, getting the marks from everyone. Nearly everyone had about 6 または 7, and some even had 2. Emma soon realised that only she, Kowalski and Liam had full marks. (Though Skipper had 17) Someone else 発言しました that they had 11, and the teacher looked angry.

"Not good enough." She told them. Emma and Ryan exchanged confused looks, and Ryan felt worried again.

"But she 発言しました 11 was good enough." He remarked.

"I know right?" Emma agreed, staring at the teacher in surprise.

"Now I am definatley not pleased with あなた all!" The teacher yelled, standing up, 次 to the board. "Infact, we're going to have a new seating plan, maybe you'll get your work done then." She decided. Emma stopped dead, and a wave of shock washed over her.

The teacher told them all to stand at the back of the class. Emma got out of her chair, and stood at the back, looking at her panic stricken friends. Her stomach churned uncomfortably, as the teacher told Ryan to sit at the front. He looked annoyed, as he sat down in his new seat, casting a dark look at the teacher. The other kids began to sit in their new seats, and Emma felt a glimmer of hope. There was only 3 people left, including herself, and there was two available seats on Ryan's table. She took a deep breath as the teacher 発言しました her name.

"Ok, so sit on the 表, テーブル on the back, near the door." She told the dismayed penguin. Emma's ハート, 心 sank as she trudged over to the seat. Sam was now two tables away from her, Matt was also two tables away, and Ryan was all the way on the other side of the class. She brightened a little when she saw that Liam was on the 表, テーブル in front of her. She glanced around at her table. There was only 3 people on it, herself, a guy called Timar, and a girl called Fyona. She liked Fyona, they were very close フレンズ when they were younger. They still got on well now, and Emma still called her Fee. Fyona was in a wheelchair, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Hey Emma." She 発言しました brightly.

"Hey Fee." Emma replied, trying to be cheerful. Her eyes fell on Sam, who looked like she was saying a bad word under her breath. Matt looked like he could happily throw the teacher off a cliff, and Ryan just looked bored and upset. Ryan looked up at Emma and forced a smile. Emma smiled back sadly, and stared down at the table.

"So, now I want あなた all to write a paragraph about your family, and yourself, and use everything I taught you." The teacher told them, looking stern. Emma rolled her eyes, and began to write. She noticed that Liam had his flipper up.

"Miss Kane?" He began uncertainly.

"What Liam?" She snapped, looking frustrated.

"What's the title?" He asked quietly.

"Just put family." She told him, sitting down in her シート, 座席 again. Emma gave Miss Kane the evilest look she could when she wasn't looking, then stared down at her book. The class fell silent as they began to work on the paragraphs. Emma noticed that Kowalski was on Matt's table, and Skipper was on Sam's. The tension in the class was rising, and Emma didn't know how many lessons of this she could take. She had only been in this シート, 座席 for about 2 minutes, but she already wanted to push the teacher down the stairs, then sit in her old seat. The time rolled によって slowly, and Emma nearly died of boredom. The only thing that kept her going was looking around at her friends. Suddenly the ベル rang, and Emma immediately got out of her chair and headed for the door. She waited for Sam who was walking up to her slowly.

"PE 次 right?" Sam asked, slinging her bag over her back.

"Yup, we're doing rollerskating." Emma told her excitedly. Emma gave Miss Kane a dark look before leaving the class with Sam. The 分 they got out of the class, Emma started complaining about how evil the teacher the was. Sam nodded in response, and looked back at the class. Ryan, Matt and Liam were walking out, not looking very pleased at all.

"I can't believe that evil ***** changed the bloody seating plan!" Matt exclaimed, crossing his flippers in disgust.

"I know right? Just because we didn't do well on the tests, and anyway, it was for homework anyway, it had nothing to do with where we were sitting." Ryan pointed out, looking angry.

"And I got full marks on my test." Liam added. He didn't look as annoyed as the others, but Liam was a pretty calm guy.

"Same here." Emma said, waiting up for them. Her ハート, 心 sped up a little as she walked with down the corridor. It still smelled a little bit, but it was wearing off now. The 日 had started out so well, but now because of French and the stink bomb Emma just wanted to explode.

"What lesson have あなた lot got next?" Emma asked the taller penguins.

"PE." Matt answered his voice unenthusiastic.

"I've got life guidance now." Ryan replied.

"Me too." Liam added.

"I don't see the point in that lesson." Sam remarked.

"Me neither, we don't really do anything in the lesson." Emma agreed.

"Yeah, but that's a good thing, it's just nice, calm and easy." Ryan 発言しました cheerfully, winking at the girls, making Emma's ハート, 心 leap in her chest.

"Well see ya." Sam 発言しました to the boys, as she headed for the stairs. Matt followed, and Emma went down the stairs reluctantly, taking one last sneaky look at Ryan, before catching up with Sam and Matt. The Sports Hall was in a different building from the rest of the school, it had it's own little area, with an outside ball court, a vast field, and a storage shed. Emma strolled along, enjoying the fresh air, and watching the 蝶 flutter around the trees. The three penguins reached the Sports hall in about 2 minutes, and they stood outside. There was four yellow lines in the floor, in different places, and あなた had to stand on the line which belonged to your group. Matt stood on a different line from Emma and Sam who were on the same one, at the front of the hall. Some other kids from their class came along, including Zoe. Emma's class was a mixed gender group, which she was pretty pleased about. She'd hate to be in an all girls group. Their teacher, Miss Stearn came out, and lead them into the sports hall.

"Ok, so just take your ties off and grabs some skates and a helmet." She instructed. At their school, the only uniform they had to wear was a specific colour tie. The tie あなた had depended on your house colour, for example, Emma had blue, which was Water. Sam, also had blue, and Zoe had red, which was Fire. The other two were Air, which was yellow, and green, which was Earth. Emma took her tie off, and left it on a bench, 次 to Zoe's. Emma got a pair of skates, and a helmet, and began to put them on. She hadn't skated in years, and she expected that she'd fall over a lot. Sam had never even skated once, so she really wasn't looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to this. Emma was actually excited. She stood up and moved forward, falling over instantly.

"You ok Emz?" Zoe asked, trying to fit her ヘルメット over her spiky red hair.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll get used to it." Emma reassured her. She stood up, again, trying to remember how she skated as a kid.

If I remember right, I slid my right foot to the right, and and lifted it off the floor, then brought it back, in a circle. She thought. And my left foot barely moved, only a little bit to the left. She added, taking a step forward, moving her right foot to the side. She noticed some of the girls and guys, lifting both of their feet of the ground, and whizzing around. Yeah, I can't do that. She thought, and carried on skating in her own unique way. She fell over one または two times, but she got the hang of it. To her left, Zoe was holding onto two of her other フレンズ for dear life, as she nearly fell over. Sam hadn't even got up yet.

"Come on Sam, get up." Emma said, skating over to her friend.

"I can't skate." She told her, looking down at her skates.

"C'mon Sam just try." Emma encouraged her.

"Nope." Sam replied stubbornly. "In my karate class, we work on keeping strong, sturdy, and still, when learning moves, it's like the opposite to this." She explained.

"And? あなた still have to try, what's the point in not trying?" Emma argued. Sam stayed on the bench. Emma shook her head, and skated off. The teacher went over to talk to Sam, and in a few short minutes, Sam was standing up, and wobbling on her skates.

Probably threatened her with detention. Emma thought, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. About a quarter of the way into the lesson, she looked towards the door, leading out of the hall, and she was caught completely によって surprise, causing her to fall over. Walking into the lesson was Liam and Ryan. She watched them in shock, as they walked up to Miss Stearn and began talking to her. What are they doing here? She wondered, getting up. Her skates went in opposite directions and she plummeted to the floor again. She sighed in frustration, and stared at her skates. She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and she looked up.

"Need any help Em?" Ryan asked kindly. Emma blushed and she nodded in agreement. He held out his flippers, and she held onto them as she eventually got up.

"Thanks Ryan." Emma said, her flippers tingling as a fuzzy warmth filled her body. "What are あなた and Liam doing here anyway?" She asked, curiously.

"For some reason, me and Liam have been moved into your PE class." Ryan explained, looking behind him. Liam was talking to Zoe, who was skating just fine now.

"That's cool." Emma remarked, beaming at him.

"Yeah, I've just gotta get my skates now." He said, letting go of her flippers, and going off to the cupboard where the skates and ヘルメット were. Emma's stomach was filled with butterflies, and she made her way to the bench, to rest for a minute. Zoe came over and sat beside her.

"I think あなた and me have just hit the jackpot." She said, sounding ecstatic. Zoe had a crush on Liam, so she was really excited.

"I know right?" Emma agreed, her eyes falling on Ryan who was putting his ヘルメット on. Around the room, she saw that Skipper was skating around easily, even adding a few jumps in there. Rico was also whizzing around the room with ease.

"Show offs." Zoe remarked, watching Skipper and Rico jump at the same time.

"Yep." Emma agreed. Private and Kowalski weren't in their PE group, which sucked a bit. Emma wondered how Private would manage on skates. Ryan skated over to them, and looked at the smaller penguins.

"Are あなた two coming to skate?" He asked.

"Sure." Emma 発言しました without hesitating. She got up immediately.

"Nah, I'm having a break." Zoe told them.

"Ok." Ryan said, skating off at almost lightening speed. Emma's jaw dropped as she tried to catch up with him. He looked behind him, and stopped, letting Emma get over to him. "First time skater?" He asked, looking down at her skates.

"Well I'm ok at skating but I'm not very fast." Emma admitted sheepishly.

"That's ok, I'll go at your pace then." He decided brightly. Emma felt herself blush, and she skated along 次 to him. As they passed Zoe, she winked at Emma, and grinned. Emma grinned back and skated on passing Sam who was barely moving, afraid that she'd fall over again. Ryan glanced down at the floor, and stopped abruptly.

"What's up?" Emma asked, trying to stop too. She crouched down and touched the floor, and stopped moving. Again, it was her own way of stopping.

"How do あなた skate?" He asked, looking puzzled.

"Urm, well I only 移動する one foot off the ground." She explained, demonstrating with her foot.

"I'm guessing that's why you're not so quick." He thought aloud. "Why don't あなた lift both feet up?"

"Because if my left foot is on the floor, I've got less chance of falling." Emma explained. "I tried to lift it up once, but I just fell instantly." She added sadly.

"Well I could help with that." Ryan replied cheerfully.

"Really?" Emma asked doubtfully.

"Sure I'll try and teach you." He said, smiling at her. Emma's ハート, 心 began beating even faster, and she smiled back at him. He held out his flipper, and Emma held it shyly, as she began to スケート like she usually did. "Ok, so try to lift your left foot up." He told her. Emma began to lift it nervously, and she toppled to the floor, bringing Ryan down with her. For some reason Emma started giggling, and so did Ryan.

"I told あなた I can't." She said, still giggling as she got back up again. As she did a sharp pain went down her back to her bum, making her wince with pain.

"You ok Em?" Ryan asked, his voice filling with concern.

"Yeah, I just landed a bit hard." Emma replied, putting on a メリダとおそろしの森 face. They began to スケート again, and Emma lifted her foot up cautiously. She fell again, and she growled in frustration. "I can't do it." She 発言しました crossing her flippers unhappily.

"Sure あなた can Em, you've just gotta believe in yourself." Ryan encouraged her, helping her up again. Emma sighed and looked down at her skates.

"I've tried, it's just not working." She said, sitting down, ready to her undo her skates. Ryan sat down too, and lifted her face up, making her look directly at him. Emma's stomach flipped over, and her ハート, 心 pounded wildly in her chest.

"Emma, you're one of the smartest, most talented people I've ever met, and I know あなた can do this." He told her. Emma's face felt like it had turned as red as a tomato. She was really glad that her feathers hid this. She looked into his eyes for a moment. They were like deep pools, of melted dark chocolate. She snapped out of her gaze, and nodded, getting up again. "Good, now let's try again." He said, taking her flipper again, and skating along slowly. Emma took a deep breath, and lifted her left foot up. She brought it back to the ground, and she sighed in relief.

"I did it!" She exclaimed, looking really pleased.

"Yup, now let's see if あなた can keep it up." Ryan, replied, skating a little faster. Emma lifted both of her feet up that time, and stayed upright. She realised that she began to スケート even faster now. A few 分 later, she was skating at Ryan's normal pace, and she hadn't fell once yet. She beamed at the taller penguin, who smiled, and watched her feet. "There あなた go, you're doing awesomely now." He praised, letting go of her flipper. The two penguins skated and happily, chatting and giggling as they went. Emma had forgot all about the French thing, and she couldn't help thinking that this was the best lesson ever.

Emma's flippers were still tingling as she headed to Lunch. She squeezed her way through the tons of kids bustling through the Dining Hall. She eventually made it to the outside bench area, where she and her mates always ate their food. She sat on the table, and opened her lunchbox. Emma was one of the few kids in her 年 that still bought a lunchbox to school, the others had school dinners. She smiled at her friend Brooke, who was walking over to her, and sitting on the bench 次 to her.

"Hey Emma." She greeted brightly, a カップケーキ in her flipper.

"Hey Brooke." Emma replied cheerfully, eating faster than usual. She chatted to Brooke about their lessons, and some of the kids, just as Liam came out, followed によって Ryan, Matt, Matt's girlfriend Courtney, and Ryan's non identical twin brother Jake. Jake was a bit shorter than Ryan, had curlier hair and lighter eyes. Emma smiled at all of them, as they sat down on the bench. They smiled back, and began chatting between themselves.

"Hey Courtney, can あなた give me a piggy back?" Ryan asked. Emma smiled to herself. She remembered last week, they all had piggy back races,and poor Courtney had to carry Ryan, who was much taller than her.

"Ugh, fine." Courtney agreed, looking exasperated. Ryan jumped on her back, and she almost fell over. Then the two penguins rode around the little bench area, earning giggles from a few people on the other benches. Brooke just watched in amazement.

"How can she even carry him, he's like the size of a tree." Brooke remarked, chuckling to herself. Emma covered her beak to stop herself from bursting with laughter.

"He is a bit like a 木, ツリー isn't he." Emma agreed, watching Ryan, who had just fell off Courtney's back.

"A skinny tree." Brooke added. Emma nodded in response.

But an amazing, skinny tree. She thought to herself, a little smile tugging at her face. As Ryan jumped back on Courtney's back, they passed Brooke and Emma. As they did, Ryan tapped Emma on the head cheekily, and Courtney rode off with him, before dropping him on the floor again. Emma blushed and watched him out of the corner of her eye. She and Brooke sat their for the whole of lunch, talking, and giggling. They chatted with a few of the others too. Sam and Zoe came out to say hi, but they went quickly. They didn't really like the bench area that much. Before they knew it, the ベル went, and Emma headed for English. She wasn't a big ファン of the lesson itself, but she had a really nice teacher. She walked with Liam and Ryan, and Brooke. Liam was in her class, but the others weren't. As Emma got to the door of her class, she took one last look at them, before entering the class and sitting in her normal seat. Again, she sat with her friend Salma in this lesson. The lesson dragged a little, and Emma stared at the clock wistfully. They had been doing 質問 about Romeo and Juliet, which, in Emma's opinion, was a bit boring. But the clock was getting closer to 5 past 3, and the teacher told them to pack up.

"Finally, the end of the day." Liam 発言しました looking relieved. "It started getting a bit boring near the end,"

"Yup." Emma agreed, watching the clock, which was now only one 分 away. She noticed Private and Kowalski chatting with a few other penguins at the back of the room, and Matt was talking with Jake. Skipper and Rico were in the slightly lower English class, with Brooke and Ryan. The ベル finally rung, and Emma zoomed out of the class, and waited outside of Skipper's class. Sam was also in this class, so she decided to walk with her. As the others came spilling out of the class, the group of penguins began walking towards the exit. In the group, was Emma, Sam, Skipper, Rico, Private, Kowalski, and Brooke. Ryan was walking with Liam, Matt and Jake, just a little in front. The penguins stopped によって a few other classes, to pick up Ashley, and Tom and Zoe. Tom brought his best friend, Daniel along. Daniel was small, blonde, and had little freckles on his beak. Then they all began to walk home. Brooke, left the group first, since she had to go another way. Then Sam, Zoe and Daniel left, leaving the others to walk through the park to get home. Canterbury park was the biggest park in the city, and one of Emma's favourite places. They began to walk through chatting, and being silly as they went. Ashley, Private and Kowalski were Emma's 次 door neighbors, and they had all known eachother for 6 years now. After about 30 分 of walking the group got to their houses. Emma got in and dumped her bag on the floor, calling a hello to her mum, before heading upstairs, and going on the computer. She got her art folder from her room, and began to work on the homework she got. She had to research different artists. Right now, Emma was studying an artist called Banksy. As the 日 rolled on, and the sky began to blacken, she finally finished. She then went down to dinner, and told her mum about her day, though she had to leave out the best bit. Just then her dad came in, and smiled at them all.

"Hey everyone." He greeted, putting his work bag down, and smiling at them all.

"Hey dad." Tom replied, accidentally spitting 食 on Rico.

"Ewww." Rico complained, throwing a 魚 at Tom.

"Rico, stop throwing things at your brother." Their mum told him sternly. Rico grumbled, and began eating again. The 日 passed quickly, and in no time, Emma was already heading to bed. Her room was full of pictures she had drawn, and her ベッド was filled with stuffed toys, mostly dogs. She had to throw most of them on the floor just so she could get in her bed. She kept her favourite toy, Lulu, with her though. Lulu was a lovely little husky dog, and although she was starting to look a little battered, Emma loved her all the same. Emma thought about the day, and she grinned to herself. She was still angry with the French teacher, but at least she got to スケート with Ryan in PE. She curled up in her bed, and her mind wandered. She kept thinking back to how warm, and soft Ryan's flippers were, and she smiled every time she thought about his eyes. She soon fell into a blissful sleep.

The 次 day, Emma sat in Geography, in a really cheerful mood. Like Monday, she had Geography for first lesson. As the teacher came in, she looked really mad, and Emma's good mood vanished. She started ranting about the tests they did yesterday, and Emma looked taken aback.

Woah, she's never usually like this, the results must be terrible. She thought worriedly. She exchanged a nervous glance with Kowalski, who's eyes were full of shock.

"Now, a few people in this class did really well, so I'm pleased with them, especially since we are only about 6 weeks into this course." Miss Chambers added. Emma looked up, hoping that she was one of those people. As Miss Chambers handed them their papers, Emma breathed a sigh of relief. She had got 20/28, which was a B. Kowalski got the same as her and he looked gobsmacked.

"But... but, I revised all week ,and あなた didn't do any." Kowalski protested, staring at his paper in astonishment. Emma felt pretty smug at this.

"Imagine what I could have got if I did revise." She pointed out, mischievously. Kowalski looked outraged and he muttered something under his breath. Emma just grinned and looked at her paper proudly. Only 6 weeks in and already a B. Her eyes fell on Rochelle, who for some reason, was sitting opposite her now.

She must have moved. Emma guessed.

"What did あなた get Rochelle?" She asked.

"5/28." She replied sheepishly.

"Ouch, did あなた do all of the questions?" Emma asked, taking Rochelle's paper and opening it. Rochelle shook her head, and turned around to Ryan.

"Hey Ryan. what did あなた get?" She asked.

"16/28, one mark off a C." Ryan told her, looking pleased.

"Awesome." Emma praised, smiling warmly at him. He smiled back, and looked through his paper. After a bit of asking around, Emma realised that she and Kowalski had got the highest, followed によって a girl called Katie, a guy called Curtis, (who both got C's), then Ryan. Nearly everyone else had got 6 または so marks, which was probably why Miss Chambers was so angry. Miss went through the 回答 with them, and told them to add to what the had put.

"You can sit where あなた want to do this." She added. Emma, Rochelle, and Kowalski went over to Ryan's table, and sat with him. As they were all discussing their marks Ryan noticed something.

"I.. I think Miss has marked this wrong....." He began uncertainly, adding up the scores on his paper.

"Really?" Rochelle asked taking his paper from him, and adding it up. She frowned and handed it to Emma. Emma began adding, and she frowned too.

"The marks add up to 19....." She realised, double checking with herself. She got 19 again, and Rochelle took the paper to Miss Chambers, who denied that she had marked it wrong. Rochelle tried to 表示する it to her, but she just got sent back to the table.

"She won't have it." Rochelle said, looking annoyed.

"But that's not fair, I should have 19!" Ryan protested counting it up again, just to be sure.

"That's only one mark of me and Emma's." Kowalski remarked, looking a little surprised. Admittedly Emma was surprised too. Ryan was definatley smart, since he was in the 上, ページのトップへ classes for everything except for English, but he wasn't the smartest in the class または anything. He was usually average smart.

"So あなた should have a B または C." Emma pointed out. Ryan didn't look pleased and he crossed his flippers, and frowned in the direction of the teacher. "Hey, she may have marked it wrong, but we all know that あなた did really well, and got ether a B または C, which is awesome." Emma reassured him.

"Good point." He replied, smiling a little. As the lesson went on, they all added a few bits to their answers, and when the ベル was about to go, Miss Chambers asked for quiet.

"One もっと見る announcement before we go." She said. "Don't forget, the camping trip is tomorrow, so あなた need to come in a 8am. Oh, and Emma, Ryan, I need a word with あなた two when the ベル goes" She told them. The two penguins exchanged a confused look, and watched their teacher curiously. The ベル rung, and the kids all headed for their 次 lessons, except for Ryan and Emma, who went up to the teacher wonderingly.

"So what is it?" Ryan asked, looking thoughtful.

"Well, everyone has to share a tent with another camper, and because of the girl to boy ratio, urm, あなた two are going to have to share a tent." Miss Chambers told them slowly. Emma felt herself go red, and she looked up at Ryan shyly. "Don't worry, there's plenty of room for two separate sleeping bags, because you've got one of the bigger tents." She added hastily, seeing their expressions.

"Urm.......okay then...." Emma eventually managed. The teacher told them they could go, and they rushed to their lessons. Though it was a little strange, Emma's stomach filled with butterflies, as she headed to her 次 lesson. She was looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to the trip even もっと見る now.

Emma walked into her Science room, wishing that the 日 would go fast. But she still had four lessons to go. Science, Maths, Triple Science, and English. Triple Science was like normal Science, but あなた got 3 qualifications for it if あなた passed the course. As she sat down in her seat, she watched the other kids piling in. Most of the class was extremely bad behaved, and didn't learn much, even though the teacher tried to teach them. But they just wouldn't listen. Emma felt sorry for him, he was a new teacher, and he was stuck with this class. Her mate Zarah came in, and Emma smiled brightly at her. Zarah was really shy, but sweet too.

"Hi Emma." She greeted, sitting down 次 to her, and getting a pen out.

"Hey Zarah, I found out the awesomest thing today." Emma blurted out, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Ooh what?" Zarah asked looking interested. Emma lowered her voice, and told her about the camping trip, and who she'd be sharing a tent with. "That's great, I bet you're excited." Zarah remarked.

"Definatley." Emma replied, grinning happily. She was a little nervous as well, but she was too ecstatic at the 分 for that. She tapped her foot instinctively, as if tapping her foot would turn time forward. Their teacher started to talk to them about the lesson, trying to be heard over the noise of the kids at the back. Emma eyes rolled back in her head, and she turned around in annoyance. She thought about something Rico gave her before school, and she silently tossed a grenade shaped object towards the kids. It was something that Kowalski invented which she though was absolute genius. Emma pulled a little device out of her bag, which had the names of everyone in the class on. She clicked on the names of everyone who misbehaved and she pressed a button, setting the grenade like object off. Smoke filled the air, and the room went silent. As the smoke cleared, Emma saw the bad behaved kids open their mouths to talk but no noise came out. Emma grinned mischievously, when their expressions turned panicky.

"What was that?" Zarah whispered.

"A little something Kowalski invented, あなた press the names on the key pad, and throw the grenade, and the people who you've selected won't be able to talk for two hours." Emma explained, giggling a little. The teacher looked surprised, but he soon saw the advantage, and continued with the lesson. The kids were now forced to listen, and they didn't look the slightest bit pleased. Kowalski, who was also in the class, caught Emma's eye and grinned. Rico and Private were also in the class, and Private watched in shock, whilst Rico smiled deviously. The lesson went quite quick after that, and then it was break time. Emma walked with her フレンズ down to the usual corridor they all stood in. Ryan, Liam, and their フレンズ were already in the corridor, and so was Sam, Zoe, and Brooke. Emma rushed up to Zoe, pulled her away from the others, and told her what she told Zarah.

"Seriously?" Zoe asked. "You're so lucky, I wish I could share a tent with a certain someone." She added in a whisper, her ruby coloured eyes falling on Liam.

"Yup, and I really can't wait now." Emma replied, jumping a little on the spot. Sam and Brooke came over, followed によって Ashley and Kowalski.

Why are あなた jumping on the spot lass?" Ashley asked, watching her curiously.

"Oh, I'm just feeling hyper." Emma lied, smiling at the shorter penguin. Ashley nodded and smiled back.

He's so gullible. She thought, trying not to grin. All of the penguins chatted for a bit, before the ベル for Maths went. She walked up with Liam, and Ryan again, her stomach filling with 蝶 as she did. The entered the class, and Emma sat down, her eyes on Ryan, who was asking to borrow a pen from her mate, Sarah.

"I haven't got another." Sarah told him, not looking up from her book.

"Great." Ryan sighed. He turned around to face Emma's table.

"Hey, Em have あなた got a pen?" He asked hopefully.

"Yup." Emma replied instantly, getting a spare pen out of her pencil case, and throwing it across the small 宇宙 between their tables.

"Thanks." He said, smiling, as he began to write down the title. Emma smiled to herself, and started to work on the 質問 in the textbook in front of her. Though she was focused on her work, her mind was in its own little world. She was making little fantasies in her head about what would happen when they were camping, and she grinned to herself. The lessons started going very fast, and it was lunchtime before she knew it. Emma sat 次 to Brooke on their normal bench in the corner of the little area. The usual people came out, and Emma and Brooke started thinking of a few nicknames for them, just to mess around. Matt got hippie, because of his long hair that fell into his eyes, a friend of Matt's got Crazy, since he was extremely nuts, and Brooke gave Ryan the nickname Tree. The names weren't meant to be be mean, but it was so they could talk about them without them realising, and a few of them could be quite mean sometimes anyway. They spent the whole lunch, eating and deciding on nicknames. Emma always sat on the 表, テーブル bit of the bench whilst everyone else actually sat on the seats on the bench. As they were talking about some names, Ryan was talking with his brother, on the bench too. Emma and Brooke were sitting with their backs to them, when Emma felt a flipper around her right flipper. A happy little chill went down her spine, and she turned around shyly. Ryan was still talking with Jake, but he caught Emma's eye and smiled at her, moving his flipper away. Emma blushed and turned back to Brooke who hadn't noticed a thing. The ベル went and they all headed up to English. Emma chatted with Liam as they went, and ended up poking eachother as they walked into English. Their teacher, Miss Lloyd was sitting on her computer, a song playing from the speakers. She smiled brightly at the kids piling into the class. Miss Lloyd was a bit like their Maths teacher, quite laid back, and very awesome but she was a tiny bit stricter. As they began finishing off the 質問 about Romeo and Juliet, Emma stared at the 質問 on the board.

Identify the different types of conflict in Act 3 Scene 5. She read, before picking up her pen and starting her answer. She noticed a mark on her book, in black pen and she looked over suspiciously at Salma who was grinning cheekily. Emma made a mark on Salma's work in blue pen. Salma made another mark, on her Romeo and Juliet booklet this time. Emma just smiled and turned the mark into a little face. They did this to eachother's work for most of the lesson, but still managed to finish the questions. As the ベル rung yet again, for the end of the day, Emma put her pencil case in her bag and headed for the door.

"Goodbye my cherubs." Miss Lloyd called to them all and Emma tried not to giggle. Her class was Miss Lloyd's favourite class, and she always gave then funny names. Emma didn't feel in a talking mood right now, so when she met up with the others, she put her headphones in and let her mind wander. She was unbelievably excited about tomorrow, though she wasn't looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to getting to school at 8am, it meant that she would have to get up earlier. As they reached the house, the precious hours after school flew by, and it was already dark によって 7pm. Emma went ベッド about half and 時 earlier than usual, so she was in ベッド によって half 10. Part of her felt too excited to sleep but she needed the sleep if she was getting up earlier.

This is going to be the best trip ever. She thought, moments before she fell asleep.
This is her favourite song my Westlife, and she listens to it at least once a day. :3
i'm already there
Source: Me and a game on dolldivine.
It was 10:00 December 31st 2012 and the Central Park Zoo 動物 were buzzing with excitement. In one hour, they'd be heading out to the park, and having a New Years Eve party. Not all the 動物 were going, as the big 動物 might attract attention. But the Penguins were going, so were the Lemurs, Marlene and the Chimps.

"What's my job at the party sir?" Ashley asked Skipper eagerly, his big green eyes shining with anticipation. A few of the 動物 had jobs at the party, like Rico was to set off the fireworks, Mason had to keep an eye out for humans, and Skipper was setting out the food....
continue reading...
The trio crept into the gloomy, melancholy, reptile house, being careful to stop their feet from squeaking on the dark, grubby tiles that covered the floor. Thick shadows blanketed the far corners of the room, and crept around the mysterious corridors, spreading out as if it was following them. Emma gulped and glanced in every corner of the reptile house, and looked ahead, her mind on the alert. It almost seemed as if the shadows were creeping over them, trying to pull them further into the surrounding darkness, making them feel cold, isolated, and petrified. Mort's eyes were wide with pure...
continue reading...
2016 me was angry, and 201X whatever me made it もっと見る delicate, but 2020 me is gonna change the whole thing again to something else entirely

i like thinking about this place every now and again...the people here....no one my age that i meet seems to have heard of fanpop, so i wonder how we all found this place, i cant for the life of me remember

im glad i did in the end though. a lotta wild stuff happened here (including that time i rigged the pom ファン club's election so i could win gjkfdnhdfh) i think dylan dated like 4 girls, me included (jokes on あなた im not a girl anymore OHOHOHOHH)

i think...
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(So this is set in December 2012, the 日付 is the 4th.)

The sun was beginning to disappear over the horizon in the Central Park Zoo. The 動物 were retiring to their beds, and a peaceful silence hung over the habitats. In Alice's office, Emma and Kowalski were messing around with the objects in the ロスト and found box.

"Hehee, there's a big toy dog in here." Emma exclaimed, trying to pick up the dog which was about twice her size. Kowalski popped his head out, and Emma burst into giggles.

"What are あなた giggling at?" Kowalski asked, looking confused.

"Heehee, y.. you've got an old 靴下 on your...
continue reading...
Source: Me. :P
Emma looked around her in confusion. She was in a dark narrow corridor, surrounded によって doors. A cold, unfriendly atmosphere was hanging in the air, as Emma crept cautiously through the corridor, her eyes on the foreboding doors. She squinted and cocked her head to the side as a small glimmer of light appeared at the end of the corridor. The tall ペンギン tiptoed over and peaked around the door that was surrounding it. Her jaw dropped and she felt her feet moving through the door, as if they were being pulled.

"What on earth....?" She whispered to herself. A massive lake of lava sat in the middle...
continue reading...
This one's kinda sad but sweet. :3 On all three of his albums, the last song is always a sad slow, but awesome song. :3
olly murs
Source: Me. :P
Source: Me. :P
Source: Me. :P
Source: Me. :P
Source: Me and Dylan
This is あなた Raise Me Up によって Westlife, the lyrics remind me of how Emma and Ash care and protect each other What I 愛 about this is that it's not just about couple love, it's about family and friend love, the kinds of 愛 Em and Ash share. :3
あなた raise me up
Source: Me
Source: Me. :)
Source: Me.
Source: Me. :P